CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda

The CIM LIT is an online reference database to compile all literature references on Myriapoda. It contains nearly 17,000 references on Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda and Symphyla from the year 1551 up to date. But it is under no circumstances complete. It may be assumed that the number of publications on Myriapods exceeds 20,000.

The new CIM LIT database based on the MyriaLit database. Hans Reip started to compile the MyriaLit including the literature collections from the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (Karin Voigtländer), Norman Lindner, Jörg Spelda, Peter Decker and Jörg Rosenberg.

In 2019, the MyriaLit as well as the latest version of the literature collection of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (ca. 8.000 references) were merged and the CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda from the Centre International de Myriapodologie (CIM) went online and allows all CIM members to add references to this database.

Please visit CIM LIT and register to add your references, fill gaps and to keep the database up-to-date.

Please cite CIM LIT as follows:
Reip, H. S., Decker, P., Spelda, J., Voigtländer, K. & International Society for Myriapodology (2021) CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda. Accessed at

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Okland, Steinar; Tjonneland, Audfinn; Nylund, A.; Larsen, L. N.; Christ, I. (1982): The membrane systems and the sarcomere in the heart of Lithobius forficatus L. (Arthropoda, Chilopoda). - Zoologischer Anzeiger 208 (3/4): 124-131

Okwakol, M. J. N. (1991): Fauna associated with Cubitermes testaceus mounds (Isoptera: Termitidae). - Insect Science and its Application 12 (5-6): 511-514

Olechowicz, Elzbieta (2004): Soil-litter macrofauna in the mixed forest and midfield shelterbelts of different age (Turew area, West Poland). - Polish Journal of Ecology 52 (4): 405-419

Oliveira, Elisiana Pereira de (1993): Influencia de diferentes sistemas de cultivos na densidade populacional de invertebrados terrestres em solo de varzea da Amazonia Central. - Influence of different cropping systems on the density of terrestrial invertebrates in varzea soils of central Ama. - Amazoniana 12 (3-4): 495-508

Oliveira, Marcus Paulo Alves de; Bastos-Pereira, Rafaela; Torres, Silvia Helena Soares; Pereira, Thaís Silveira; Batista, Fagner Márcio; Alves, João Paulo; Iniesta, Luiz Felipe Moretti; Bouzan, Rodrigo Salvador; Chagas-Júnior, Amazonas; Prous, Xavier; Pietrobon, Thadeu (2019): Choosing sampling methods for Chilopoda, Diplopoda and Isopoda (Oniscidea): A case study for ferruginous landscapes in Brazilian Amazonia. - Applied Soil Ecology 143: 181-191 — link

Oliveira, Tatiana de; Haettenschwiler, Stephan; Handa, Ira Tanya (2010): Snail and millipede complementarity in decomposing Mediterranean forest leaf litter mixtures. - Functional Ecology 24 (4): 937-946

Oliveira-Biener, Ulla; Lehmann, Tobias; Melzer, Roland Richard; Reip, Hans Simon; Spelda, Jörg (2012): The use of extended depth of field for taxonomic data mobilisation via internet - Verhoeff's gonopod preparations as a pilot study. - Spixiana 35 (2): 263-268

Oliver, R. Gonzalez; Mendoza, A. Herrera (1983): The macro fauna of the soil of a plantation of Hibiscus elatus in cuba preliminary results. - Poeyana / Academia de Ciencias de Cuba 258: 1-16

Olivieri, Nicola; Capone, Francesca; Puopolo, Maria; Santucci, Daniela; Alleva, Enrico (2001): Response of CD-1 mice to the chemical defence of a common arthropod (Ommatoiulus sabulosus). - Physiology and Behavior 74 (3): 305-311

Olliff, A. Sidney (1882): Description of a new spedes of the genus Zephronia, from Borneo. - Cistula entomologica 3: 29-30 — link

Olsen, Kjell Magne (1994): [Breeding record of Geophilus proximus for Norway.]. - Insekt Nytt 19 (4): 18

Olsen, Kjell Magne (1995): Nanogona polydesmoides (Leach, 1815) (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida) from two new localities in Norway. - Fauna Norvegica Series B 42 (1): 69-70

Olsen, Kjell Magne (1995): Nye smakryp for Norge - 1. Tusenbeinet Kryphioiulus occultus (C.L. Koch, 1877), "grisehaletusenbein". - Insekt Nytt 20 (4): 13

Olsen, Kjell Magne (1995): Nye smakryp for Norge 2. Jordskolopenderen Haplophilus subterraneus (Shaw, 1789) "kjempeskolopender". - Insekt Nytt 20 (4): 14

Olsen, Kjell Magne (1996): Skolopenderen Lithobius lapidicola Meinert, 1872, "veksthussteinkryper". - Insekt Nytt 21 (4): 5-6

Olsen, Kjell Magne (1998): Flattusenbeinet Polydesmus angustus Latzel, 1884 funnet i Ostfold. - The millipede Polydesmus angustus Latzel, 1884 found in Ostfold, eastern Norway. - Fauna (Oslo) 51 (4): 164-167

Olsen, Kjell Magne (1998): Nye smakryp for Norge - VII. Tusenbeinet Macrosternodesmus palicola Brolemann, 1908, "hvittusenbein". - Renewed small crawling insects for Norway - VII. The millepede Macrosternodesmus palicola Brolemann, 1908, "white millepede". - Insekt Nytt 23 (4): 17-18

Olsen, Kjell Magne (2000): Haplophilus subterraneus (Shaw, 1789), a centipede (Chilopoda, Geophilomorpha) new to Norway. - Norwegian journal of entomology 47 (1): 63

Olsen, P.; Vestjens, W. J. M.; Olsen, J. (1979): Observations on the diet of the australian kestrel Falco cenchroides. - Emu 79 (3): 133-138

Olsen, S.A.; Rosenmejer, T.; Enghoff, Henrik (2020): A mountain of millipedes IX: Species of the family Gomphodesmidae from the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania (Diplopoda, Polydesmida). - European Journal of Taxonomy 675: 1-35 — link

Olson, R. Earl (1993): Brief notes on two Amazonian lizards. - Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 28 (6): 119

Olsson, A. (2006): Skadegorare pa sockerbetor 2006 - Pests of sugar beet 2006. - Betodlaren (3): 38-41

Olthoff, Matthias; Hannig, Karsten; Wittjen, Kerstin; Zimmermann, Thomas; Büning, Christian; Decker, Peter; Feuring, Christian; Kasparek, Fredi; Kobialka, Hajo; Leopold, Patrick; Raupach, Michael J.; Reißmann, Klaas; Rose, Armin; Schäfer, Peter; Schmidt, Carsten; Schmidt, Christian; Schmidt, Eberhard; Schulte, Annette; Siepe, Klaus; Sonnenburg, Holger; Terlutter, Heinrich (2011): Biologische Vielfalt auf dem Truppenübungsplatz Borkenberge - Vereinbarkeit von militärischer Nutzung und Naturschutz. - Natur in NRW 36 (3): 37-41

Olympio, O. S. (1983): Genetics and anatomical expression of the diplopodia-5 mutation in domestic fowl. - Dissertation Abstracts International B Sciences and Engineering 43 (8): 2448

Olympio, O. S.; Crawford, R. D.; Classen, H. L. (1983): Genetics of the diplopodia-5 mutation in domestic fowl. - Journal of Heredity 74 (5): 341-343

Omelko, Mikhail M. (2012): Book review: Gerlach J, Marusik Y (Eds) (2010) Arachnida and Myriapoda of the Seychelles islands. Siri Scientific Press, 435 pp.. - ZooKeys 182: 109-110

Omine, Tetsuo (1962): List of Diplopa of Okinawa Islands. - Okidai ronso / The journal of the Okinawa University 2 (1): 0-0

Omine, Tetsuo (1963): Materials for the Myriapoda and the Mollusca on the lsland [jap.]. - Okidai ronso / The journal of the Okinawa University 3 (2): 86-103

Omine, Tetsuo (1965): A Fauna of Diplopoda on Okinawa [jap.]. - Okidai ronso / The journal of the Okinawa University 6 (1): 0-0

Omine, Tetsuo (1983): An Outline of the Studies on Soil Animal Fauna on the Io-Torishima Islands [jap.]. - Okinawa University 3: 11-39

Omine, Tetsuo (1995): A Study of Conservation and Ecosystem on the Okinawa Islands [jap.]. - Okinawa University 12: 31-78

Omine, Tetsuo (2000): Forty Years of My Life with the Research and Teaching of Centipedes at Okinawa University. - Okinawa University 17: 55-74

Omine, Tetsuo; Ito, Yosiaki (1998): Abundance and Diversity of Soil Macrofauna of Forests in Yanbaru, Northern Montane Part of Okinawa Island, with Special Reference to Removal of Undergrowth(A Festschrift for Professor Jim Ui and Professor Tetsuo Omine). - Okinawa University 15: 131-159

Omine, Tetsuo; Nakatamari, S.; Takamine, H. (1984): On the soil animals falling into the gutter of Okuni-mountain path in Kunigami-son, Okinawa Island. Preliminary report. - Biological Magazine Okinawa 22: 71-78

Omura, Hisashi; Kuwahara, Yasumasa; Tanabe, Tsutomu (2002): 1-octen-3-ol together with geosmin: New secretion compounds from a polydesmid millipede, Niponia nodulosa. - Journal of chemical ecology 28 (12): 2601-2612

Omura, Hisashi; Kuwahara, Yasumasa; Tanabe, Tsutomu (2002): Species-specific chemical compositions of defense secretions from Parafontaria tonominea Attems and Riukiaria semicircularis semicircularis Takakuwa (Polydesmida: Xystodesmidae). - Applied Entomology and Zoology 37 (1): 73-78

Onipchenko, V. G.; Zhakova, O. E. (1997): The structure of large soil in the the invertebrate alpine ecosystems communities (Mesofauna) of the Teberda Reserve, Northwestern Caucasus. - Oecologia Montana 6: 35-38

Onipchenko, V. G.; Zhakova, O. E. (1997): The structure of large soil invertebrate communities (Mesofauna) in the alpine ecosystems of the Teberda Reserve, the Northwestern Caucasus. - Oecologia Montana 5 (1-2): 35-38

Opravilova, V.; Tajovský, Karel (1997): Bozena Folkmanova..: 1-4

Orange, P. (1989): Incidents of predation on reptiles by invertebrates. - Herpetofauna (Sydney) 19 (1): 31-32

Oravecz, Orsolya; Nyiro, Gabor; Marialigeti, Karoly (2002): A molecular approach in the analysis of the faecal bacterial community in an African millipede belonging to the family Spirostreptidae (Diplopoda). - European Journal of Soil Biology 38 (1): 67-70

Orazova, M.K.; Semenova, T.A.; Tiunov, Alexei V. (2003): The microfungal community of Lumbricus terrestris middens in a linden (Tilia cordata) forest.. - Pedobiologia: 27-32

Ord, T. J.; Dangerfield, John Mark (2001): Paradoxomatid millipede density, dispersion and faecal pellet production in Eucalyptus woodland of Eastern Australia. - General and Applied Entomology 30: 1-10

Orghidan, T. (1975): Developpement des recherches speologiques en Roumanie.. - Annales de Spéléologie: 553-560

Orihuela, Rodrigo L. L.; Ribeiro, Samuel C.; Gomes, Vanessa G. N.; Barral, Elivania C.; Meiado, Marcos V.; Leal, Inara R.; Siqueira Filho, José A.; Fernandes, G. Wilson (2016): Unexpected attraction of Urostreptus sp. (Spirostreptidae) to seed elaiosomes: a new resource record to millipedes' diet. - International Journal of Biodiversity 12 (1): 11-16 — link

Ormieres, R. (1966): Gregarines parasites de Myriapodes Chilipodes,observations sur les genres Echinome Labbe 1899 et acutispora Crawley,1903. - Protistologica 2 (1): 15-21

Ormieres, R. (1967): Parasitic gregarines from Myriapoda Chilopoda Rhopalinia stella is an actinocephalus. - Bulletin de la societe zoologique de France 92 (3): 537-541

Ormieres, R.; Marques, A. (1976): Ultrastructural study of the organs of fixation of some eugregarine dactylophoridae parasites of Myriapoda Chilopoda. - Protistologica 12 (3): 415-424

Ormieres, R.; Marques, A. D. (1977): Fixation a leurs hotes de quelques Dactylophoridae Eugregarines parasites de Myriapodes Chilopodes. Etude altrastructurale. - Protistologica 13 (3): 415-425

Ormieres, R.; Marques, A. D. (1977): Problemes de la fixation des Dactylophorides (Eugregarines parasites de Myriapodes chiliopdes). - Journal of Protozoology 23,4 (Abst. 45): 15-16

Ormieres, R.; Marques, A. D.; Puissegur, C. (1977): Trichorynchus pulcher Schneider, 1882 Eugregarine parasite de Scutigera coleoptrata L. Cycle, ultrastructure, systematique. - Protistologica 13 (3): 407-417

Oromí, Pedro; Martin, Jose L.; Ashmole, N. Philip; Ashmole, Myrtle J. (1990): A preliminary report on the cavernicolous fauna of the Azores North atlantic Ocean. - Mémoires de Biospéologie 17: 97-106

Országh, Ivan (1998): A checklist of Slovak centipedes (Antennata, Chilopoda). - Acta Zoologica Universitatis Comenianae 42: 79-94

Országh, Ivan (2001): Centipedes (Chilopoda) of the Slovak Republic. - Myriapodologica Czecho-Slovaca 1: 49-58

Országh, Ivan (2001): Centipedes (Chilopoda) of the Slovak Republic.. - Myriapodologica: 49-57

Országh, Ivan (2001): Dignathodon microcephalus (Chilopoda, Dignathodontidae) na Slovensku. - Entomofauna Carpathica 13 (3-4): 62-64

Országh, Ivan (2001): Rozsirenie stonozky dlhonohej (Scutigera coleoptrata) (Chilopoda, Scutigeridae) na Slovensku. - Entomofauna Carpathica 13 (3-4): 65-67

Országh, Ivan (2004): Rozsirenie stonozky Dicellophilus carniolensis (Chilopoda, Mecistocephalidae) na Slovensku. - Entomofauna Carpathica 16 (1-2): 20-23

Országh, Ivan; Kosel, Vladimir; Orszáková, Zlatica (1994): A contribution to the knowledge of centipedes (Tracheata, Chilopoda) in the caves of Slovakia. - Slovenský kras 32: 79-90

Országh, Ivan; Országhova, Zlatica (2005): Structure of centipede communities (Myriapoda: Chilopoda) in oak-hornbeam forests of the Male Karpaty Mts and Trnavska pahorkatina hills (SW Slovakia). - Ekologia Bratislava 24 (Suppl. 2): 124-142

Országh, Ivan; Orszáková, Zlatica (1997): Stonozky (Antennata, Chilopoda) dunajskych luznych lesov (Juhozapadne Slovensko). - Entomofauna Carpathica 9 (3): 83-91

Ortiz, E. (1968): Algunas Crustaceos y Myriapodes cavernicolas de la region de Matienzo (Santander). Publicacciones del Patronatode las Vuevas Prehistoricas de la Provincial de Santander: IV. - Cuadernos Espeleologica 3: 85-87

Ortiz, E. (1968): Descripcion de Lithobius andalusicus n. sp. de la cuevade la Pilata (Malaga)(Chilopode, Lithobiomorpha)Descripcion de Lithobius andalusicus n.sp. de la Cueva de la Pileta (Malga) (Chilopoda,Lithobiomorpha). - Boletín de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural Seccion biologica 66 (3/4): 101-104

Osche, G. (1960): Systematische, morphologische und parasitologische Studien an parasit. Oxyuroidea (Nematoda) exotischer Diplopoden. - Zoologische Jahrbücher - Abteilung für Systematik, Ökologie und Geographie der Tiere 87: 395-440

Osorio, Daniel; Averof, Michalis; Bacon, Jonathan P. (1995): Arthropod evolution: great brains, beautiful bodies. - Trends in Ecology and Evolution 10 (11): 449-454

Osorio, Daniel; Bacon, Jonathan P.; Whitington, Paul M. (1997): The evolution of arthropod nervous systems. - American Scientist 85 (3): 244-253

Ostermann, R.; Schwarz, O. (2004): Vegetationskundliche Untersuchungen an einem bedeutenden Königsfarn- Wuchsort (Osmunda regalis L.) im Freiburger Mooswald. - Mitteilungen des Badischen Landesvereins für Naturkunde und Naturschutz in Freiburg i. Br., N.F., Beilage: 31-69

Otzen, W.; Schäfer, Matthias W. (1980): Untersuchungen zur Überwinterung von Arthropoden in Vogelnestern. Ein Beitrag zur Winteroekologie. - Zoologische Jahrbücher - Abteilung für Systematik, Ökologie und Geographie der Tiere 107: 435-448

Ou, Qiang; Liu, Jianni; Shu, Degan; Han, Jian; Zhang, Zhifei; Wan, Xiaoqiao; Lei, Qianping (2011): A Rare Onychophoran-Like Lobopodian from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstätte, Southwestern China, and its Phylogenetic Implications. - Journal of paleontology 85 (3): 587-594

Oudejans, R. C. H. M. (1972): Composition of the saturated hydro carbons from males females and eggs of the millipede Graphidostreptus tumuliporus. - Journal of insect physiology 18 (5): 857-863

Oudejans, R. C. H. M. (1972): Hydrocarbons in the millipede Graphidostreptus tumuliporus (Karsch) (Myriapoda: Diplopoda). I. In vivo incorporation of 14C-labelled precursors into the hydrocarbon fraction. - Comparative biochemistry and physiology 42 B: 15-22

Oudejans, R. C. H. M. (1973): Composition of the unsaturated hydro carbons of the millipede Graphidostreptus tumuliporus (Diplopoda Spirostreptida). - Netherlands Journal of Zoology 23 (3): 330-342

Oudejans, R. C. H. M.; Horst, D. H. van der; Dongen, J. P. C. M. van (1971): Isolation and identification of cyclopropan fetty acids from the millipede Graphidostreptus tumuliporus (Karsch) (Myriapoda: Diplopoda). - Biochem 10: 4938-4941

Oudejans, R. C. H. M.; Horst, D. H. van der; Opmeer, F. A.; Tieleman, W. J. (1976): On the function of cyclo propane fatty-acids in millipedes Diplopoda. - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B, Comparative Biochemistry 54 (2): 227-230

Oudejans, R. C. H. M.; Horst, D. H. van der; Zandee, D. I. (1971): Fatty acid composition of the millipede Graphidostreptus tumuliporus (Karsch) (Myriapoda: Diplopoda). - Comparative biochemistry and physiology 40 B: 1-6

Oudejans, R. C. H. M.; Zandee, D. I. (1973): The biosynthesis of the hydrocarbons in males and females of the millipede Graphidostreptus tumuliporus. - Journal of insect physiology 19 (11): 2245-2253

Oudejans, R. C. H. M.; van der Horst, D. H. (1978): Cyclopropane Fatty Acids in millipedes - Their Occurence and Metabolism. - Abhandlungen und Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg 21/22: 345-348

Ovstedal, D.O.; Solhy, T.; Klungland, T.; Olsen, T. (1981): Planter, Plantesamfunn og dyr pa etforsoksfelt med naerliggende omgivelser pa Rebnor, Austrheim herred, Hordalnd.: 1-83

Owen, Christian; Gregory, Steve J. (2021): Three apparently un-described silk millipedes (Diplopoda: Chordeumatida) recorded from south Wales. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod and Isopod Group 33: 9-18 — link

Oxford, G. S.; Scott, A. G. (2003): The spider fauna of Askham Bog, York, and the assessment of conservation value. - Naturalist (Sheffield) 128 (1047): 157-170

Ozim; Ozimek, Roman (2002): Myriapoda - In: Matocec, S. G. (Ed.): An Overview of the Cave and Interstitial Biota of Croatia. - Natura Croatica 1 (Suppl. 1): 59-63

Ozimec, Roman; Ozim; Lucic, Ivo (2010): The Vjetrenica cave (Bosnia & Herzegovina) - one of the world's most prominent biodiversity hotspots for cave-dwelling fauna. - Subterranean Biology 7: 17-23

Ozsarac, M.; Karcioglu, O.; Ayrik, C.; Somuncu, F.; Gumrukcu, S. (2004): Acute coronary ischemia following centipede envenomation: case report and review of the literature. - Wilderness and Environmental Medicine 15 (2): 109-112

Ožanová, Jana (2000): Millipede community of the Hurka u Hranic NNR, Czech Republic (Diplopoda). - In: Wytwer, Jolanta; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich (ed.) Progress in Studies on Myriapoda and Onychophora. - Fragmenta Faunistica 43: 321-325

Ožanová, Jana (2001): Spolecenstva mnohonožek (Diplopoda) trí ruzne starých lužních lesu po letní záplave v roce 1997 [Communities of millipedes (Diplopoda) of three floodplain forests of various age after summer flood in 1997]. - Master thesis, Palacký University, Faculty of Science, Dept. of Ecology: 74

Ožanová, Jana (2001): Využití travních pastí pri studiu mnohonožek [Utilation of grass traps for the study of millipedes]. - Myriapodologica Czecho-Slovaca 1: 69-72

Ožanová, Jana; Tuf, Ivan Hadrián (2002): Vývoj Spolecenstev edafonu (Diplopoda, Chilopoda, Oniscidea) Lužního Lesa Po Letní Záplave v Roce 1997 (Litovelské pomoraví).: 34-39

Pacaud, G.; Rolfe, W. D. Ian; Schram, Frederick R.; Secretan, S.; Sotty, D. (1981): Quelques invertebres nouveaux du Stephanien de Montceau-les-Mines. - Bulletin Trimestriel de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle et des Amis du Museum d'Autun 97: 37-43

Packard, Alpheus Spring Jr. (1870): New and rare amer. Neuroptera, Thysanura and Myriapoda. - Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 13

Packard, Alpheus Spring Jr. (1871): A remarkable Myriapod. - American Naturalist 4: 621

Packard, Alpheus Spring Jr. (1872): On the Crustaceans and Insects - In: The mammoth Cave and its inhabitants. - American Naturalist 5: 744-761

Packard, Alpheus Spring Jr. (1873): Occurence of rare and new Myriap. in Massachusetts. - Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 16

Packard, Alpheus Spring Jr. (1874): Report on the Myriopods collected by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter in 1873 in Colorado. - Annual report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories 7 (1873): 607

Packard, Alpheus Spring Jr. (1875): Life-histories of the Crustacea and Insects. - American Naturalist 9: 583-622

Packard, Alpheus Spring Jr. (1875): The invertebrate cave fauna of Kentucky and adjoining states. - American Naturalist 9: 274-278

Packard, Alpheus Spring Jr. (1877): On a new Cave Fauna in Utha. - Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories 3 (1): 157-179

Packard, Alpheus Spring Jr. (1879): Northern range of Cermatia forceps. A poisonous centiped. - American Naturalist 13

Packard, Alpheus Spring Jr. (1880): The eyes and brain of Cermatia forceps. - American Naturalist 14: 602-603

Packard, Alpheus Spring Jr. (1881): Fauna of the Luray and New Market Caves, Virginia. - American Naturalist 15: 231-232

Packard, Alpheus Spring Jr. (1881): Scolopendrella and its position in nature. - American Naturalist 15: 698-704
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