CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda

The CIM LIT is an online reference database to compile all literature references on Myriapoda. It contains nearly 17,000 references on Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda and Symphyla from the year 1551 up to date. But it is under no circumstances complete. It may be assumed that the number of publications on Myriapods exceeds 20,000.

The new CIM LIT database based on the MyriaLit database. Hans Reip started to compile the MyriaLit including the literature collections from the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (Karin Voigtländer), Norman Lindner, Jörg Spelda, Peter Decker and Jörg Rosenberg.

In 2019, the MyriaLit as well as the latest version of the literature collection of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (ca. 8.000 references) were merged and the CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda from the Centre International de Myriapodologie (CIM) went online and allows all CIM members to add references to this database.

Please visit CIM LIT and register to add your references, fill gaps and to keep the database up-to-date.

Please cite CIM LIT as follows:
Reip, H. S., Decker, P., Spelda, J., Voigtländer, K. & International Society for Myriapodology (2021) CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda. Accessed at

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Menge, Franz Anton (1792): Myriopoden der Umgebung von Danzig. - Neueste Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig 4 (4): 1-32

Menge, Franz Anton (1858): Lebenszeichen vorweltlicher im Bernstein eingeschlossener Thiere. - Programm der Petrischule Danzig: 1-32

Menon, Federica; Penney, David; Selden, Paul A.; Martill, David M. (2003): A new fossil scolopendromorph centipede from the Crato Formation of Brazil. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod and Isopod Group 19: 62-66

Menta, Cristina; Leoni, Alan; Tarasconi, Katia; Affanni, Paola (2010): Does compost use affect microarthropod soil communities?. - Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 19 (10a): 2303-2311

Menta, Cristina; Remelli, Sara (2020): Soil Health and Arthropods: From Complex System to Worthwhile Investigation. - Insects 11 (54): 1-12 — link

Mercurio, Randy J. (2005): New centipede records from Long Island, New York. - Journal of the New York Entomological Society 113 (3-4): 232-233

Mercurio, Randy J. (2010): An annotated catalog of centipedes (Chilopoda)from the United States of America, Canada and Greenland (1758-2008). - Randy J. Mercurio & Xlibris Corporation: 560 pp.

Merfield, C. N.; Wratten, S. D.; Navntoft, S. (2004): Video analysis of predation by polyphagous invertebrate predators in the laboratory and field. - Biological Control 29 (1): 5-13

Merkl, E. (1883): Egy vandor Myriapoda [A wandering myriapod]. - Rovartani lapok 1: 49-50

Merkl, O.; Ronkay, L. (1983): Zoological collecting trips in armenia USSR 4. - Folia entomologica Hungarica 44 (1): 19-24

Merkurij, S.; Ghiliarov, M. S. (1957): Die Gesetzmäßigkeiten der zonalen Verbreitung schädlicher Bodeninsekten im europäischen Teil der USSR..: 831-836

Mermod Fricker, Francoise (1993): Bibliographie concernant la faune entomologique suisse, 1991. - Bulletin Romand d'Entomologie 11 (2): 113-127

Mermod Fricker, Francoise (1995): Bibliographie concernant la faune entomologique suisse, 1993. - Bulletin Romand d'Entomologie 13 (2): 111-125

Merriam, G.; Wegner, J.; Caldwell, D. (1983): Invertebrate activity under snow in deciduous woods. - Holarctic Ecology 6 (1): 89-94

Merten, S. (1983): Die Beeinflussung der Schupfrate durch Kühllagerung der Eier von Lithobius forficatus (L.) (Myriapoda, Chilopoda). - Diploma thesis, Erfurt/Mühlhausen: 85

Mertens, R. (1957): Zoologische Beobachtungen im Nebelwald von Rancho Grande, Venezuela.. - Natur und Volk: 337-344

Merton, H. (1911): Eine neue Gregarine (Nina indica n. sp.) aus dem Darm von Scolopendra subspinipes Leach. - Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 34: 117-129

Merzlikin, I. R. (2006): Records of Scutigera coleoptrata (Scutigeromorfa [Scutigeromorpha], Scutigeridae) in town of Sumy (north-eastern Ukraine). - Vestnik Zoologii 40 (2): 188

Meshkova, N. M. (1991): Structure of Cylindroiulus burzenlandicus Verh. population in the beech forests of the Transcarpathian foothills. - Biology Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR 18 (4): 400-406

Meshkova, N. M. (1991): The structure of Cylindroiulus burzenlandicus population in the beech forest of Zakarpatje Foothills Ukrainian SSR (USSR). - Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSR, Seriya Biologicheskikh (4): 594-602

Mesibov, Robert (1986): A Guide to Tasmanian Centipedes.: 64 pp.

Mesibov, Robert (1990): Velvet worms: a special case of fauna conservation. - Tasforests 2: 53-56

Mesibov, Robert (1994): Faunal breaks in Tasmania and their significance for invertebrate conservation. - Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 36 (1): 133-136

Mesibov, Robert (1994): Tasmania and its myriapods. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod Group 10: 51-58

Mesibov, Robert (1995): Distribution and ecology of the centipede Craterostigmus tasmanianus Pocock, 1902 (Chilopoda: Craterostigmomorpha: Craterostigmidae) in Tasmania. - Tasmanian Naturalist 117: 2-7

Mesibov, Robert (1997): A zoogeographic singularity at Weavers Creek, Tasmania. - Memoirs of Museum Victoria 56: 563-573

Mesibov, Robert (1998): Species-level comparison of litter invertebrates at two rainforest sites in Tasmania. - Tasforests 10: 141-157

Mesibov, Robert (1999): The Mersey Break: an unexplained faunal boundary on the north coast of Tasmania. - In: The Other 99%: The Conservation and Biodiversity of Invertebrates.Beatty, Chipping Norton: 246-252 — link

Mesibov, Robert (2000): An overview of the Tasmanian millipede fauna. - Tasmanian Naturalist 122: 15-28

Mesibov, Robert (2001): The Milabena Marvel, or why single-species conservation is inappropriate for cryptic invertebrates. - Tasmanian Naturalist 123: 16-23

Mesibov, Robert (2002): Redescriptions of Asphalidesmus leae Silvestri, 1910 and A. parvus (Chamberlin, 1920) comb. nov. from Tasmania, Australia (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Haplodesmidae). - Memoirs of Museum Victoria 59 (2): 531-540

Mesibov, Robert (2003): A new genus of Tasmanian millipedes (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Dalodesmidae) with unusual spiracles and a mosaic distribution. - Memoirs of Museum Victoria 60 (2): 197-206

Mesibov, Robert (2003): Lineage mosaics in millipedes. - African Invertebrates 44 (1): 203-212

Mesibov, Robert (2003): The millipede genus Gasterogramma (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Dalodesmidae) in Tasmania, Australia, with descriptions of seven new species. - Memoirs of Museum Victoria 60 (2): 207-219

Mesibov, Robert (2003): Two new and unusual genera of millipedes (Diplopoda: Polydesmida) from Tasmania, Australia. - Zootaxa 368: 1-32

Mesibov, Robert (2004): A new genus and four new species of millipedes from Tasmania, Australia (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Dalodesmidae), with notes on male leg setae in some Tasmanian dalodesmids. - Zootaxa 558: 1-19

Mesibov, Robert (2004): A new genus of millipedes (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Dalodesmidae) from Tasmania, Australia with a mosaic distribution. - Zootaxa 480: 1-23

Mesibov, Robert (2004): A new genus of millipedes (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Dalodesmidae) from wet forests in southern Victoria, with brief remarks on the Victorian Polydesmida. - Memoirs of Museum Victoria 61 (1): 41-45

Mesibov, Robert (2004): Buglines. - 40° South 33: 26-28

Mesibov, Robert (2004): Redescription of Tasmanodesmus hardyi Chamberlin, 1920 (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Dalodesmidae). - Myriapodologica 8 (3): 21-36

Mesibov, Robert (2004): Spare a thought for the losers. - Australian Zoologist 32 (4): 505-507

Mesibov, Robert (2005): A new genus of burrowing and cave-dwelling millipedes (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Dalodesmidae) from Tasmania, Australia. - Zootaxa 1034: 21-42

Mesibov, Robert (2005): A new genus of millipede (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Dalodesmidae) from Tasmania with a pseudo-articulated gonopod telopodite. - Zootaxa 1064: 39-49

Mesibov, Robert (2005): Native species dominate the millipede fauna in a second-rotation Pinus radiata plantation in Tasmania, Australia. - Pacific Conservation Biology 11 (1): 17-22

Mesibov, Robert (2006): Dirt-encrusted and dragon millipedes (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae) from Queensland, Australia. - Zootaxa 1354: 31-44

Mesibov, Robert (2006): The millipede genus Lissodesmus Chamberlin, 1920 (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Dalodesmidae) from Tasmania and Victoria, with descriptions of a new genus and 24 new species. - Memoirs of Museum Victoria 62 (2): 103-146

Mesibov, Robert (2007): The Trafalgar millipede Lissodesmus johnsi Mesibov, 2006 (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Dalodesmidae). - The Victorian Naturalist 124 (4): 197-203

Mesibov, Robert (2008): Diversity of Queensland Paradoxosomatid Millipedes (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae). - Australian Entomologist 35 (1): 37-46

Mesibov, Robert (2008): Millipede salvage in southwest Victoria. - The Victorian Naturalist 125 (4): 96-103 — link

Mesibov, Robert (2008): On Millipedes and Sense of Place. - Tasmanian Naturalist 130: 2-9

Mesibov, Robert (2008): Plant more Pines!. - The Natural News (Central North Field Naturalists Inc.) 2008 (Winter): 12-14

Mesibov, Robert (2008): Redescription of Paurodesmus sjoestedti (Verhoeff, 1924), comb. n. (Diplopoda : Polydesmida : Dalodesmidae). - Australian Entomologist 35 (3): 111-119

Mesibov, Robert (2008): The millipede genera Gephyrodesmus Jeekel, 1983 and Orthorhachis Jeekel, 1985 in southeastern Australia, a new Lissodesmus Chamberlin, 1920 from Victoria ... (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Dalodesmidae). - Zootaxa 1790: 1-52

Mesibov, Robert (2009): A new millipede genus and a new species of Asphalidesmus Silvestri, 1910 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Dalodesmidea) from southern Tasmania, Australia. - ZooKeys 7: 55-74

Mesibov, Robert (2009): New and little-used morphological characters in Polydesmida (Diplopoda). - In: Xylander, Willi E. R.; Voigtländer, Karin (ed.) Myriapoda and Onychophora of the world - Diversity, Biology and Importance - Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Myriapodology. 21-25 July 2008, Görlitz, Germany. - Soil Organisms 81 (3): 531-542

Mesibov, Robert (2009): Revision of Agathodesmus Silvestri, 1910 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Haplodesmidae). - ZooKeys 12: 87-110 — link

Mesibov, Robert (2010): The millipede genus Tasmaniosoma Verhoeff, 1936 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Dalodesmidae) from Tasmania, Australia, with descriptions of 18 new species. - ZooKeys 41: 31-80 — link

Mesibov, Robert (2010): Two new millipede genera from northwest Tasmania, Australia (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Dalodesmidae). - Zootaxa 2571: 53-61 — link

Mesibov, Robert (2011): A remarkable case of mosaic parapatry in millipedes. - ZooKeys 156: 71-84

Mesibov, Robert (2011): New species of Asphalidesmus Silvestri, 1910 from Australia (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Dalodesmidea). - ZooKeys 93: 43-66 — link

Mesibov, Robert (2012): 71 new Tasmanians. - Tasmanian Naturalist 134: 14-15 — link

Mesibov, Robert (2012): New species of Prosopodesmus Silvestri, 1910 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Haplodesmidae) from Queensland, Australia. - ZooKeys 190: 33-54 — link

Mesibov, Robert (2012): The first native Pyrgodesmidae (Diplopoda, Polydesmida) from Australia. - ZooKeys 217: 63-85

Mesibov, Robert (2013): A specialist’s audit of aggregated occurrence records. - ZooKeys 293: 1-18

Mesibov, Robert (2013): New species of Agathodesmus Silvestri, 1910 from Australia (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Haplodesmidae). - ZooKeys 325: 33-64

Mesibov, Robert (2013): Two new monotypic genera of Queensland millipedes (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae). - Memoirs of the Queensland Museum – NATURE 58: 7-13 — link

Mesibov, Robert (2014): The Australian millipede Dicranogonus pix Jeekel, 1982 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae): a species with and without paranota. - ZooKeys 454: 29-39

Mesibov, Robert (2014): The millipede genus Solaenodolichopus Verhoeff, 1924 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae). 1. New genus diagnosis and redescriptions of named species. - European Journal of Taxonomy 83: 1-36

Mesibov, Robert (2015): A new genus and species of dalodesmid millipede from New South Wales, Australia (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Dalodesmidae). - ZooKeys 517: 141-148

Mesibov, Robert (2015): Redescription of Brochopeltis mjoebergi Verhoeff, 1924 and a description of a second Brochopeltis species from Australia (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae). - ZooKeys 504: 59-73

Mesibov, Robert (2015): Three new species of Tasmaniosoma Verhoeff 1936 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Dalodesmidae) from northeast Tasmania, Australia. - ZooKeys 488: 31-46

Mesibov, Robert (2015): Where should I collect millipedes next?. - Tasmanian Naturalist 137: 91-93 — link

Mesibov, Robert (2017): A new and unusual species of Amastigogonus Brölemann, 1913 from Tasmania, Australia (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Iulomorphidae). - ZooKeys 687: 45-51

Mesibov, Robert (2017): A new species of Tridactylogonus Jeekel, 1982 from South Australia (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae). - ZooKeys 703: 97-107

Mesibov, Robert (2017): A note on the millipedes of Reid Street Reserve, West Ulverstone. - Tasmanian Naturalist 139: 71-73 — link

Mesibov, Robert (2017): Annotated catalogue of South American Dalodesmidae (Diplopoda, Polydesmida). - Zootaxa 4338 (3): 507-525

Mesibov, Robert (2017): Iulomorphid millipedes (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Iulomorphidae) of Tasmania, Australia. - ZooKeys 652: 1-36 — link

Mesibov, Robert (2017): New records for millipedes from southern Chile (Polydesmida: Dalodesmidae; Polyzoniida: Siphonotidae). - Biodiversity Data Journal 5 (e15919)

Mesibov, Robert (2017): Notes on Victorian Iulomorphidae (Diplopoda: Spirostreptida). - Memoirs of Museum Victoria 76: 113-120

Mesibov, Robert (2018): A new, alpine species of Lissodesmus Chamberlin, 1920 from Tasmania, Australia (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Dalodesmidae). - ZooKeys 754: 103-111

Mesibov, Robert (2018): Three new species of Cladethosoma Chamberlin, 1920 from southeast Queensland (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae). - Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 61: 53-67

Mesibov, Robert (2019): A new and cryptic species of Lissodesmus Chamberlin, 1920 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Dalodesmidae) from Tasmania, Australia. - ZooKeys 846: 31-41 — link

Mesibov, Robert (2019): An archived taxonomic website: Millipedes of Australia. - Biodiversity Data Journal 7 (e36385): 0-0

Mesibov, Robert (2019): Cambaloid millipedes of Tasmania, Australia, with remarks on family-level classification and descriptions of two new genera and four new species (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida). - ZooKeys 827: 1-17

Mesibov, Robert (2019): Times have changed for field work in Tasmania. - The Tasmanian Naturalist 151 (): 137-140 — link

Mesibov, Robert (2020): A second remarkable case of parapatry in a Tasmanian millipede genus (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Dalodesmidae. - ZooKeys 930: 89-101 — link

Mesibov, Robert (2022): An update on the identity, distribution and biogeography of the remarkable centipede Craterostigmus tasmanianus. - The Tasmanian Naturalist 144: 63-66

Mesibov, Robert; Bonham, Kevin J.; Doran, Niall; Meggs, Jeffrey; Munks, Sarah; Otley, Helen; Richards, Karen (2002): Single-species sampling in Tasmania: An inefficient approach to invertebrate conservation?. - Invertebrate Systematics 16 (4): 655-663

Mesibov, Robert; Car, Catherine A. (2013): Hoplatessara luxuriosa (Silvestri, 1895) (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae) is native to Australia, not New Guinea. - ZooKeys 329: 1-8

Mesibov, Robert; Car, Catherine A. (2015): A new genus and species of native exotic millipede in Australia (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae). - ZooKeys 498: 7-16

Mesibov, Robert; Churchill, T. B. (2003): Patterns in pitfall captures of millipedes (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae) at coastal heathland sites in Tasmania. - Australian Zoologist 32 (3): 431-438

Mesibov, Robert; Rodriguez, Juanita (2020): A new genus and species of narrow-range millipede (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Dalodesmidae) from Tasmania, Australia. - ZooKeys 966: 1-8 — link

Mesibov, Robert; Ruhberg, Hilke (1991): Ecology and conservation of Tasmanipatus barretti and T. anophthalmus, parapatric onychophorans (Onychophora: Peripatopsidae) from northeastern Tasmania. - Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 125: 11-16

Mesibov, Robert; Short, Megan (2011): 15th International Congress of Myriapodology - Brisbane, Australia, 18-22 July 2011 - Handbook [Abstracts].

Mesibov, Robert; Taylor, Robert J.; Brereton, Raymond N. (1995): Relative efficiency of pitfall trapping and hand-collecting from plots for sampling of millipedes. - Biodiversity and Conservation 4: 429-439

Mesibov, Robert; Wesener, Thomas; Hollier, John (2018): A replacement name for Dalodesmus sakalava (de Saussure & Zehntner, 1901) (Diplopoda: Polydesmida). - Zootaxa 4413 (2): 389-391

Meske, Christoph (1960): Schallreaktionen von Lithobius forficatus (Chilopoda). - Zeitschrift für vergleichende Physiologie 43: 526-530

Meske, Christoph (1961): Untersuchungen zur Sinnesphysiologie von Diplopoden und Chilopoden. - Zeitschrift für vergleichende Physiologie 45: 61-77

Messelink, G. J.; Bloemhard, C. M. J. (2007): Woodlice (Isopoda) and millipedes (Diplopoda): control of rare greenhouse pests. - Proceedings of the Netherlands Entomological Society Meeting 18: 43-49

Messner, Benjamin (1963): Über das Vorkommen von Labidura riparia (Pall.) (Dermaptera) auf den Abraumhalden der Braunkohletagebaue um Tröbitz und Lauchhammer.. - Entomologische Berichten: 24-28
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