CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda
The CIM LIT is an online reference database to compile all literature references on Myriapoda. It contains nearly 17,000 references on Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda and Symphyla from the year 1551 up to date. But it is under no circumstances complete.
It may be assumed that the number of publications on Myriapods exceeds 20,000.
The new CIM LIT database based on the MyriaLit database. Hans Reip started to compile the MyriaLit including the literature collections from the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (Karin Voigtländer),
Norman Lindner, Jörg Spelda, Peter Decker and Jörg Rosenberg.
In 2019, the MyriaLit as well as the latest version of the literature collection of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (ca. 8.000 references) were merged and the
CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda from the Centre International de Myriapodologie (CIM) went online and allows all CIM members to add references to this database.
Please visit
CIM LIT and register to add your references, fill gaps and to keep the database up-to-date.
Please cite CIM LIT as follows:
Reip, H. S., Decker, P., Spelda, J., Voigtländer, K. & International Society for Myriapodology (2021) CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda. Accessed at
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Vagalinski, Boyan; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich (2019): Omobrachyiulus mesorientalis sp.n., the first record of the millipede genus Omobrachyiulus Lohmander, 1936 in the Near East (Diplopoda: Julida: Julidae: Brachyiulini). - Arthropoda Selecta 28 (1): 1-7 —
Vagalinski, Boyan; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich (2021): The millipede tribe Brachyiulini in the Caucasus (Diplopoda, Julida, Julidae). - ZooKeys 1058: 1-127
Vagalinski, Boyan; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich; Akkari, Nesrine; Stoev, Pavel E. (2019): Simplogonopus rubellus (Attems, 1902) gen. n., comb. n. (Diplopoda Polydesmida Trichopolydesmidae) Revealing the Identity of an Enigmatic Eastern-Mediterranean Millipede. - Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 71 (3): 325-334 —
Vagalinski, Boyan; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich; Simaiakis, Stylianos; Enghoff, Henrik; Stoev, Pavel E. (2014): Millipedes of Cyprus (Myriapoda: Diplopoda). - Zootaxa 3835 (4): 528-548
Vagalinski, Boyan; Lazányi, Eszter (2018): Revision of the millipede tribe Brachyiulini Verhoeff, 1909 (Diplopoda: Julida: Julidae), with descriptions of new taxa. - Zootaxa 4421 (1): 1-142 —
Vagalinski, Boyan; Lazányi, Eszter; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich (2013): Redescription of the subgenus Parancistrum Verhoeff, 1943, an eastern Mediterranean lineage of the millipede genus Megaphyllum Verhoeff, 1894 (Diplopoda: Julida: Julidae: Brachyiulini). - Zootaxa 3734 (5): 501-520 —
Vagalinski, Boyan; Stoev, Pavel E. (2007): An annotated catalogue of the millipede order Julida (Diplopoda) in Bulgaria. - Historia naturalis bulgarica 18: 35-63
Vagalinski, Boyan; Stoev, Pavel E.; Enghoff, Henrik (2015): A review of the millipede genus Typhloiulus Latzel, 1884 (Diplopoda: Julida: Julidae), with a description of three new species from Bulgaria and Greece. - Zootaxa 3999 (3): 334-362 —
Vahtera, Varpu; Edgecombe, Gregory D. (2014): First molecular data and the phylogenetic position of the millipede-like centipede Edentistoma octosulcatum Tömösvary, 1882 (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha: Scolopendridae). - PLoS ONE 9 (11)
Vahtera, Varpu; Edgecombe, Gregory D.; Giribet, Gonzalo (2012): Evolution of blindness in scolopendromorph centipedes (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha): insight from an expanded sampling of molecular data. - Cladistics 28: 4-20
Vahtera, Varpu; Edgecombe, Gregory D.; Giribet, Gonzalo (2012): Spiracle structure in scolopendromorph centipedes (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha) and its contribution to phylogenetics. - Zoomorphologie 131 (3): 225-248
Vahtera, Varpu; Edgecombe, Gregory D.; Giribet, Gonzalo (2013): Phylogenetics of scolopendromorph centipedes: Can denser taxon sampling improve an artificial classification?. - Invertebrate Systematics 27 (5): 578-602
Vailati, Dante (1978): Nota preliminare sulla fauna della grotta Omberenbanda al bus del Zel (247 Lo-BS). - Natura bresciana 15: 60-68
Vajda, Z.; Hornung, E. (1991): Temporal and spatial pattern of a diplopod population (Megaphyllum unilineatum (C.L. Koch)) in a sandy grassland. - Acta Universitatis Szegediensis Acta Biologica 37 (1-4): 75-81
Vakarenko, E. G.; Kornyushin, V. V. (2002): Description of a cysticercoid of Sobolevitaenia verulamii (Cestoda, Cyclophyllidea) from its Intermediate host Glomeris connexa (Diplopoda, Glomeridae). - Vestnik Zoologii 36 (6): 61-64
Vakarenko, E. G.; Kornyushin, V. V. (2002): Description of a cysticercoid of Sobolevitaenia verulamii (Cestoda, Cyclophyllidea) from its Intermediate host Glomeris connexa (Diplopoda, Glomeridae); Part 2. - Vestnik Zoologii 36 (6): 99-100
Val'-Tseva, I. A.; Krylov, V. N.; Egorov, V. V.; Sheshina, N. P. (1991): A comparative analysis of the action of some zootoxins on an isolated heart. - Biologiceskie nauki (4): 47-53
Vala, J. C.; Bailey, Peter T.; Gasc, C. (1990): Immature stages of the fly Pelidnoptera nigripennis (Fabricius) (Diptera: Phaeomyiidae), a parasitoid of millipedes. - Systematic Entomology 15 (3): 391-399
Valderrama, Ximena; Robinson, J.; Attygalle, Athula B.; Eisner, Thomas (2000): Seasonal anointment with millipedes in a wild primate: a chemical defense against insects?. - Journal of chemical ecology 26 (12): 2781-2790
Valdujo, Paula H.; Nogueira, Cristiano; Martins, Marcio (2002): Ecology of Bothrops neuwiedi pauloensis (Serpentes: Viperidae: Crotalinae) in the Brazilian Cerrado. - Journal of Herpetology 36 (2): 169-176
Valigurova, Andrea; Matis, Dusan (2001): Nalezy gregarin (Eugregarinida, Apicomplexa) vo viacnozkach (Myriapoda) na uzemi Slovenska. - Folia Faunistica Slovaca 6: 1-8
Vališ, J. (1901): Príspevky k poznání moravské myriopodofauny. - Cas. Vlast. spol. mus. v Olomouci
Vališ, J. (1904): Predbežný prehled dosud z Moravy známých Myriopodu. - Král. ceská spol. nauk v.Praze
Valle Ajmat, M. del (1978): Guia de los miriapodos de Tucuman. 1. Quilopodos escolopendromorfos. - Universidad Nacional de Tucuman Fundacion e Instituto Miguel Lillo Miscelanea 65: 1-19
Valli, P. (1993): Effect of food quality on the bioenergetic profile of the millipede Xenobolus carnifex. - Environment and Ecology (Kalyani) 11 (2): 280-282
Valli, P. (1994): Bio-efficacy of padan, traphon against the millipede Xenobolus carnifex. - Environment and Ecology (Kalyani) 12 (2): 322-326
Valocka, B.; Sabova, M. (1997): Nematode communities structure in different types of polluted soil.1997. - Soil zoological problems in central Europe.Proceedings of the 4th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology held in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, April 23-24, 1997.: 44-44
Van der Drift, J. (1951): Analysis of the animal community in a beech forest floor. - Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 94: 1-168
Vandel, A. (1926): La spanandrie (disette de mâles) géographique chez le Myriapode Polyxenus lagurus (L.). - Comptes rendus, Association Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences 182 (18): 1101-1102
Vandel, A. (1928): La Parthogénenèse géographique. - Bulletin biologique de la France et de la Belgique 62 (2): 164-281
Vandel, A. (1931): La parthogenèse. - Bildiothèque de Biologie de l'Encyclopédie Scientifique 7: 1-412
Vandel, A. (1949): Généralités sur les Arthropodes. - Traité de Zoologie 6: 132
VandenSpiegel, Didier (2001): Description de deux nouvelles especes du genre Stemmiulus recoltees au Kenya (Diplopoda, Stemmiulida, Stemmiulidae). - Annalen, Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika - Zoologische wetenschappen 285: 11-18
VandenSpiegel, Didier (2001): Taitastreptus flavipes, a new genus and species of arboreal millipede from Kenya (Diplopoda: Spirostreptidae). - Insect Systematics and Evolution 32 (4): 475-480
VandenSpiegel, Didier (2002): On the occurrence of Sphaerotherium punctulatum in Malawi (Diplopoda: Sphaerotheriidae). - Annalen, Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika - Zoologische wetenschappen 290: 171-174
VandenSpiegel, Didier (2004): The first Kenyan species of Doratogonus (Diplopoda, Spirostreptidae). - Journal of Afrotropical Zoology 1: 9-12
VandenSpiegel, Didier; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich (2004): Revision of the East African millipede genus Elassystrema Hoffman & Howell, 1981 (Diplopoda: Polydesmida:Ammodesmidae), with descriptions of three new species. - Arthropoda Selecta 12 (3-4): 183-191
VandenSpiegel, Didier; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich (2012): The millipede family Ammodesmidae (Diplopoda, Polydesmida) in western Africa. - ZooKeys 221: 1-17
VandenSpiegel, Didier; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich (2014): The millipede genus Eviulisoma Silvestri, 1910 in Kenya, with descriptions of new species (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae). - ZooKeys 459: 11-34 —
VandenSpiegel, Didier; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich; Hamer, Michelle L. (2002): Revision of some of the oldest species in the millipede genus Sphaerotherium Brandt, 1833 (Diplopoda, Sphaerotheriida, Sphaerotheriidae),with new synonymies. - African Invertebrates: 143-181
VandenSpiegel, Didier; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich; Nzoko Fiemapong, Armand Richard (2015): Two new species, including one representing a new genus, of the West African millipede family Campodesmidae (Diplopoda: Polydesmida). - European Journal of Taxonomy 139: 1-11 —
VandenSpiegel, Didier; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich; Rutherford, Mike G. (2022): The millipede genus Pandirodesmus Silvestri, 1932 in Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean, with the description of P. jaggernauthi sp. nov. from Trinidad (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Chelodesmidae, Pandirodesmini). - Zootaxa 5104 (4): 567-576 —
VandenSpiegel, Didier; Henrard, Arnaud (2021): Sechelleptus arborivagus sp. nov., a new arboreal spirostreptid millipede (Diplopoda, Spirostreptidae) endemic to Mayotte Island (Comoros Archipelago), Indian Ocean. - European Journal of Taxonomy 755 (1): 1-21 —
VandenSpiegel, Didier; Hoffman, Richard Lawrence (2001): A survey of the genus Apoctenophora Hoffman & Howell with a description of two new species from Kenya (Diplopoda, Harpagophoridae). - Annalen, Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika - Zoologische wetenschappen 285: 1-9
VandenSpiegel, Didier; Pierrard, Gaston (2004): Révision du genre Xystopyge (Odontopygidae, Diplopoda) et description de nouvelles espèces et sous-espèces d'Afrique de l'Est. - Journal of Afrotropical Zoology 1: 31-46
VandenSpiegel, Didier; Shelley, Rowland M.; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich (2020): The millipede genus Globanus Attems, 1914, endemic to São Tomé and Príncipe, with the description of a new species (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Spirostreptidae). - ZooKeys 930: 61-74: 61-74 —
Vandenbulcke, Franck; Grelle, Claire; Fabre, Marie Chantal; Descamps, Michel (1998): Implications of the midgut of the centipede Lithobius forficatus in the heavy metal detoxification process. - Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 41 (3): 258-268
Vandermeer, J. H.; Lazarus, J.; Ludwig, C.; Lyon, J.; Schultz, B.; Yih, K. (1980): Migration as a factor in the community structure of a macroarthropod litter fauna. - American Naturalist 115 (4): 606-612
Vannier, Guy (1966): Loge de mue d'un type construit par un diplopode africain. - Revue d'Ecologie et de biologie du sol 3 (2): 241-258
Vannier, Guy (1975): [Fundamental methods for studying the micro arthropods of the soil] {french}. - Annales de l'Université d'Abidjan / C 11: 123-173
Vannier, Guy; David, Jean-François (1996): Variation de la teneur en eau en fonction de la taille corporelle dans une population du diplopode Polyzonium germanicum. - In: Geoffroy, Jean-Jacques; Mauriès, Jean-Paul; Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin, Monique (ed.) Acta Myriapodologica. - Mémoires du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, N. S. 169: 461-471
Vannis, S. (1998): Notes sur la fauna de quelques grottes des environs de Pistoie (Toscane; Italie centrale) (1). - Mémoires de Biospéologie 25 (51): 221-224
Vanoaica, Liviu (2001): A new species of diplopod from Romania: Stenophyllum tabacarui n. sp. (Diplopoda, Julidae). - Travaux de l'Institut de Speologie "Emile Racovitza" 39-40: 53-57
Varadaraj, P.; Sundara Raj, P.; Sivagamasundari, S. (1983): Haemocytes of a pill-millipede Arthrosphaera transitiva Carl. - Indian Zoologist 7 (1-2): 197-200
Varma, L. (1971): On the morphology of the heart of the centipede Scolopendra morsitans (Chilopoda Epimorpha). - Journal of Animal Morphology and Physiology 18 (2): 111-120
Varma, L. (1972): Muscle receptor organs in the centipede Scolopendra morsitans (L.). - Zoologischer Anzeiger 188 (5-6): 400-407
Varma, L. (1973): The giant fibers in the ventral nervous system of the centipede Scolopendra morsitans. - Zoologische Beitraege, Neue Folge 19 (1): 63-71
Vasconcellos, A.; Almeida, W. O.; Souza, R. B.; Souza, L. A. (2006): Onychophora in humid forests of northeastern Brazil. - Brazilian Journal of Biology 66 (1A): 187-189
Vasudevan, T.; Arumugam, V. (1981): Experimental studies on the proteolytic enzyme system of a centipede Ethmostigmus spinosus. - Indian Zoologist 5 (1-2): 67-70
Vater, Gisela (1974): Färbungsstudien an Vitriniden zur Prüfung von Differentialmerkmalen..: 97-107
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Vaz-Silva, Wilian; Silva, Helder Lucio Rodrigues; Da-Silva, Nelson Jorge Jr. (2004): Bufo rufus (rusty toad) Diet. - Herpetological Review 35 (2): 157-158
Vaz-Silva, Wilian; Silva, Helder Lucio Rodrigues; Da-Silva, Nelson Jorge Jr. (2004): Hyla albopunctata (Spotted treefrog). Diet. - Herpetological Review 35 (2): 158
Vašutová, M.; Mlezsko, P.; López-García, A.; Maček, I.; Boros, G.; Ševčík, J.; Fujii, S.; Hackenberger, D.; Tuf, Ivan Hadrián ; Hornung, E.; Páll-Gergely, B.; Kjøller, R. (2019): Taxi drivers: the role of animals in transporting mycorrhizal fungi. - Mycorrhiza 29: 413-434 —
Vedel, Vincent; Apostolou, Zivkos; Arthur, Wallace; Akam, Michael; Brena, Carlo (2010): An early temperature-sensitive period for the plasticity of segment number in the centipede Strigamia maritima. - Evolution and Development 12 (4): 347-352
Vedel, Vincent; Arthur, Wallace (2009): Character changes during the early post-embryonic development of the centipede Strigamia maritima (Leach, 1817) (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha). - International Journal of Myriapodology 2 (1): 53-61
Vedel, Vincent; Brena, Carlo; Arthur, Wallace (2009): Demonstration of a heritable component of the variation in segment number in the centipede Strigamia maritima. - Evolution and Development 11 (4): 434-440
Vedel, Vincent; Chipman, Ariel D.; Akam, Michael; Arthur, Wallace (2008): Temperature-dependent plasticity of segment number in an arthropod species: the centipede Strigamia maritima. - Evolution and Development 10 (4): 487-492
Vedovini, A. (1968): A contribution to the inventory of the fauna found in subterranean cavities in the vicinity of Marseille France. - Annales de Spéléologie 23 (1): 229-242
Vega-Roman, Emmanuel; Ruiz, Víctor Hugo (2014): Clave de identificación para las familias de quilópodos (Myriapoda: Chilopoda) de Chile. - Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 54: 411-413 —
Vega-Roman, Emmanuel; Ruiz, Víctor Hugo (2015): Tres casos teratológicos en miriápodos chilenos. - Revista colombiana de entomologia 41 (1): 153-155
Vega-Roman, Emmanuel; Ruiz, Víctor Hugo (2018): Catalogue of Chilean centipedes (Myriapoda, Chilopoda). - Soil Organisms 90 (1): 27-37 —
Veistola, Simo; Eeva, Tapio; Lehikoinen, Esa (1995): Seasonal occurrence of arthropods as a source of food for birds in Finnish Lapland. - Entomologica Fennica 6 (2-3): 177-181
Veléz, S.; Giribet, Gonzalo; Mesibov, Robert (2012): Biogeography in a continental island: population structure of the relict endemic centipede Craterostigmus tasmanianus (Chilopoda, Craterostigmomorpha) in Tasmania using 16S rRNA and COI. - Journal of Heredity 103 (1): 80-91
Verdcourt, B. (2000): Additions to the Wild Fauna and Flora of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. - Kew bulletin 55 (3): 721-752
Verdun, P.; Brouyout, L. (1912): Un nouveau cas de pseudoparasitisme d'un Myriapode (Chaetechelyne vesuviana) chez l'homme. - Comptes rendus de la Societé de Biologie 72
Veremeev, V. N.; Savithkij, B. P. (2001): Place Myriapoda, Diplopoda in complexes of edaphic mesofauna of pine forests of Polesia region. - Vestnik Belorusskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Seriya 2 Khimiya Biologiya Geografiya 2 (48-51): 102
Verhoeff, Karl-Wilhelm (1891): Ein Beitrag zur mitteleuropäischen Diplopodenfauna. - Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift 36 (1): 115-166
Verhoeff, Karl-Wilhelm (1891): Ueber einige nordafrikanische Chilopoden. - Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift 36 (1): 65-70
Verhoeff, Karl-Wilhelm (1892): Bearbeitung der von A. F. Moller auf der Insel St. Thomé gesammelten Chilopoden und Diplopoden. - Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift 37 (2): 193-202
Verhoeff, Karl-Wilhelm (1892): Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Chordeuma (Diplopoda) und einige Notizen zur deutschen Diplopoden-Fauna. - Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift 37 (1): 7-14
Verhoeff, Karl-Wilhelm (1892): Neue Diplopoden der paläarktischen Region [Schluß]. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 15 (404): 389-391
Verhoeff, Karl-Wilhelm (1892): Neue Diplopoden der paläarktischen Region. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 15 (403): 377-387
Verhoeff, Karl-Wilhelm (1892): Ueber einige seltene Tracheaten der Rheinlande. - Entomologische Nachrichten 18 (1): 3-5
Verhoeff, Karl-Wilhelm (1892): Vorläufige Mitheilung über eine neue deutsche Chordeuma-Art. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 15 (386): 109-110
Verhoeff, Karl-Wilhelm (1892): Vorläufige Mittheilung über eine neue deutsche Chordeuma-Art. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 15 (386): 109-110
Verhoeff, Karl-Wilhelm (1892): Zur Kenntnis der Analpleurendrüsen bei Scolopendriden. - Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift 37 (2): 203-208
Verhoeff, Karl-Wilhelm (1892): Über einige seltene Tracheaten der Rheinlande. - Entomologische Nachrichten 18 (1): 3-5
Verhoeff, Karl-Wilhelm (1893): Bemerkungen über einige nicht publicierte Diplopoden. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 16 (430): 387-388
Verhoeff, Karl-Wilhelm (1893): Des éspecès nouvelles de Diplopodes de Portugal. - O Instituto de Coimbra 40 (5): 369-370
Verhoeff, Karl-Wilhelm (1893): Diplopoden des österreichischen Adriagebietes. - Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift 38 (4): 341-346
Verhoeff, Karl-Wilhelm (1893): Neue Diplopoden der portugiesischen Fauna [Schluss]. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 16 (419): 161-169
Verhoeff, Karl-Wilhelm (1893): Neue Diplopoden der portugiesischen Fauna. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 16 (418): 156-159
Verhoeff, Karl-Wilhelm (1893): Notiz zum Schaltstadium bei Juliden-Männchen. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 16 (414): 84-85
Verhoeff, Karl-Wilhelm (1893): Vorläufige Mitteilung über neue Schaltstadiumbeobachtungen bei Juliden, eine neue Gruppierung der alten Gattung Julus und einige neue und seltene Diplopoden aus Tirol. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 16 (436): 479-482
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