Youri Tarasevitch ( - 1998)

With deep sorrow I have to inform you that my brother Dr Youri Tarasevitch has gone in July 1998 from cancer, which was the result of his scientific work in the Tchernobyl radioactive zone, where Youri and his research group investigated the influence of comparatively low levels of radiation on soil fauna.
He was one of the leaders of myriapodology in Belarus and his death was a great shock for his colleagues, and not only for us his relatives, his wife, his daughters.
He was also, during years, a member of the Centre International de Myriapodologie.
All his life was an example of scientific feat. I cannot but admire him.
Youri could not finish his work, but the results obtained would help those who choose the scientific road of radiological myriapodology and who continue the previous investigations.

Vadim Tarasevitch
Economic Research Institute, Minsk, May 1999

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