CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda

The CIM LIT is an online reference database to compile all literature references on Myriapoda. It contains nearly 17,000 references on Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda and Symphyla from the year 1551 up to date. But it is under no circumstances complete. It may be assumed that the number of publications on Myriapods exceeds 20,000.

The new CIM LIT database based on the MyriaLit database. Hans Reip started to compile the MyriaLit including the literature collections from the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (Karin Voigtländer), Norman Lindner, Jörg Spelda, Peter Decker and Jörg Rosenberg.

In 2019, the MyriaLit as well as the latest version of the literature collection of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (ca. 8.000 references) were merged and the CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda from the Centre International de Myriapodologie (CIM) went online and allows all CIM members to add references to this database.

Please visit CIM LIT and register to add your references, fill gaps and to keep the database up-to-date.

Please cite CIM LIT as follows:
Reip, H. S., Decker, P., Spelda, J., Voigtländer, K. & International Society for Myriapodology (2021) CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda. Accessed at

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Niibe, Ichitaro; Hoshikawa, Kazuo (2008): Annual fluctuation of some cave animals in Ryukei-do Cave, Shimane Prefecture, west Japan. - Journal of the Speleological Society of Japan 33: 33-42

Niijima, Keiko (1998): Effects of outbreak of the train millipede Parafontaria laminata armigera Verhoeff (Diplopoda: Xystodesmidae) on litter decomposition in a natural beech forest in Central Japan. 1. Density and biomass of soil invertebrates. - Ecological Research 13 (1): 41-53

Niijima, Keiko (2001): The outbreak of a millipede (Oxidus gracilis Koch) stopped trains. - edaphologia 68: 43-46

Niijima, Keiko; Arimura, T. (2002): Obstruction of trains by the outbreaks of a millipede Chamberlinius hualienensis Wang (Diplopoda: Polydesmida). - edaphologia 69: 47-49

Niijima, Keiko; Hashimoto, Minori (2008): Studies on soil invertebrates in the Tama Forest Science Garden. 2. Soil macrofauna in a evergreen natural forest. - Shinrin Sogo Kenkyujo Kenkyu Hokoku 7 (1): 1-8

Niijima, Keiko; Momoka, Nii; Jin, Yoshimura (2021): Eight-year periodical outbreaks of the train millipede. - Royal Society Open Science 8: 201399 — link

Niijima, Keiko; Shinohara, Keizaburo (1988): Outbreaks of the Parafontaria laminata group (Diplopoda: Xystodesmidae). - Japanese journal of ecology 38 (3): 257-268

Nikolov, Boris P. (2002): Diet of the red-backed shrike Lanius collurio in Bulgaria. - Acrocephalus (Ljubljana) 23 (110-111): 21-26

Nilsson, Dan E.; Kelber, Almut (2007): A functional analysis of compound eye evolution. - Arthropod Structure and Development 36 (4): 373-385

Nishida, Gordon M.; Beardsley, John W. (2002): A review of the insects and related arthropods of Midway Atoll. - Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 68: 25-69

Nishikawa, N. A. (1984): A note of outbreak of Epanerchodus orientalis (Polydesmoidea). - Atypus 85: 86

Nishikawa, Teruaki; Sattmann, Helmut (2001): List of Dr. Albrecht von Roretz's collection of Japanese animals made about 120 years ago, compiled from the catalogues of Naturhistorisches Museum Wien. - Bulletin of the Nagoya University Museum 17: 33-44

Nishikawa, Y.; Murakami, Yoshiteru (1991): Distributional records on Japanese Millipeds (I). - Faculty of Letters Review Otemon Gakuin University 25: 291-313

Nishio, Noritaka; Eguchi, Naoki; Fujiyama, Shizuo (1995): On the amounts of cyanides contained in an adult of Parafontaria laminata armigera (Verhoeff), and Epanerchodus orientalis (Attems). - edaphologia 53: 25-29

Nitsche, H. (1888): Zerstörung keimenden Lärchsamens durch Tausendfüße. - Tharandter forstliches Jahrbuch 38: 291-294

Nitsche, H. (1888): Zerstörung keimender Lärchensamens durch Tausendfüße. - Tharandter forstliches Jahrbuch 38: 291-294

Nitzu, Eugen; Nae, Augusti; Giurginca, Andrei; Popa, Ionut (2010): Invertebrate communities from the mesovoid shallow substratum of the Carpatho-Euxinic area: Eco-faunistic and zoogeographic analysis. - Travaux de l'Institut de Speologie "Emile Racovitza" 49: 41-79

Nitzu, Eugen; Popa, Ionut; Giurginca, Andrei (2011): Invertebrate fauna (Coleoptera, Collembola, Diplopoda, Isopoda) collected in the karst areas of the Aninei - Locvei Mountains. - Travaux de l'Institut de Speologie "Emile Racovitza" 50 (1): 15-35

Nixon, S. E. (1975): The ecology of deadhorse cave. - Northwest Science 49 (2): 65-70

Njila, Hasley Linus; Hadi, S. M. (2015): Survey of Ground Dwelling Arthropods Associated with Two Habitat Types in the Jos Museum Zoological Garden Jos Plateau State, North Central Nigeria. - Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management 8 (3): 272 — link

Noda, Naoki; Yashiki, Yuji; Nakatani, Takafumi; Miyahara, Kazumoto; Du, XiaoMing (2001): A novel quinoline alkaloid possessing a 7-benzyl group from the centipede, Scolopendra subspinipes. - Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 49 (7): 930-931

Nogarol, Larissa Rosa; Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (2010): Acute and subchronic exposure of diplopods to substrate containing sewage mud: Tissular responses of the midgut. - Micron 41 (3): 239-246

Nogarol, Larissa Rosa; Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (2011): Ultrastructural Alterations in the Midgut of Diplopods after Subchronic Exposure to Substrate Containing Sewage Mud. - Water Air and Soil Pollution 218 (1-4): 539-547

Noguchi, Satoshi; Mori, Naoki; Higa, Yoshiko; Kuwahara, Yasumasa (1997): Identification of Nedyopus patrioticus patrioticus (Attems, 1898) (Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae) secretions as possible defense substances. - Applied Entomology and Zoology 32 (3): 447-452

Nogueira, Marcia dos Santos (2001): Environmental characterization of the Itau-Itauna Quarry (Parana Basin, Lower Permian), Santa Catarina, Brazil. - Geological Society of America, Abstracts with programs 33 (6): 76

Noll, Wilhelm (1939): Die Grundwasserfauna des Maingebietes. - Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Museums der Stadt Aschaffenburg N. F. [1]: 3-25

Noll, Wilhelm; Stammer, Hans-Jürgen (1953): Die Grundwasserfauna des Untermaingebietes von Hanau bis Würzburg mit Einschluss des Spessarts. - Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Museums der Stadt Aschaffenburg (N.F.) 6: 1-77

Noll, Wilhelm; Stammer, Hans-Jürgen (1953): Die Grundwasserfauna des Untermaingebietes. - Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Museums der Stadt Aschaffenburg (N.F.) (6): 1-77

Nomura, Hitoshi (1964): Otto Schubart. - Ciencia e Cultura 16: 37-44

Norbury, Grant; Heyward, Richard; Parkes, John (2009): Skink and invertebrate abundance in relation to vegetation, rabbits and predators in a New Zealand dryland ecosystem. - New Zealand Journal of Ecology 33 (1): 24-31

Norman, Delia (2001): An Introduction to: Millipedes. - Insecta 1: 11-15

Northrup, D. E. (1994): Biological investigations in Lechuguilla Cave. - Bulletin of the National Speleological Society 56 (2): 54-63

Norval, Gerrut; Hsiao, Wen-Feng; Huang, Shao-Chang; Chen, Chao-Chun; Chen, Chih-Kuan (2010): The diet of an introduced lizard species, the Brown Anole (Anolis sagrei), in Chiayi County, Taiwan. - Russian Journal of Herpetology 17 (2): 131-138

Nosek, Josef (1954): Vyzkum Pudni Zvireny Jako Soucast Vyzkumu Biocenosy Lesa..: 1-111

Nosek, Josef (1957): Vyzkum pudni fauny jako soucast vyzkumu biocenosy lesa - II. Popznamky k ekologii pudni fauny s hlediska biologie pudy [Research on soil fauna as part of forest research - II. Notes to the ecology of soil fauna from the point of view of soil biology]. - Biologické práce 3 (2): 1-154

Novak, Tone (2005): Terrestrial Fauna from Cavities in Northern and Central Slovenia, and a review of systematically ecologically investigated cavities. - Acta Carsiologica 34 (1): 169-210

Novak, Tone; Celik, Tatjana (2000): Narcis Mrsic (1951-1997): abit, non obit, three years later. - Bulletin du Centre International de Myriapodologie 33: 10-11

Novak, Tone; Celik, Tatjana (2001): Scientific life and work of Narcis Mrsic (1951-1997). - Annales / Series historia naturalis / izdajatelja Zgodovinsko Drustvo za Juzno Primorsko 23: 121-128

Novak, Tone; Kustor, V. (1983): On the ecology of an alpine ice cave. - Mémoires de Biospéologie 10: 117-125

Novak, Tone; Sambol, Jožica; Janžekovic, Franc (2004): Faunal dynamics in the Železna jama cave. - Acta Carsiologica 33 (2): 249-267

Novruzov, H. E. (1981): Food selectivity in the long-legged skink Eumeces schneideri Squamata Scincidae) in the Azerbaijan-SSR USSR. - Vestnik Zoologii (2): 72-74

Novák, János; Dányi, László (2010): Faunistical and biogeographical survey of the centipede fauna in the Aggtelek National Park, Northeast Hungary. - Opuscula zoologica, Budapest 41 (2): 215-229

Novák, János; Dányi, László (2011): A Lithobius stygius infernus Loksa, 1948 taxonómiai helyzetének tisztázása. - Állattani Közlemények 96 (1-2): 15-22

Nováková, A.; Pizl, Vaclav (2002): Mycotic flora in vermicultures and intestines of Eisenia andrei..: 133-136

Nowakowski, Wojciech K.; Godlewska, Monika (2006): The importance of animal food for Dryomys nitedula (Pallas) and Glis glis (L.) in Bialowieza Forest (east Poland): analysis of faeces. - Polish Journal of Ecology 54 (3): 359-367

Nowicki, M. (1867): Zapiski z fauny tatrzanskiéj. - Sprawozdanie Komisyi Fizjograficznej, Towarzystwo Naukowe Krakowskie 1: 179-206

Nowicki, M. (1869): Zapiski faunicze. - Sprawozdanie Komisyi Fizjograficznej, Towarzystwo Naukowe Krakowskie 3: 145-152

Nowicki, M. (1870): Beschreibung neuer Arthropoden. - Jb. Gel. Ges., Krakau 41: 57-58

Nowicki, M. (1870): Zapiski faunicze. - Sprawozdanie Komisyi Fizjograficznej, Towarzystwo Naukowe Krakowskie 4: 1-28

Nowicki, M. (1871): Opis nowych czlonkonogów (Arthropoda). - Rocz. TNKrak., Kraków 42: 69-74

Nunes, T. B.; Rodrigues, D. S. (1987): Poisonous animals: a study of human accidents in the State of Bahia, Brazil. - Veterinary and Human Toxicology (Suppl. 2): 73-75

Nunez, F. S.; Crawford, Clifford S. (1976): Digestive enzymes of the desert millipede Orthoporus ornatus (Diplopoda Spirostreptidae). - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology 55 (2): 141-145

Nunez, F. S.; Crawford, Clifford S. (1977): Anatomy and histology of the alimentary tract of the desert millipede Ornothoporus ornatus (Diplopoda: Spirostreptidae). - Journal of morphology 151 (1): 121-130


Nyffeler, M.; Benz, G. (1981): Field studies on feeding ecology of spiders observations in the region of Zurich Switzerland. - Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde, Pflanzenschutz, Umweltschutz 54 (3): 33-39

Nyiro, Gabor; Oravecz, Orsolya; Marialigeti, Karoly (2002): Detection of Wolbachia pipientis infection in arthropods in Hungary. - European Journal of Soil Biology 38 (1): 63-66

Nzoko Fiemapong, Armand Richard (2021): Millipede Diversity, Distribution and Conservation Assessment in the Douala-Edea Wildlife Reserve, Cameroon. - Final Report submitted to The Rufford Foundation. Project number 29713-2: 26 — link

Nzoko Fiemapong, Armand Richard; Enghoff, Henrik (2018): A giant African millipede re-discovered, re-located and re-classified after 120 years (Diplopoda, Spirobolida, Pachybolidae). - Zootaxa 4527 (3): 403-413

Nzoko Fiemapong, Armand Richard; Mbenoun Masse, Paul Serge; Tamesse, Joseph Lebel; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich; VandenSpiegel, Didier (2017): The millipede genus Stemmiulus Gervais, 1844 in Cameroon, with descriptions of three new species (Diplopoda, Stemmiulida, Stemmiulidae). - ZooKeys 708 (): 11-23 — link

Némec, Bohumil (1895): O nových ceských Diplopodech [Über neue Diplopoden Böhmens]. - Vestník Královské Ceské Spolecnosti Nauk, Trída Mathematicko-Prírodovedecká 1895: 1-8

Némec, Bohumil (1896): O novém Diplopodu z rodu Strongylosoma. - Vestník Královské Ceské Spolecnosti Nauk, Trída Mathematicko-Prírodovedecká 1895: 1-6

Némec, Bohumil (1896): Zur Kenntnis der Diplopoden Böhmens. - Vestník Královské Ceské Spolecnosti Nauk, Trída Mathematicko-Prírodovedecká 1896: 1-8

Némec, Bohumil (1897): Ueber die Structur der Diplopodeneier. - Anatomischer Anzeiger 13 (10/11): 309-312

Némec, Bohumil (1897): Ueber einige Arthropoden der Umgebung von Triest. - Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 47: 58-64

Némec, Bohumil (1901): Zur Phylogenie einiger Diplopodenfamilien. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 24 (641): 201-206

Núñez, Antonio Manuel Ciudad Real (2008): Los Miriápodos. - Revista Enfoques Educativos 6: 31-33

O'Connor, F.B. (1955): Extraktion of Enchytraeid Worms from a Coniferous Forest Soil. - Nature: 815-816

O'Donnell, Anthony G.; Ritz, Karl (1997): 3. Microbial Dimensions to the Functional Implications of Soil Biodiversity..: 23-26

O'Neill, Robert V. (1967): Niche Segregation in Seven Species of Diplopods. - Ecology 48 (6): 983

O'Neill, Robert V. (1968): Population energetics of the milliped Narceus americanus (Beauvais). - Ecology 49: 803-809

O'Neill, Robert V. (1969): Adaptive Responses to Desiccation in the Millipede, Narceus americanus (Beauvois). - American Midland Naturalist 81 (2): 578-583

O'Neill, Robert V. (1969): Comparative desiccation tolerance in seven species of millipedes. - American Midland Naturalist 82 (1): 182-187

O'Neill, Robert V.; Reichle, D. E. (1970): Urban infestation by the millipede Oxidus gracilis. - Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 45 (4): 114-115

Oba, Yuichi; Branham, Marc A.; Fukatsu, Takema (2011): The Terrestrial Bioluminescent Animals of Japan. - Zoological Science 28 (11): 771-789

Obermaier, Frederik (2007): Invasion der Tausendfüßer. - Die Welt 26.10.2007: 31

Obrist, Martin K.; Duelli, Peter (1996): Trapping efficiency of funnel- and cup-traps for epigeal arthropods. - Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 69: 361-369

Obrtel, R. (1973): Animal food of Apodemus flavicollis in a lowland forest. - Zoologicke Listy 22 (1): 15-30

Obrtel, R. (1973): Animal food of Clethrionomys glareolus in a lowland forest. - Zoologicke Listy 22 (2): 111-126

Obrtel, R.; Holisova, V. (1981): The diet of hedgehogs Erinaceus concolor in an urban environment. - Folia Zoologica 30 (3): 193-201

Ochoa, Mirna Gutierrez; Lavin, Mario Camino; Ayala, Federico Castrejon; Perez, Alfredo Jiminez (1993): Arthropods associated with Bromelia hemisphaerica (Bromeliales: Bromeliaceae) in Morelos, Mexico. - Florida Entomologist 76 (4): 616-621

Ockerman, H. W.; Zhang, Y. (1995): Review of recent published information concerning animal production in mainland China. - World Review of Animal Production 30: 43-47

Odum, Eugene P. (1969): The Strategy of Ecosystem Development. - Science, N. S. 164 (3877): 262-270 — link

Odum, Howard T. (1983): Part I: Energy, systems, and simulation; Chapter 1: Introduction to energy systems. - In: Systems ecology.John Wiley and Sons, New York: 3-14

Odum, Howard T. (1983): Part I: Energy, systems, and simulation; Chapter 2: Ecosystems and energy hierarchy. - In: Systems ecology.John Wiley and Sons, New York: 15-24

Odum, Howard T. (1983): Part I: Energy, systems, and simulation; Chapter 3: Storage and flow. - In: Systems ecology.John Wiley and Sons, New York: 25-45

Oemijati, S. (1982): The ecology of pests: invertebrates other than insects. - Protection Ecology 4 (3): 223-229

Oettinger, Richard (1908): Die Samenbildung von Pachyiulus varius. II. Mitteilung. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 33 (5-6): 212-222

Oettinger, Richard (1908): Zur Kenntnis der Spermatogenese bei Myriopoden. Samenreife und Samenbildung von Pachyiulus varius Fabre. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 33 (7-8): 164-169

Oettinger, Richard (1909): Zur Kenntnis der Spermatogenese bei Myriopoden. Samenreife und Samenbildung von Pachyiulus varius Fabre. - Archiv für Zellforschung 3 (4): 563-626

Oettli, M. (1903): Beiträge zur Ökologie der Felsflora. Untersuchungen aus dem Curfirsten- und Sentisgebiet..: 182-352

Oevering, P.; Matthews, B. J.; Cragg, S. M.; Pitman, A. J. (2001): Invertebrate biodeterioration of marine timbers above mean sea level along the coastlines of England and Wales. - International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 47 (3): 175-181

Oeyen, Jan Philip (2020): Contributions towards a better understanding of millipede phylogenetics and sawfly genomics. - doctoral thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn: 265 — link

Oeyen, Jan Philip; Funke, Sebastian ; Böhme, Wolfgang; Wesener, Thomas (2014): The Evolutionary History of the Rediscovered Austrian Population of the Giant Centipede Scolopendra cingulata Latreille, 1829 (Chilopoda, Scolopendromorpha). - PLoS ONE 9 (9): 1-11

Oeyen, Jan Philip; Podsiadlowski, Lars; Wesener, Thomas (2021): First recent record of the centipede Strigamia maritima (Leach, 1817) from Germany (Myriapoda, Chilopoda, Geophilomorpha). - Bulletin of the British Myriapod Group 33: 88-90 — link

Oeyen, Jan Philip; Wesener, Thomas (2015): Steps towards a phylogeny of the pill millipedes: nonmonophyly of the family Protoglomeridae, with an integrative redescription of Eupeyerimhoffia archimedis (Diplopoda, Glomerida). - In: Tuf, Ivan Hadrián ; Tajovský, Karel (ed.) Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Myriapodology - 20-25 July 2014, Olomouc, Czech Republic. - ZooKeys 510: 49-64

Oeyen, Jan Philip; Wesener, Thomas (2018): A first phylogenetic analysis of the pill millipedes of the order Glomerida, with a special assessment of mandible characters (Myriapoda, Diplopoda, Pentazonia). - Arthropod Structure and Development xxx: 1-15

Oh, Kwang In; Cho, Hi Doo; An, Ki Wan; Jang, Seog Ki; Chung, Jin Chul; Kim, Choon Sik (2001): A study on distribution of soil microarthropods in Pinus rigida plantations following strip-cutting. - Journal of Korean Forestry Society 90 (3): 257-265

Ohba, M.; Aizawa, K. (1979): Multiplication of Chilo iridescent virus in noninsect arthropods. - Journal of invertebrate pathology 33 (3): 278-283

Oka, T. (1985): Antitumor effects and augmentation of cellular immunity by Schizophyllan and Bestatin. - Okayama Igakkai Zasshi 97 (5-6): 527-541

Okland, Steinar (1984): Changes in heart ultrastructure during development of Strigamia maritima Leach (Myriapoda, Chilopoda, Geophilidae). - International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology 13 (3): 266-245
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