CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda

The CIM LIT is an online reference database to compile all literature references on Myriapoda. It contains nearly 17,000 references on Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda and Symphyla from the year 1551 up to date. But it is under no circumstances complete. It may be assumed that the number of publications on Myriapods exceeds 20,000.

The new CIM LIT database based on the MyriaLit database. Hans Reip started to compile the MyriaLit including the literature collections from the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (Karin Voigtländer), Norman Lindner, Jörg Spelda, Peter Decker and Jörg Rosenberg.

In 2019, the MyriaLit as well as the latest version of the literature collection of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (ca. 8.000 references) were merged and the CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda from the Centre International de Myriapodologie (CIM) went online and allows all CIM members to add references to this database.

Please visit CIM LIT and register to add your references, fill gaps and to keep the database up-to-date.

Please cite CIM LIT as follows:
Reip, H. S., Decker, P., Spelda, J., Voigtländer, K. & International Society for Myriapodology (2021) CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda. Accessed at

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Srivastava, P. D.; Srivastava, Y. N. (1967): Orthomorpha sp., a new predatory millipede on Achatenia fulica in Andamans. - Experientia : interdisciplinary journal for the life sciences 23 (9): 776

Sseliwanoff, A. V. (1876): Zwei neue Arten aus der Gattung Lithobius.. - Trudy russkovo entomologiczeskovo Obszczestva, Petersburg (Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae): 70-71

Sseliwanoff, A. V. (1876): Zwei neue Arten der Gattung Lithobius. - Trudy russkovo entomologiczeskovo Obszczestva, Petersburg (Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae) 12 (1): 70-71

Sseliwanoff, A. V. (1878): Materialien zum Studium der Tausenfüßer (Myriapoda).: 1-25

Sseliwanoff, A. V. (1879): Bothriogaster, eine neue Gattung aus der Familie der Geophiliden. - Zoologischer Anzeiger: 43

Sseliwanoff, A. V. (1880): Eine Bemerkung über Lithobius sibiricus Gerstf. - Zoologischer Anzeiger: 68

Sseliwanoff, A. V. (1880): Ueber den Bau der Segmente bei verschiedenen Genera der Geophiliden. - Verh. d. Zool. Section d. VI. Versa. russ. Naturf. u. Aerzte Petersburg

Sseliwanoff, A. V. (1881): Geophilidae Museia Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk. - Mémoires de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg, 7e série 40: 1-27

Sseliwanoff, A. V. (1881): Neue Lithobiiden aus Sibirien und Centralasien. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 4 (73): 15-17

Sseliwanoff, A. V. (1881): Turkestansija Stonozki (Geophilidae). - Izv. Imp. O-va Ljub. Est. Antr. Etn. 37

Sseliwanoff, A. V. (1881): [Myriapoden des Kaukasus]. - Trudy russkovo entomologiczeskovo Obszczestva, Petersburg (Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae) 12 (6): 177-198

Sseliwanoff, A. V. (1883): Materialien zum Studium der Tausendfüßer (Myriapoda).: 1-27

Sseliwanoff, A. V. (1883): Materialii k izuczenju russkych Tisjaczenogych [Materialien zur Kenntnis der russischen Myriapoden]. - Trudy russkovo entomologiczeskovo Obszczestva, Petersburg (Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae) 18: 69-121

Staaf, H. (1987): Foliage litter turnover and earthworm populations in three beech forest of contrasting soil and vegetation types.. - Oecologia: 58-64

Stachowitsch, M. (1992): The invertebrates: an illustrated glossary. - Wiley-Liss, Inc.; New York, New York; USA: 676 pp.

Stachurska, T. (1969): Factors affecting the degree of population infestation of Polydesmus complanatus by Eugregarinaria. - Ekologia Polska, Seria A 17 (15): 263-285

Stachurski, A.; Zimka, J. R. (1968): Food preference of frogs and the sex ratio in populations of some saprophages Diplopoda Isopoda predation influence. - Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences / Série des sciences biologiques 16 (2): 101-105

Stachurski, A.; Zimka, J. R. (1975): Leaf fall and the rate of litter decay in some forest habitats. - Ekologia Polska 23 (1): 103-108

Stagl, Verena (2000): The myriapod collection in the Natural History Museum in Vienna with special reference to the life-work of Carl Attems. - In: Wytwer, Jolanta; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich (ed.) Progress in Studies on Myriapoda and Onychophora. - Fragmenta Faunistica 43: 273-280

Stagl, Verena (2003): Zur Geschichte der Myriapoden-Forschung in Österreich und der Myriapoden-Sammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. - Denisia 8: 165-178

Stagl, Verena (2006): Robert Latzel - his life-work and importance for Myriapodology. - Norwegian journal of entomology 53 (2): 223-236

Stagl, Verena (2012): Richard L. Hoffman (1927–2012) – Obituary. - Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie B 114: 5-8

Stagl, Verena; Stoev, Pavel E. (2005): Type specimens of the order Callipoda (Diplopoda) in the Natural History Museum in Vienna. - Katalog der wissenschaftichen Sammlungen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 19 (2): 1-26

Stagl, Verena; Zapparoli, Marzio (2006): Type specimens of the Lithobiomorpha (Chilopoda) in the Natural History Museum in Vienna. - Katalog der wissenschaftichen Sammlungen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 21 (3): 1-49

Stahnke, H. L.; Larson, R. H. (1968): Obtaining venom from Centipedes. - Turtox News 46 (5): 173-174

Stammer, Hans-Jürgen (1930): Das gelegentliche Leuchten der Insekten, hervorgerufen durch pathogene Leuchtbakterien. - Mitteilungen der Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 3: 38-41

Stamou, George P. (1997): Correlates of Biodiversity in Communities of Arthropods from Mediterranean-type Ecosystems. - In: Ecosystems research Report 24 - Functional implecations of biodiversity in soil (EUR 1765 EN).: 99-102

Stamou, George P.; Iatrou, George D. (1990): Respiration metabolism of Glomeris balcanica at a constant temperature. - In: Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Myriapodology.: 197-205

Stamou, George P.; Iatrou, George D. (1993): Studies on the respiratory metabolism of Glomeris balcanica (Diplopoda, Glomeridae). - Journal of insect physiology 39 (6): 529-535

Stamou, George P.; Iatrou, George D.; Sgardelis, Stefanos P. (1992): Modeling the Phenology of Glomeris balcanica. - In: Meyer, Erwin; Thaler, Konrad; Schedl, W. (ed.) Advances in Myriapodology. - Berichte des naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck Suppl. 10: 177-182

Stamou, George P.; Karris, G.; Tsiafouli, M. A.; Papatheodorou, E. M.; Argyropoulou, M. D. (2000): The effect of acclimation to constant temperatures, pollution of food by heavy metals and short-term fasting on the metabolic activity of Glomeris balcanica (Diplopoda: Glomeridae). - Web Ecology 1 (11-19)

Stamou, George P.; Sgardelis, Stefanos P.; Margaris, N. S. (1984): Arthropods distribution pattern on a mountain gradient (Mount Olympus, Greace). - Revue d'Ecologie et de biologie du sol 21 (4): 491-506

Stamou, George P.; Stamou, G. V.; Papatheodorou, E. M.; Argyropoulou, M. D.; Tzafestas, S. G. (2004): Population dynamics and life history tactics of arthropods from Mediterranean-type ecosystems. - OIKOS 104: 98-108

Standen, Valerie; Gregory, Steve J. (2006): Reporton the 2005 BMIG Meeeting in Durham - general report and Woodlice.. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod and Isopod Group: 68-69

Standen, Valerie; Stead, G.B.; Dunning, A. (1982): Lumbricid populations in open cast reclamation sites and colliery spoil heaps in County Durham, U.K.. - Pedobiologia: 57-64

Stankiewicz, B. Artur; Bergen, Pim F. van; Duncan, Ian J.; Carter, James F.; Briggs, Derek E. G.; Evershed, Richard P. (1996): Recognition of chitin and proteins in invertebrate cuticles using analytical pyrolysis/gas chromatography and pyrolysis/gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. - Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 10 (14): 1747-1757

Stankiewicz, Maria; Hamon, A. B.; Benkhalifa, Rym; Kadziela, Wojciech; Hue, Bernard; Lucas, Sylvia; Mebs, Dietrich; Pelhate, Marcel (1999): Effects of a centipede venom fraction on insect nervous system, a native Xenopus oocyte receptor and on an expressed Drosophila muscarinic receptor. - Toxicon 37 (10): 1431-1445

Stanuszek, S. (1997): Topographic heterogeneity effects on diversity of saprophagous nematode communities (postglazial landscape, north-eastern Poland). 1997. - Soil zoological problems in central Europe.Proceedings of the 4th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology held in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, April 23-24, 1997.: 36-36

Starling, James Holt (1943): Pauropoda from the duke Forest. - Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 45: 183-200

Starling, James Holt (1944): Ecological Studies of the Pauropoda of the Duke Forest. - Ecological Monographs 14 (3): 291-310

Stavropoulos, G.; Matic, Zachiu (1990): Nouvelles contributions a l'etude de la faune de chilopodes (Chilopoda) de Grece. 2.. - Biologia Gallo-hellenica 17 (1): 37-48

Stašiov, Slavomir (1996): Príspevok k poznaniu stonôžok (Chilopoda) Národný park Malá Fatra. - Ochrana prirody 14: 79-81

Stašiov, Slavomir (1997): Faunisticke spravy zo Slovenska. - Entomofauna Carpathica 9 (3): 92

Stašiov, Slavomir (1998): Metodicky prispevok k vyskumu mnohonozok (Diplopoda) a stonozok (Chilopoda) v podhorskej bucine. - Methodical contribution to the research of millipedes (Diplopoda) and centipedes (Chilopoda) in the submontane beech forest. - Acta Facultatis Ecologiae Zvolen 5: 107-117

Stašiov, Slavomir (1999): Faunistical reports from Slovakia. (einzelnes Faltblatt).: 92-92

Stašiov, Slavomir (2001): Doterajšie výsledky myriapodologického výskumu na Katedre biológie a všeobecnej ekológie FEE v Banskej Štiavnici TU vo Zvolene [Actual results of myriapodological research at the Departament of Biology and General Ecology, Technical University in Zvolen]. - Myriapodologica Czecho-Slovaca 1: 61-68

Stašiov, Slavomir (2004): Prispevok k poznaniu fauny mnohonozok (Diplopoda) krupinskej planiny - Notes on the fauna of millipedes (Diplopoda) in the Krupinska planina plateau. - Entomofauna Carpathica 16 (1-2): 29-30

Stašiov, Slavomir (2005): Millipede communities (Diplopoda) of oak-hornbeam ecosystems (the Male Karpaty Mts, Trnavska pahorkatina hills, SW Slovakia). - Ekologia Bratislava 24 (Suppl. 2): 143-151

Stašiov, Slavomir (2009): Millipede (Diplopoda) communities in mixed oak-hornbeam forest stands - effect of selected site factors. - Polish Journal of Ecology 57 (4): 785-792

Stašiov, Slavomir; Bitusik, P. (2001): Rozsirenie troch skupin epigeickej makrofauny pozdlz vyskohevo gradientu v doline nefcerka (Vysoke Tatry): Kosce (Opilionida), Mnohonozky (Diplopoda), Stonozky (Chilopoda).. - Acta Facultatis Ecologiae Zvolen: 115-121

Stašiov, Slavomir; Hruz, V. (1999): Millipedes (diplopoda) of havranie skalt nature reserve (Slovakia). - Chránené územia Slovenska 42: 15-16

Stašiov, Slavomir; Kertis, Šimon (2008): Spolocenstvá Koscov (Opiliones) a Mnohonozok (Diplopoda) Breznickej Mokrade [Harvestmen (Opiliones) and Millipedes (Diplopoda) communities of the Breznická mokrad wetland]. - Acta Facultatis Ecologiae Zvolen 18: 59-68

Stašiov, Slavomir; Kertys, Simon (2007): Kosce (Opiliones) a mnohonozky (Diplopoda) breznickej mokrade (Ondavska vrchovina). - Entomofauna Carpathica 19 (1-2): 44-47

Stašiov, Slavomir; Kertys, Simon (2008): Spolocenstvá Koscov (Opiliones) a mnohonôžok (Diplopoda) Breznickej mokrade. - Acta Facultatis Ecologiae Zvolen 18: 59-68

Stašiov, Slavomir; Kubovcík, Vladimír; Svitok, M. (2012): 8. cesko-slovensky myriapodologicky seminár, Železná Breznica, Slovenská republika, 19.-21.4.2012, Zborník abstraktov [8th Czech and Slovak Myriapodological Seminar, Book of Abstracts], Železná Breznica.: 26 pp.

Stašiov, Slavomir; Marsalek, Peter (1998): Príspevok k poznaniu faunystonôžok (Chilopoda) vo Volovskych Vrchoch. - Natura Carpatica 39: 305-312

Stašiov, Slavomir; Marsalek, Peter (1999): Poznámky k faune mnohonôžok (Diplopoda) Volovských Vrchov. - Natura Carpatica 40: 211-216

Stašiov, Slavomir; Marsalek, Peter (1999): Stonozky (Chilopoda) CHKO - BR Polana. - Ochrana prirody 17: 163-168

Stašiov, Slavomir; Snopkova, Eva (2002): Kosce (Opiliones) a mnohonozky (Diplopoda) NPR Priboj (Stredne Slovensko). - Acta Facultatis Ecologiae Zvolen 9: 61-66

Stašiov, Slavomír; Kubovcík, Vladimír; Čiliak, Marek; Diviaková, Andrea; Lukáčik, Ivan; Pätoprstý, Vladimír; Dovciak, Martin (2019): Heterogeneity in millipede communities (Diplopoda) within a forest–forest edge–meadow habitat complex. - Acta Oecologica (98): 6-13 — link

Stašiov, Slavomír; Vician, Vladimír; Benčať, Tibor; Pätoprstý, Vladimír; Lukáčik, Ivan; Svitok, Marek (2021): Influence of soil properties on millipede (Diplopoda) communities in forest stands of various tree species. - Acta Oecologica 113: 103793 — link

Stašiov, Slavomír; Čiliak, Marek; Wiezik, Michal; Svitok, Marek ; Wieziková, Adela (2021): Pitfall trap design affects the capture efficiency of harvestmen (Opiliones) and millipedes (Diplopoda). - Ecology and Evolution 11 (14): 9864-9875 — link

Stebaev, I. V. (1963): Izmenenie zivotnog neselenija pocv v chode ich razvitija na skalach i na rychlych produktach vyvetrivania v lesolugovych landsaftach Juznogo Urala. [Die Veränderungen der Tierbevölkerung der Böden im Laufe der Bodenentwicklung auf Felsen und auf Verwitter. 2 (4): 265-309

Stebaev, I. V.; Pshenitsyna, L. B.; Kutsenogii, K. P.; Zolotarev, K. V.; Koval'Skaya G. A.; Kolpakov, V. E.; Molodtsov, V. V.; Smirnova, A. I. (1999): Synchrotron x-ray fluorescence spectrometry in studying elemental compositions of living organisms in forest geobiosystems. - Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Serija Biologija 366 (1-6): 291

Stebbins, Robert C. (1944): Lizards Killed by a Millipede. - American Midland Naturalist 32 (3): 777-778

Stecker, A. (1877): Über die Anlage der Keimblätter bei Diplopoden. - Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie 14: 6-17

Stecker, A. (1879): Bericht von Dr. Ant. Stecker. Sokna, den 1-ten Februar 1879. - Mittheilungen der Afrikanischen Gesellschaft in Deutschland 2: 75-81

Stecker, A. (1879): Myriopoden und Arachniden Tripolitaniens. - Mittheilungen der Afrikanischen Gesellschaft in Deutschland 2

Steffan, August Wilhelm (1999): Taphocoenoses of arthropods on saltpan floodplains of the Oshana region / Namibia (Arthropoda: Solifugae, Scorpiones, Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Insecta). - Entomologia Generalis 23 (4): 281-304

Steibl, Sebastian; Spelda, Jörg; Laforsch, Christian (2020): First record of the spirobolid Eucarlia hoffmani Golovatch & Korsós, 1992 (Diplopoda: Spirobolida: Pachybolidae) from the Maldives, Indian Ocean. - Schubartiana 9: 7-11 — link

Stein, Fr. (1839): Die bisher erschienen Myriapoden C.Koch's. - Archiv für Naturgeschichte 2

Stein, Fr. (1842): Ueber die Geschlechtsverhältnisse der Myriapoden und einiger anderer wirbelloser Thiere, nebst Bemerkungen zur Theorie d. Zeugung. - Müller's Archiv für Anatomie und Physiologie 1842: 238-280

Stein, G.; Däßler, H.-G. (1968): Die forstliche Rauchschadengroßraumdiagnose im Erz- und Elbsandsteingebirge 1964/67..: 1397-1404

Stein, J. P. E. Fr. (1859): Einige neue europäische Isopoden-Arten [Glomeris dalmatina]. - Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift 3: 260-267

Stein, J. P. E. Fr. (1864): Ueber Glomeris Dalmatina Stein. - Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift 8 (3-4): 385-386

Steinberger, K.H.; Thaler, Konrad (1990): Zur Spinnenfauna der Innauen bei Kufstein-Langkampfen, Nordtirol. - Berichte des naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck 77: 77-89

Steinborn, G. (1983): Erste faunistische Untersuchungen in den Höhlen der Paderborner Hochfläche und des Lipperlandes. - Karst und Höhle 1982/83: 171-174

Steiner, Florian M.; Schlick-Steiner, Birgit C.; Moder, Karl; Bruckner, A.; Christian, Erhard (2005): Congruence of Data from Different Trapping Periods of Ant Pitfall Catches (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).. - Sociobiology 46 (1): 105-116

Steiner, Hans M.; Price, Liz (2004): Celebrity insect. Scuttling 'Scutigera decipiens'. - Malaysian Naturalist 58 (1): 6-9

Steiner, Werner A. (1990): The influence of air pollution on moss-dwelling animals. - doctoral thesis, : 200

Steinmann, H.; Zombori, L. (1985): Zoological collecting trips in armenia USSR 5.. - Folia entomologica Hungarica 46 (2): 17-22

Steinmetzger, Karin (1980): Verteilungsmuster und Phänologie von Staphylinidae (Coleoptera-Insecta) in einem Transsekt unterschiedlich immisionsbelasteter Kiefernforste der Dübener Heide.. - Hercynia: 436-451

Steinmetzger, Karin (1982): Die Diplopoden des Waldgebietes Hakel im nordöstlichen Harzvorland der DDR. - Hercynia 19: 197-205

Steinmetzger, Karin; Tietze, F. (1982): Ein Beitrag zur Faunistik und Habitatabindung der Staphylinidae in Kiefernforstgesellschaften der Dübener Heide.. - Faunistische Abhandlungen: 61-77

Steinwandter, Michael (2020): Bodentiere: Regenwürmer, Doppelfüßer und Schnecken. - In: Wilhalm, T. (ed.) Tag der Artenvielfalt 2019 in Altprags {Gemeinde Prags, Südtirol, Italien). - Gredleriana 20: 144-145 — link

Stellwaag, Fritz (1924): Die Fauna tiefer Weinkeller. - Archiv für Naturgeschichte 90: 130-149

Stellwaag, Fritz (1926): Beschädigung ganzer Pflanzen. - In: Neuzeitliche Schädlingsbekämpfung im Obst- und Gemüsebau.: 37-38

Stephenson, J. W. (1961): The biology of Brachydesmus superus (Latzel.) Diplopoda.. - Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 13 3: 311-319

Sterzel, J. T. (1878): Über Palaeoiulus dyadicus Guin. und Scolecopteris elegans Zenk. - Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 30 (3)

Steur, Hans (2001): Ein Tausendfuessler aus dem Unter-Perm von Manebach (Thueringer Wald). - Fossilien 18 (5): 287-292

Steward, T. C. (1969): Measurement of Circadian locomotor activity rhythm in the Xystodesmid Millipede Pachydesmus c. crassicutis. - Proceedings of the Louisiana Academy of Sciences 32: 40-43

Steward, T. C.; Woodring, J. P. (1973): Anatomical and physiological studies of water balance in the millipedes Pachydesmus crassicutis (Polydesmida) and Orthoporus texicolens (Spirobolida). - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology 44 (3): 735-750 — link

Steyvoort, L. v. (1968): Les Iulidae en culture betteraviere. - Association pour les Etudes et Recherches de Zoologie Appliquée et de Phytopathologie 12 (4): 1-9

Stimmann, M. W. (1968): Effect of temperature on infection of the garden symphylan by Entomophthora coronata (Scutigerella immaculata). - Journal of economic entomology 61 (6): 1558-1560

Stoaks, Ralph D. (1974): Myriapoda, Tardigrada, and Other Cryptozoics in Introductory Biology. - American Biology Teacher 36 (6): 360-361

Stockes, D. R.; van Weel, P.B.; Takafuji, E. T. (1968): Some observations on chemoreception in the antenae of the Centipede, Scolopendra, subspinipes Leach (Mandibulata, Chilopoda). (Hawai). - Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für allgemeine Zoologie und Physiologie 74 (1): 31-53

Stoev, Pavel E. (1997): A check-list of the centipedes of the Balkan penisula with some taxonomic notes and a complete bibliography (Chilopoda). - In: Enghoff, Henrik (ed.) Many-legged animals - A collection of papers on Myriapoda and Onychophora. - Entomologica scandinavica, Supplement 51: 87-106

Stoev, Pavel E. (1997): Notes on the Chilopoda of Albania, 1. - Arthropoda Selecta 5 (3-4): 125-130

Stoev, Pavel E. (1998): Lithobius christovici Matic et Golemansky, 1964 - the junior synonym of Lithobius ergus (Chamberlin, 1952)(Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha). - Annuaire de l'Université de Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski" 88 (4): 111-113

Stoev, Pavel E. (2001): A synopsis of the Bulgarian cave centipedes. - Arthropoda Selecta 10 (1): 31-54
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