CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda

The CIM LIT is an online reference database to compile all literature references on Myriapoda. It contains nearly 17,000 references on Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda and Symphyla from the year 1551 up to date. But it is under no circumstances complete. It may be assumed that the number of publications on Myriapods exceeds 20,000.

The new CIM LIT database based on the MyriaLit database. Hans Reip started to compile the MyriaLit including the literature collections from the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (Karin Voigtländer), Norman Lindner, Jörg Spelda, Peter Decker and Jörg Rosenberg.

In 2019, the MyriaLit as well as the latest version of the literature collection of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (ca. 8.000 references) were merged and the CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda from the Centre International de Myriapodologie (CIM) went online and allows all CIM members to add references to this database.

Please visit CIM LIT and register to add your references, fill gaps and to keep the database up-to-date.

Please cite CIM LIT as follows:
Reip, H. S., Decker, P., Spelda, J., Voigtländer, K. & International Society for Myriapodology (2021) CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda. Accessed at

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Miyosi, Yasunori (1957): Beiträge zur Kenntnis japanischer Myriopoden. 19. Aufsatz. - Zoological Magazine 66 (1): 29-33

Miyosi, Yasunori (1957): Beiträge zur Kenntnis japanischer Myriopoden. 20. Aufsatz. - Zoological Magazine 66 (6): 264-268

Miyosi, Yasunori (1957): Beiträge zur Kenntnis japanischer Myriopoden. 21. Aufsatz. - Zoological Magazine 66 (8): 315-318

Miyosi, Yasunori (1957): Beiträge zur Kenntnis japanischer Myriopoden. 22. Aufsatz. - Zoological Magazine 66 (10): 403-406

Miyosi, Yasunori (1958): Beiträge zur Kenntnis japanischer Myriopoden. 23. Aufsatz. - Zoological Magazine 67 (6): 176-179

Miyosi, Yasunori (1958): Beiträge zur Kenntnis japanischer Myriopoden. 24. Aufsatz. - Zoological Magazine 67 (6): 180-183

Miyosi, Yasunori (1958): Beiträge zur Kenntnis japanischer Myriopoden. 25. Aufsatz. - Zoological Magazine 67 (10): 298-300

Miyosi, Yasunori (1958): Beiträge zur Kenntnis japanischer Myriopoden. 26. Aufsatz. - Zoological Magazine 67 (10): 301-303

Miyosi, Yasunori (1959): Centipeds and millipeds from Shikmokita Peninusla, Amori Prefecture, Japan (in Japanese with English summary). - Miscellaneous reports of the Research Institute for Natural Resources 50: 37-39

Miyosi, Yasunori (1968): [Achievements and impact of Dr. K. W. Verhoeff on myriapodology in Japan] (in Japanese). - Bulletin of the Saint Catherine Women's College, Hojo, Ehime 1: 1-21

Mochnacka Lawacz, H. (1978): The chemical composition of invertebrates in a meadow fertilized with NPK. - Polish Ecological Studies 4 (1): 229-241

Mock, Andrej (1998): Poznamky k vyskytu mnohonozok (Diplopoda) v NPR Cergovsky Mincol. - Natura Carpatica 39: 313-315

Mock, Andrej (1999): Mnohonozky (Myriapoda, Diplopoda) vybranych lokalit vychodneho Slovenska I.. - Natura Carpatica 40: 217-224

Mock, Andrej (2000): Millipedes (Diplopoda) of the Western Carpathian caves - a preliminary review. - In: Wytwer, Jolanta; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich (ed.) Progress in Studies on Myriapoda and Onychophora. - Fragmenta Faunistica 43: 313-319

Mock, Andrej (2000): Mnohonozky (Diplopoda) jaskyn ciernej hory (Slovensko, Zapadne Karpaty). - Fauna jaskyn (Cave Fauna): 115-128

Mock, Andrej (2001): Millipedes (Diplopoda) in hothouses: First records from Slovakia. - Biológia, Bratislava 56 (5): 468

Mock, Andrej (2001): Millipedes of the Slovak Republic. - Myriapodologica Czecho - Slovaca: 25-38

Mock, Andrej (2001): Millipedes of the Slovak Republic. - Myriapodologica Czecho - Slovaca: 25-38

Mock, Andrej (2001): Milllipedes (Diplopoda) of the Slovak Republic. - Myriapodologica Czecho-Slovaca 1: 25-38

Mock, Andrej (2004): First record of Polydesmus inconstans Latzel, 1884 (Diplopoda, Polydesmidae) in Slovakia. - Biológia, Bratislava 59 (5): 552

Mock, Andrej (2006): First record of Cylindroiulus caeruleocinctus (Diplopoda, Julidae) in Slovakia. - Biológia, Bratislava 61 (2): 144 — link

Mock, Andrej (2008): 6. cesko – slovenský myriapodologický seminár, Opátka, Slovenská republika, 15.-17.10.2008. - Zborník abstraktov [6th Czech and Slovak Myriapodological Workshop, Opátka, Slovak Republic, 15.-17.10.2008. - Book of Abstracts].: 17 pp.

Mock, Andrej; Jansky, Vladimir (2000): Mnohonozky (Diplopoda) z uzemia Slovenska v zbierkach Slovenskeho narodneho muzea v Bratislave. - Zbornik Slovenskeho Narodneho Muzea Prirodne Vedy 46: 3-10

Mock, Andrej; Luptacik, P.; Fenda, P.; Papac, V. (2004): Biological characteristics of some caves in the Bujanovske vrchy Mts. (Cierna hora Mts., Slovakia) [in Slovak]. - Aragonit 9: 35-40

Mock, Andrej; Tajovský, Karel (2002): Genus Melogona Cook, 1895 (Diplopoda: Chordeumatida: Chordeumatidae) in Slovakia. - In: Studies on Soil Fauna in Central Europe.Institute of Soil Biology,Biology Centre, ASCR, Ceske Budejovice: 127-132

Mock, Andrej; Tajovský, Karel (2008): Mecogonopodium carpathicum n. sp. (Diplopoda: Chordeumatida: Attemsiidae), a new troglophilic millipede from Slovakia. - Zootaxa 1778: 26-36

Mock, Andrej; Tajovský, Karel; Žurovcová, Martina; Jarošová, Andrea; Kocourek, Pavel; Gruber, Jürgen; Angyal, Dorottya; Spelda, Jörg (2016): Hungarosoma bokori Verhoeff, 1928 (Diplopoda: Chordeumatida): new insights into its taxonomy, systematics, molecular genetics, biogeography and ecology. - Zootaxa 4178 (2): 234-256 — link

Moczar, L.; Biro, A. (1980): On the insect fauna of the alkali flat at Kiskundorozsma. - Acta Universitatis Szegediensis Acta Biologica 26 (1-4): 147-159

Moeed, Abdul (1980): Diets of adult and nestling starlings Sturnus vulgaris in Hawkes Bay New-Zealand. - New Zealand Journal of Zoology 7 (2): 247-256

Moeed, Abdul; Meads, M. J. (1983): Invertebrate Fauna of four tree species in Orongorongo Valley, New Zealand, as revealed by trunk traps. - New Zealand Journal of Ecology 6: 39-51

Moeed, Abdul; Meads, M. J. (1987): Invertebrate survey of offshore islands in relation to potential food sources for the little spotted kiwi, Apteryx oweni (Aves: Apterygidae). - New Zealand entomologist 10: 50-65

Moeed, Abdul; Meads, M. J. (1992): A survey of invertebrates in scrublands and forest, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. - New Zealand entomologist 15: 63-71

Moffett, D. F. (1975): Sodium and potassium transport across the isolated hindgut of the desert millipede, Orthoporus ornatus. - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology / Part A: Physiology 50 A: 57-63

Mohamed, A. H.; Abu Sinna, G.; El Shabaka, H. A.; Abd El Aal, A. (1983): Proteins, lipids, lipoproteins and some enzyme characterizations of the venom extract from the centipede Scolopendra morsitans. - Toxicon 21 (3): 371-377

Mohamed, A. H.; Zaid, E.; El Beih, N. M.; El Aal, A. A. (1980): Effects of an extract from the centipede Scolopendra moristans on intestine, uterus and heart contractions and on blood glucose and liver and muscle glycogen levels. - Toxicon 18 (5-6): 581-589

Mohan, L.; Mohanasundaram, M. (1988): A new millipede Nopiulus kochii (Gervais) as a pest of hill vegetables in the Nilgiris. - Madras Agricultural Journal 75 (1-2): 62-63

Mohr, Dirk; Simon, Markus; Topp, Werner (2005): Stand composition affects soil quality in oak stands on reclaimed and natural sites.. - Geoderma: 45-53

Mohr, Erna (1929): Biologische Untersuchungen in der Segeberger Höhle. - Schriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schleswig-Holstein 19 (1): 1-25

Mohr, Erna (1930): Die Höhle von Segeberg (Holstein) und ihre Bewohner. - Mitteilungen über Höhlen- und Karstforschung 8: 81-89

Mohr, Erna (1937): Neue biologische Untersuchungen in der Segeberger Höhle. - Schriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schleswig-Holstein 22 (1): 116-139

Mohr, Erna (1937): Neue biologische Untersuchungen in der Segeberger Höhle. - Schriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schleswig-Holstein 22 (1): 116-139

Mohri, S.; Sugiyama, A.; Saito, K.; Nakajima, H. (1991): Centipede bites in Japan. - Cutis 47 (3): 189-190

Moir, Melinda L.; Harvey, Mark S. (2008): Discovery of the pill millipede genus Epicyliosoma (Diplopoda: Sphaerotheriida: Sphaerotheriidae) in Western Australia, with the description of a new species. - Records of the Western Australian Museum 24 (2): 113-119 — link

Mok, M. (1974): Biometrics and biology of schilbe pisces siluriformes from the chad basin - Part 1 compared morphology of the 2 schilbe species. - Cahiers O.R.S.T.O.M. 8 (2): 119-135

Molenda, Roland (1996): Zoogeographische Bedeutung Kaltluft erzeugender Blockhalden im außeralpinen Mitteleuropa: Untersuchungen an Arthropoda, insbesondere Coleoptera. - Verhandlungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg 35: 5-93

Moli, F. le; Cosentino, R. (1980): Effetto della muta sul comportamento e su altri aspetti biologici in Scutigera coleoptrata (L.). - Atti della Società italiana di scienze naturali, e del Museo civile di storia naturale 121 (4): 321-336

Molinari, Jesos; Gutierrez, Eliecer E.; De-Ascencao, Antonio A.; Nassar, Jafet M.; Arends, Alexis; Marquez, Robert J. (2005): Predation by giant centipedes, Scolopendra gigantea, on three species of bats in a Venezuelan cave. - Caribbean Journal of Science 41 (2): 340-346

Molleman, Freerk (2010): Puddling: from natural history to understanding how it affects fitness. - Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 134 (2): 107-113

Molodova, L. P. (1974): [Zoo geographical composition and altitude distribution of soil invertebrates on south Sakhalin Sakhalin islands Russian-SFSR USSR]. - Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 53 (8): 1178-1186

Molodova, L. P. (1979): [The soil fauna of forest-free biotopes of the Zhiguli mountains]. - Zoologicheskii zhurnal 58 (3): 332-335

Molodova, L. P. (1980): Characteristics of distribution of soil meso fauna in the vicinity of oil wells. - Ekologiya (Moscow) (3): 89-91

Molodova, L. P. (1980): [Soil meso fauna in oak forests of the Zhiguli mountains]. - Zoologicheskii zhurnal 59 (2): 300-302

Molon, Noblot S. (1978): [Electron microscope study of the gametogenesis of Grebnickiella gracilis sporozoa parasite of Scolopendra cingulata] {french}. - Annales des Sciences naturelles, Zoologie et Biologie Animale 20 (2): 79-98

Molon, Noblot S.; Desportes, I. (1980): Ultrastructural study of gamogonic mitoses in the gregarine Grebnickiella gracilis parasite of the centipede Scolopendra cingulata considerations on the schizogonic mitoses in sporozoa apicomplexa. - Protistologica 16 (3): 395-412

Moltoni, E. (1979): Elenco di alcuni uccelli per i quali ho riscontrato che si erano nutriti di miriapodi. - Rivista di Scienze Naturali "Natura" 70 (4): 310-316

Mommertz, Susanne (1997): Effects of short-term disturbances by management an weather on protozoa and nematoda in an agricultural soil. 1997. - Soil zoological problems in central Europe.Proceedings of the 4th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology held in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, April 23-24, 1997.: 24-24

Mommertz, Susanne; Schauer, Ch.; Kösters, N.; Lang, Alois; Filser, Juliane (1996): A comparison of D-Vac suction, fenced and unfenced pitfall trap sampling of epigeal arthropods in agro-ecosystems.. - Annales zoologici Fennici: 117-124

Monge-Najera, J.; Barrientos, Z.; Aguilar, F. P. G. (1996): Experimental behaviour of a tropical invertebrate: Epiperipatus biolleyi (Onychophora: Peripatidae).. - In: Geoffroy, Jean-Jacques; Mauriès, Jean-Paul; Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin, Monique (ed.) Acta Myriapodologica. - Mémoires du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, N. S.: 493-494

Monicy, R. (1889): Acariens et insectes marins des côtes du Boulonnais. - Revue biologique du nord de la France 2

Moniez, R. (1890): Polyxenus lagurus. - Revue biologique du nord de la France (8): 328

Moniez, R. (1893): Le genre Scolopenfrella. - Revue biologique du nord de la France 5 (12): 492

Moniez, R. (1894): Quelques Arthropodes de la grotte des Fees. Pres la ville des Baux. - Revue biologique du nord de la France 6: 579-582

Moniez, R. (1894): Sur quelques Arthropodes trouvés dans des Fourmilières. - Revue biologique du nord de la France 6: 201-215

Monteiro, C.; Montgomery, C. E.; Spina, F.; Sawaya, R. J.; Martins, M. (2006): Feeding, reproduction, and morphology of Bothrops mattogrossensis (Serpentes, Viperidae, Crotalinae) in the Brazilian Pantanal. - Journal of Herpetology 40 (3): 408-413

Monteith, L. G. (1975): Laboratory feeding studies of potential predators of the apple maggot Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera Tephritidae) in Ontario Canada. - Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Ontario 106: 28-33

Monteith, L. G. (1976): Field studies of potential predators of the apple maggot Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera Tephritidae) in Ontario Canada. - Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Ontario 107: 23-30

Montero, Angel; Dieguez, Carmen (1998): Spanish type specimens in fossil invertebrate collection of Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales of Madrid, Spain. - Revista Espanola de Paleontologia 13 (1): 130-132

Montoya, P.; Alberdi, M. T.; Blazquez, A. M.; Barbadillo, L. J.; Fumanal, Ma P.; Made, J. van der; Marin, J. M.; Molina, A.; Morales, J.; Murelaga, X.; Penalver, E.; Robles, F.; Ruiz, Bustos A.; Sanchez, A.; Sanchiz, B.; Soria, D.; Szyndlar, Z. (1999): La fauna del pleistoceno inferior de la sierra de quibas (Abanilla, Murcia). - The lower Pleistocene fauna of the Sierra de Quibas (Abanilla, Murcia). - Estudios Geologicos 55 (3-4): 127-161

Moon, SurkSik; Cho, N. S.; Shin, JongHeon; Seo, YoungWan; Lee, ChongOck; Choi, SangUn; Choi, S. U. (1996): Jineol, a cytotoxic alkaloid from the centipede Scolopendra subspinipes. - Journal of Natural Products 59 (8): 777-779

Moore, Jean David; Ouimet, Rock; Camire, C.; Houle, D. (2002): Effects of two silvicultural practices on soil fauna abundance in a northern hardwood forest, Quebec, Canada. - Canadian Journal of Soil Science 82 (1): 105-113

Moore, Rachel A. (1982): Ecology of the Pauropoda from a coal shale heap in Lancashire England UK. - Pedobiologia 24 (5-6): 309-317

Moore, Rachel A.; Briggs, Derek E. G.; Bartels, Christoph (2008): The arthropod Bundenbachiellus giganteus from the Lower Devonian Hunsrueck Slate, Germany. - Palaeontologische Zeitschrift 82 (1): 31-39

Moore, Wendy; Di-Giulio, Andrea (2008): Metrius Eschscholtz (Carabidae : Paussinae) is not a millipede specialist. - Pan-Pacific Entomologist 84 (1): 33-34

Moormann, H.; Köhler, Hartmut (1995): Die Gamasinenfauna (Acari, Mesostigmata) im Feuchtgrünland unter dem Einfluß periodischer Überschwemmungen und unterschiedlicher landwirtschaftlicher Nutzung.. - Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie: 27-30

Moradi, Jabbar; Potocký, Pavel; Kočárek, Petr; Bartuška, Martin; Tajovský, Karel; Tichánek, Filip; Frouz, Jan; Tropek, Robert (2018): Influence of surface flattening on biodiversity of terrestrial arthropods during early stages of brown coal spoil heap restoration. - Journal of environmental management 220: 1-7

Moraes, Fernando; Chagas-Júnior, Amazonas (2009): Border between two worlds: the first record of sea anemone feeding on centipede. - International Journal of Myriapodology 2 (2): 215-217

Morais, Jose Wellington de; Oliveira, Viviane Dos S.; Dambros, Cristian De S.; Tapia-Coral, Sandra C.; Acioli, Agno N. S. (2010): Mesofauna do Solo em Diferentes Sistemas de Uso da Terra no Alto Rio Solimoes, AM [Portuguese] - Soil Mesofauna in Differents Systems of Land Use Soil in Upper River Solimoes, AM, Brazil. - Neotropical Entomology 39 (2): 145-152

Morais, Jose Wellington de; Silva, Ester Paixaeo de (2009): Occurrence of Symphyla (Myriapoda) in the region of the Upper Solimoes River, Amazonas, Brazil. - Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, Serie Agronomia 44 (8): 981-983

Mordcovich, V.G. (1992): Soil Invertebrates as Indicators of Elementary Soil Processes..: 762-765

Mordkovich, V. G. (1996): Features of the zoobiota of Siberian soils. - Eurasian Soil Science 28 (10): 195-207

Mordkovich, V. G.; Korsunov, V. M. (1983): The composition and soil forming role of mesofauna of taiga soils of the Western Siberian Plain adjoining the Yenisey. - Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologicheskikh Nauk (2): 91-95

Moreira-Alonso, Adrian; Arbea, Javier; Cabanillas, David; Gamarra, Purificación; Gilgado, Jose D.; Outerelo, Raimundo; Prieto, Carlos E.; Abuín, Jorge Ángel Ramos; Ribera, Carles; Zamora-Muñoz, Carmen; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo (2020): La Fauna de las cuevas Graníticasde o folón (Coruxo, Pontevedra, España). - Monografías S.E.A. - Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa 10: 283-299 — link

Moreira-de-Sousa, C.; Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (2012): Structure and function of the foregut and salivary glands of the synanthropic diplopod Urostreptus atrobrunneus (Spirostreptidae). - Animal Biology (Leiden) 62 (4): 493-504 — link

Moreira-de-Sousa, C.; Iamonte, M.; Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (2017): Midgut of the diplopod Urostreptus atrobrunneus: structure, function, and redefinition of hepatic cells. - Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 77 (1): 132-139

Moreteau, B.; Ramade, F. (1979): On the Occurrence of Ultrastructural Alterations in the corpora cardiaca of Locusts (Locusta migratoria ) Poisoned by an Insecticide-Lindane.. - Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für allgemeine Zoologie und Physiologie: 340-349

Morgan, Ian K. (1986): Chordeuma proximum in Dyfed, SW Wales. - British Myriapod Group Newsletter 6: 5

Morgan, Ian K. (1987): Myriapoda. A provisional review of the millipedes of Carmarthenshire. - Dyfed Invertebrate Group Newsletter 5: 13-16

Morgan, Ian K. (1988): Blaniulus guttulatus (Fab.) - an unexpected carnivore?. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod Group 5: 39

Morgan, Ian K. (1988): Recent recording of myriapods in south-west Wales. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod Group 5: 11-23

Morgan, Ian K. (1989): Millipedes and centipedes in Dyfed, 1988. - Dyfed Invertebrate Group Newsletter 12: 22-23

Morgan, Ian K. (1989): Myriapodological notes. - British Myriapod Group Newsletter 11: 1-2

Morgan, Ian K. (1989): Winter millipeding. - British Myriapod Group Newsletter 10: 5-6

Morgan, Ian K. (1990): Millipedes and centipedes in Dyfed, 1989. - Dyfed Invertebrate Group Newsletter 16: 21-22

Morgan, Ian K. (1990): Oxidus gracilis, new to Dyfed. - British Myriapod Group Newsletter 12: 1

Morgan, Ian K. (1991): Millipedes and centipedes in Dyfed, 1990. - Dyfed Invertebrate Group Newsletter 20: 26-27

Morgan, Ian K. (1992): Millipedes and centipedes in Carmarthenshire, 1991. - Dyfed Invertebrate Group Newsletter 24: 25-26

Morgan, Ian K. (2011): A report on the british myriapod and isopod group visit to Swandea 27-30th March 2008. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod and Isopod Group 25: 54-61

Morgan, Ian K. (2011): A report on the british myriapod and isopod group visit to Swansea, 27-30th March 2008. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod and Isopod Group 25: 54-61

Morgan, M. J. (1979): Field notes. Invertebrates. An uncommon centipede. - Nature in Wales 16 (4): 276

Morgan, M. J. (1985): Invertebrates in Flintshire. - Nature in Wales 4 (1-2): 119
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