CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda

The CIM LIT is an online reference database to compile all literature references on Myriapoda. It contains nearly 17,000 references on Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda and Symphyla from the year 1551 up to date. But it is under no circumstances complete. It may be assumed that the number of publications on Myriapods exceeds 20,000.

The new CIM LIT database based on the MyriaLit database. Hans Reip started to compile the MyriaLit including the literature collections from the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (Karin Voigtländer), Norman Lindner, Jörg Spelda, Peter Decker and Jörg Rosenberg.

In 2019, the MyriaLit as well as the latest version of the literature collection of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (ca. 8.000 references) were merged and the CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda from the Centre International de Myriapodologie (CIM) went online and allows all CIM members to add references to this database.

Please visit CIM LIT and register to add your references, fill gaps and to keep the database up-to-date.

Please cite CIM LIT as follows:
Reip, H. S., Decker, P., Spelda, J., Voigtländer, K. & International Society for Myriapodology (2021) CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda. Accessed at

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Braun, Daniel (1993): Zur Phänologie und Vertikalverbreitung von Weberknechten an Kiefernstämmen. - Arachnologische Mitteilungen 5: 33-46

Braun, Manfred (1988): Faunistische Mitteilungen aus dem Bereich des Regierungsbezirkes Koblenz - Beobachtungsjahr 1987 -. - Ornithologie und Naturschutz im Regierungsbezirk Koblenz 9: 108-123

Braun, Manfred (1988): Faunistische Mitteilungen aus dem Bereich des Regierungsbezirkes Koblenz - Beobachtungsjahr 1987. - Ornithologie und Naturschutz im Regierungsbezirk Koblenz 9: 108-123

Braune, F. (1974): Kritische Untersuchungen zur Methodik der Bodenfalle. - Dissertation, Kiel: 1-71

Bray, R. S. (1984): Some parasitic Protozoa from the Gambia. - Journal of Protozoology 31 (4): 577-578

Brehier, Franck (1998): Underground fauna of the Grands Causses National Park. - Mémoires de Biospéologie 25: 195-216

Brena, Carlo; Chipman, Ariel D.; Minelli, Alessandro; Akam, Michael (2006): Expression of trunk Hox genes in the centipede Strigamia maritima: sense and anti-sense transcripts. - Evolution and Development 8 (3): 252-265

Breny, R. (1964): Bases biologiques de la lutte contre les Iules de la betterave. Communication presentee a l'Association pour les etudes de recherches de Zool. appl. et de Phythph. (A.E.R.Z.A.P.). - Parasitica 20 (4): 193-195

Breny, R. (1964): Considerations actuelles sur le probleme des Iules mouchetes en culture betteraviere. - Bulletin de l'Institut Agronomique et des stations de recherches de Gembloux 32 (1): 12-25

Breny, R.; Biernaux, J. (1966): Diplopodes belges: position systematique et biotopes. - Bulletin & annales de la Société Royale d'Entomologie de Belgique 102 (18): 269-326

Breny, R.; Biernaux, J. (1967): The problem of determining the real iulicidal activity of insecticides in beet-d growing myriapods. - Mededelingen van de Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen Universiteit Gent 32 (3-4): 608-615

Breny, R.; Biernaux, J. (1968): Le probleme de la determination du pouvoir iulicide reel des insecticides. - Mededelingen van de Rijksfaculteit Landbouwwetenschappen te Gent 32 (3/4): 608-615

Breucker, H. (1970): The structure of the male genital ducts of Geophilus linearis (Chilopoda). - Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie 108 (2): 225-242

Breuss, Wilfried (2004): Bemerkungen zur Wirbellosenfauna von Höhlen Vorarlbergs und angrenzender Gebiete. - Vorarlberger Naturschau - Forschen und Entdecken 15: 127-138

Brevault, T.; Bikay, S.; Maldes, J. M.; Naudin, K. (2007): Impact of a no-till with mulch soil management strategy on soil macrofauna communities in a cotton cropping system. - Soil and Tillage Research 97 (2): 140-149

Brewer, Michael S.; Bond, Jason E. (2013): Ordinal-Level Phylogenomics of the Arthropod Class Diplopoda (Millipedes) Based on an Analysis of 221 Nuclear Protein-Coding Loci Generated Using Next- Generation Sequence Analyses. - PLoS ONE 8 (11): 1-15

Brewer, Michael S.; Sierwald, Petra; Bond, Jason E. (2011): A generic homonym concerning chordeumatid millipedes (Arthropoda: Diplopoda) and ophellid worms (Annelida: Polycheata [Polychaeta]). - Zootaxa 2744: 65-68

Brewer, Michael S.; Sierwald, Petra; Bond, Jason E. (2012): Millipede Taxonomy after 250 Years: Classification and Taxonomic Practices in a Mega-Diverse yet Understudied Arthropod Group. - PLoS ONE 7 (5 / e37240): 1-12

Breymeyer, A. (1966): Diurnal cycles of the macrofauna in age-different biocoenoses.. - Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences: 211-213

Brian, A. (1940): Le Grotte di Toirano (Liguria). - Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova 40: 379-437

Briganti, L.; Briganti, A.; Gardini, G.; Zoia, S. (1979): La Grotta di Punta San Francesco N. 637 TO/GR nell'Isola di Gianutri: descrizione e cenni sulla fauna. - Quaderni del Museo di Speleologia Vincenzo Rivera L'Aquila 5 (9): 59-63

Briggs, Derek E. G. (1985): Les premiers Arthropodes. - La Recherche 16 (164): 340-349

Briggs, Derek E. G.; Gall, Jean-Claude (1990): The continuum in soft-bodied biotas from transitional environments a quantitative comparison of triassic and carboniferous Konservat lagerstatten. - Paleobiology 16 (2): 204-218

Briggs, Derek E. G.; Miller, Molly F.; Isbell, John L.; Sidor, Christian A. (2010): Permo-Triassic arthropod trace fossils from the Beardmore Glacier area, central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica. - Antarctic Science 22 (2): 185-192

Briggs, Derek E. G.; Plint, A. G.; Pickerill, Ron K. (1984): Arthropleura trails from the Westphalian of eastern Canada. - Palaeontology (Oxford) 27 (4): 843-855

Briggs, Derek E. G.; Rolfe, W. D. Ian (1983): A Giant Arthropod Trackway from the Lower Mississippian of Pennsylvania. - Journal of paleontology 57 (2): 377-390

Briggs, Derek E. G.; Rolfe, W. D. Ian; Brannan, J. (1979): A giant myriapod trail from the Namurian of Arran, Scotland. - Palaeontology (Oxford) 22 (2): 273-291

Brimley, Clement Samuel (1938): The Insects of North Carolina: Being a List of the Insects of North Carolina and Their Close Relatives. - North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Raleigh: 560 pp.

Brimley, Clement Samuel (1942): Supplement to Insects of North Carolina. - North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Raleigh: 39 pp.

Brinck, Per (1960): The relations between the South African fauna and the terrestrial and limnic animal life in the southern cold temperate zone. - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B 152: 568-571

Brinck, Per (1977): Chilopoda from the Azores and Madeira. - Boletim do Museu municipal do Funchal 31: 79-83

British, Myriapod Group (1986): BMG at Manchester Polytechnic 2-6 April 1986. - British Myriapod Group Newsletter 6: 1-3

British, Myriapod Group (1988): Preliminary atlas of the millipedes of the British Isles. - Biological Records Centre, Huntingdon: 1-65

British, Myriapod Group (1990): Maps. - British Myriapod Group Newsletter 13: 1

British, Myriapod Group (1990): Slim pickings. - British Myriapod Group Newsletter 14: 1

British, Myriapod Group (1991): Millipedes: vice-county distribution. - British Myriapod Group Newsletter 15: 3

British, Myriapod Group (1992): Ireland. - British Myriapod Group Newsletter 16: 2-4

British, Myriapod Group (1992): Vice-county distribution: millipedes. - British Myriapod Group Newsletter 17: 5

British, Myriapod Group (1993): A few centipede records from Northern Ireland. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod Group 9: 44

British, Myriapod Group (1993): An unusual colour form for Cylindroiulus caeruleocinctus (Wood). - Bulletin of the British Myriapod Group 9: 43

British, Myriapod Group (1993): Myriapods from Fair Isle. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod Group 9: 45

British, Myriapod Group (1993): Scutigera coleoptrata in Hampshire and Suffolk. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod Group 9: 44

British, Myriapod Group (1993): Some notes on Cryptops anomalans Newport. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod Group 9: 43

British, Myriapod Group (2002): J.G. Blower. List of publications. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod and Isopod Group 18: 10-12

Britten, H. (1920): Food Hunting habits of Lithobius forficatus. - Lancashire and Cheshire Naturalist 13: 118

Broadbent, A. B.; Tomlin, A. D. (1982): Comparison of 2 methods for assessing the effects of carbofuran on soil animal decomposers in cornfields. - Environmental entomology 11 (5): 1036-1042

Brocher, Frank (1930): Observations biologiques sur la ponte et les premier stades du Lithobius forficatus L.. - Revue Suisse de Zoologie 37 (18): 375-383

Brock, A.M. (1965): Eathworms studies on opencast coal sites in the East Midlands..

Brockhausen, H. (1903): Über leuchtende Skolopender. - Jahresbericht des Westfälischen Provinzial-Vereins für Wissenschaft und Kunst 31: 163-164

Brockmann, W.; Köhler, Hartmut; Schriefer, T. (1980): Recultivation of refuse tips soil ecological studies..: 161-168

Brocksieper, Ilka (1973): Faunistisch- ökologische Untersuchung en an Isopoden, Diplopoden und Chilopoden im Naturschutzgebiet Siebengebirge. - Diploma thesis, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Bonn: 73

Brocksieper, Ilka (1976): Isopoden und Diplopoden des Naturparks Siebengebirge. - Decheniana 129: 76-84

Brodhurst, B. E. (1880): Phosphorescens Centipede. - Nature 22: 99

Brodie, Edmund D.; Moore, Allen J. (1995): Experimental studies of coral snake mimicry: do snakes mimic millipedes?. - Animal Behaviour 49 (2): 534-536

Brodniewicz, I. (1957): Detodesmus attemsi (Schubart 1934) nowy dla Polski gatunek dwuparca (Diplopoda). - Sprawozdania Pozna´nskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciól Nauk 19: 273-274

Brodniewicz, I. (1957): Materialy do znajomosci dwuparców (Diplopoda) województwa poznanskiego, ze szczególnym uwzglednieniem Wielkopolskiego Parku Narodowego. - Sprawozdania Pozna´nskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciól Nauk 19: 270-273

Brodniewicz, I. (1958): O trzech interesujacych gatunkach skulic (Glomeris, Diplopoda) ze Srodkowej Wielkopolski. Bad. - Fizjogr. Pol. Zach., Poznan 4: 265-267

Broili, F. (1929): Ein neuer Arthropode aus dem rheinischen Unterdevon. - Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Abteilung der Bayrischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München: 135-142

Broll, Gabriele; Dunger, Wolfram (2000): Rekultivierung in Bergbaufolgelandschaften..: 1-306

Broll, Gabriele; Sturhan, Dieter; Dietrich, C. (1995): Einfluß unterschiedlich extensiver Nutzung auf die Nematodenfauna ausgewählter Feuchtgrünlandstandorte Nordwestdeutschlands.. - Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie: 23-26

Brookes, C. H. (1963): Some aspects of the life histories and ecology of Proteroiulus fuscus (Am Stein) and Isobates varicornis (Koch) (Diplopoda) with information on other blaniulid millipedes. - doctoral thesis, University of Manchester: 301

Brookes, C. H. (1974): The life cycle of Proteroiulus fuscus (Am Stein) and Isobates varicornis (Koch) with notes on the anamorphosis of Blaniulidae. - Symposia of the Zoological Society of London 32: 485-501

Brookes, C. H.; Willoughby, J. (1978): An investigation of the ecology and life history of the millipede Blaniulus guttulatus (Bosc) in a british woodland. - Abhandlungen und Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg 21/22: 105-114

Brooks, F. E. (1919): A migrating army of millipeds. - Journal of economic entomology 2

Brooks, G. R. Jr. (1982): An analysis of prey consumed by the anuran, Leptodactylus fallax, from Dominica, West Indies. - Biotropica 14 (4): 301-309

Brown, George G.; Fragoso, Carlos; Barois, Isabelle; Rojas, Patricia; Patron, Jose C.; Bueno-Villegas, Julián; Moreno, Ana G.; Lavelle, Patrick; Ordaz, Victor; Rodriguez, Carlos (2001): Diversidad y rol funcional de la macrofauna edafica en los ecosistemas tropicales Mexicanos. - Acta Zoologica Mexicana Nueva Serie Numero Especial (1): 79-110

Brown, Graham R. (2005): Insects and other terrestrial invertebrates recorded from Ashmore Reef National Nature Reserve and Cartier Island Marine Reserve. - Beagle, Supplement 1: 107-129

Brown, R. A. (1985): Effects of some root-grazing arthropods on the growth of sugar-beet. - Special Publication of the British Ecological Society 4: 285-295

Brown, William L. Jr. (1979): A remarkable new species of Proceratium, with dietary and other notes on the genus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). - Psyche 86 (4): 337-346

Brown, William L. Jr. (1992): Two new species of Gnamptogenys, and an account of millipede predation by one of them. - Psyche 99 (4): 275-289

Broza, Meir; Izhaki, Ido; Weber, M. G.; Haim, A.; Ne', Eman G. (1997): Post-fire arthropod assemblages in Mediterranean forest soils in Israel. - International Journal of Wildland Fire 7 (4): 317-325

Brozio, F.; Voigtländer, Karin (2019): In memoriam Prof. Dr. Wolfram Dunger. Ehrenvorsitzender der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft der Oberlausitz, Ehrenbürger der Stadt Görlitz. - Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft der Oberlausitz 27: 211-215

Bruckner, A. (1998): Temperature variability and fluctuation in the humus layer of a temperate deciduous forest in spring: implications on the resident fauna. - Die Bodenkultur 49 (4): 229-237

Bruhl, Carsten; Krell, Frank-Thorsten (2003): Finding a rare resource: Bornean Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) attracted by defensive secretions of diplopoda. - Coleopterists Bulletin 57 (1): 51-55

Bruins, Eugène (1996): Opgerold staat netjes. - Het Aquarium 1996 (4): 92-96

Bruins, Eugène (1996): [All neatly rolled up. Part 1. Pillbug millipedes.]. - Aquarium (Hilversum) 66 (4): 92-96

Bruins, Eugène (1996): [Rolled up and neatly formed. Part 2: Millipedes.]. - Aquarium (Hilversum) 66 (5): 131-135

Brullè, A. (1844): Recherches sur les transformations des appendices dans les Articulés. - Annales des Sciences naturelles, série 3

Brumpt, E. (1949): Précis de Parasitologie, II.: 1219 pp.

Brundin, L. (1972): Phylogenetics and biogeography. - Systematic zoology 21: 69-79

Brunhuber, B. S. (1969): The mode of sperm transfer in the scolopendromorph centipede: Cormocephalus anceps anceps Porath. - Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 48 (3): 409-420

Brunhuber, B. S. (1970): Egg laying, maternal care and development of young in the scolopendromorph Centipede, Cormocephalus anceps anceps Porath. - Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 49 (3): 225-234

Brunhuber, B. S.; Hall, E. (1970): A note on the accessory glands of the reproductive system of the scolopendromorph Centipede, Cormocephalus anceps. - Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 49 (1): 49-59

Brunke, Adam J.; Bahlai, Christine A.; Sears, Mark K.; Hallett, Rebecca H. (2009): Generalist Predators (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Staphylinidae) Associated With Millipede Populations in Sweet Potato and Carrot Fields and Implications for Millipede Management. - Environmental entomology 38 (4): 1106-1116

Brunke, Adam J.; O'Keefe, L.; Bahlai, Christine A.; Sears, Mark K.; Hallett, Rebecca H. (2012): Guilty by association: an evaluation of millipedes as pests of carrot and sweet potato. - Journal of Applied Entomology Online Version: 1-9

Bruntz, L. (1903): Sur la présence des reins labiaux et d'un organe phagocytaire chez les Diplopodes. - Comptes rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences 136: 57-59

Bruntz, L. (1906): L'organe phagocytaire des Polydesmus. - Comptes rendus de la Societé de Biologie 61

Bruntz, L. (1906): La phagocytose chez les Diplopodes (Globules sanguins et organes phagocytaires). - Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale 4 (5): 491-504

Bruntz, L. (1906): La phagocytose chez les Diplopodes. - Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale, 4e série 5

Bruntz, L. (1908): Les reins labiaux des Iules. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 32 (18): 519-521

Brussaard, Lijbert (1997): 5. Diversity Effects on Ecosystem Services.: 41-44

Brust, G. E.; Barbieri, Francesco (1992): Effect of dietary cucurbitacin C on southern corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) egg survival. - Environmental entomology 21 (6): 1466-1471

Bruvo-Madaric, Branka (2009): Molecular phylogenetic methods in Entomology - New insights on the evolutionary relationshipds of Hexapods and Arthropods. - Entomologia Croatica 13 (2): 69-84

Brändle, M.; Isselbächer, T.; Brandl, R. (2004): Community composition of soil fauna: Patterns on the regional scale. - Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 34: 106

Bräunicke, M.; Trautner, J.; Reck, H. (1997): Städtebauprojekt Stuttgart 21 - Bestandsaufnahme und Bewertung für Belange des Arten- und Biotopschutzes. - Untersuchungen zur Umwelt "Stuttgart 21" (5): 1-154 — link

Brölemann, Henry Wilfred (1889): Contribution à la faune myriapodologique méditerranéenne. Trois espèces nouvelles. - Annales de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon 36: 5-16

Brölemann, Henry Wilfred (1892): Contributions a la faune myriapodologique méditerranéenne. Dix espèces nouvelles. - Annales de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon 39: 91-126

Brölemann, Henry Wilfred (1894): Contributions a la faune myriapodologique méditerranéenne. Troisième note. - Mémoires de la société zoologique de France 7: 437-462

Brölemann, Henry Wilfred (1894): Difformité constatée chez un Himantarium Gabrielis L.. - Feuille des jeunes naturalistes 24 (284): 124-125

Brölemann, Henry Wilfred (1894): La Forêt d'Andaine (Orne). Myriapodes. - Feuille des jeunes naturalistes 25 (290): 1-3
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