CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda

The CIM LIT is an online reference database to compile all literature references on Myriapoda. It contains nearly 17,000 references on Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda and Symphyla from the year 1551 up to date. But it is under no circumstances complete. It may be assumed that the number of publications on Myriapods exceeds 20,000.

The new CIM LIT database based on the MyriaLit database. Hans Reip started to compile the MyriaLit including the literature collections from the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (Karin Voigtländer), Norman Lindner, Jörg Spelda, Peter Decker and Jörg Rosenberg.

In 2019, the MyriaLit as well as the latest version of the literature collection of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (ca. 8.000 references) were merged and the CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda from the Centre International de Myriapodologie (CIM) went online and allows all CIM members to add references to this database.

Please visit CIM LIT and register to add your references, fill gaps and to keep the database up-to-date.

Please cite CIM LIT as follows:
Reip, H. S., Decker, P., Spelda, J., Voigtländer, K. & International Society for Myriapodology (2021) CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda. Accessed at

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Walker, Matt J.; Stockman, Amy K.; Marek, Paul E.; Bond, Jason E. (2009): Pleistocene glacial refugia across the Appalachian Mountains and coastal plain in the millipede genus Narceus: Evidence from population genetic, phylogeographic, and paleoclimatic data. - BMC Evolutionary Biology 9 (9): 1-11

Wallaschek, Michael (2015): Johann Karl Wilhelm Illiger (1775–1813) als Zoogeograph. - Braunschweiger naturkundliche Schriften 13: 159-193

Walls, Jerry G. (1999): The Guide to Owning Millipedes and Centipedes.: 64 pp.

Walmsley, Alena; Vachová, Pavla; Hlava, Jakub (2019): Tree species identity governs the soil macrofauna community composition and soil development at reclaimed post-mining sites on calcium-rich clays. - European journal of forest research

Waloszek, Dieter; Mass, A. (2005): The evolutionary history of crustacean segmentation: a fossil-based perspective. - Evolution and Development 7 (6): 515-527

Walt, E. van der; McClain, E. L.; Puren, A.; Savage, N. (1990): Phylogeny of arthropod immunity. An inducible humoral response in the Kalahari millipede, Triaenostreptus triodus (Attems). - Die Naturwissenschaften 77 (4): 189-190

Walter, D. E.; Walter; Ikonen, E. K. (1989): Species guilds and functional groups: taxonomy and behaviour in nematophagous arthropods. - Journal of Nematology 21 (3): 315-327

Walter, E. W.; Moore, J. C.; Loring, S. J. (1989): Symphylella sp. (Symphyla: Scolopendrellidae) predators of arthropods and nematodes in grassland soils. - Pedobiologia 33 (2): 113-116

Walter; Walter, H. (1984): Zur Ichnologie der Arthropoda. - Freiberger Forschungshefte, Reihe C 391: 58-94

Walton, L. B. (1903): The arrangement of the segmental muscles in the Geophilidae and bearing upon the double nature of the segment in the Hexapoda and Chilopoda. - Science (Washington DC) 17

Walton, L. B. (1903): The arrangement of the segmental muscles in the Geophilidae and its bearing upon the double nature of the segment in the Hexapoda and Chilopoda. - Science, N. S. 17 (430): 485-486

Wang, DaQing (1996): A preliminary study on phylogeny and biogeography of the family Paracortinidae (Myriapoda: Callipodida): a cladistic analysis. - In: Geoffroy, Jean-Jacques; Mauriès, Jean-Paul; Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin, Monique (ed.) Acta Myriapodologica. - Mémoires du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, N. S. 169: 307-311

Wang, DaQing; Mauriès, Jean-Paul (1996): Review and perspective of study on myriapodology of China. - In: Geoffroy, Jean-Jacques; Mauriès, Jean-Paul; Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin, Monique (ed.) Acta Myriapodologica. - Mémoires du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, N. S. 169: 81-99 — link

Wang, DaQing; Zhang, Chong-Zhou (1993): A new family of millipeds (Diplopoda: Callipodida) from Southwestern China. - Peking Natural History Museum 53 (1): 375-390

Wang, DaQing; Zhang, ChongZhao (1993): A new millipede family Paracortinidae (Diplopoda: Callipodida) from China. - Proc. Beijing Mus. Nat. Hist. 1: 112-124

Wang, I. Kuan; Hsu, Shih Pin; Chi, Ng; Lee, Kam Fai; Lin, Paul Yann; Chang, Hsueh Wen; Chuang, Feng Rong (2004): Rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure, and multiple focal neuropathies after drinking alcohol soaked with centipede. - Renal Failure 26 (1): 93-97

Wang, Jin-feng; You, Wen-hui (2007): Community structure of soil macro-invertebrate in greenbelt habitat in Shanghai. - Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment 23 (1): 19-23

Wang, Jun; Yao, Hai-Yuan; Mai, Jun-Wei; Zhang, Wei-Qiu; Tong, Xjao-Li (2008): Community structure and its seasonal change of litter invertebrates in Changgangshan Natural Reserve of Guangzhou, China. - Shengtaixue Zazhi 27 (3): 408-413

Wang, T. H.; Wu, H. W. (1948): On the structure of the malpighian tubes of centipedes and their excretion of uric acid. - Sinensia 18: 1-11

Wang, XianChun (2002): A review on the medical application of centipede. - Chinese Journal of Zoology 37 (3): 88-91

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze (1951): The myriopoda of the Philippine Islands. Dissertation, Department of Invertebrate Zoology, University of Utha. - Edward Brothers Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan: 80 pp.

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze (1955): A preliminary report on Myriapoda and Arachnida of Lan Yu Islets (Botel Tobago), China. - Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 8: 195-201

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze (1955): Records of myriapods on Formosa with description of new species. - Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 8 (1): 13-16

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze (1955): Supplement to the Myriapoda of the Philippine Islands II. - Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 8 (3): 193-194

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze (1956): Records of myriapods on Formosa with description of new species (2). - Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 9 (2): 155-159

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze (1957): Records of myriapods on Taiwan Islands (3) - Pescadore Islets, Kao-Yung, Pingtung, Changhua and Taipei. - Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 10 (1): 23-29

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze (1957): Records of myriapods on Taiwan Islands (4) six new Polydesmids. - Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 10 (3/4): 103-111

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze (1957): Records of myriapods on Taiwan Islands (5) with description of three new species. - Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 10 (3/4): 112-115

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze (1958): On Diplopoda from Taiwan with a new Strongylosomids. - Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 11 (3/4): 340-344

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze (1959): On chilopoda from Taiwan from Taiwan with a new lithobid. - Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 12 (3/4): 195-199

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze (1961): Millipedes of Taiwan - A New Species of Family Spirobolidae. - Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 14 (1/2): 141-142

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze (1961): The Diplopoda of the Philippinne Islands - A revision of the Myriapoda of the Philippine Islands. - Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 14: 89-140

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze (1962): The Chilopoda of the Philippine Islands (A Revision of the Myriapoda of the Philippine Islands Part 2). - Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 15: 79-106

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze (1963): Millipedes and Centipedes of Quemoy, Fukien Province and Taiwan Island, Botel Tobago (Lan Yu), Taiwan Province and of Singapore. - Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 16 (1/2): 89-96

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze (1964): Serica 1 op: Wallacea and insular fauna of millipedes. - Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 17: 67-76

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze (1965): Serica IS: The centipeds of Malay Archipelago and south sea islands: Singapore, Sarawak and Sumatra. - Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 18 (3/4): 443-452

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze (1967): Millipedes and centipedes from Bukit Timah, Singapore, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. - Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 20: 393-398

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze (1967): Records on millipedes and centipedes from Brunei and from the Philippines. - Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 20: 391-392

Wang, Yu-Hsi Moltze; Tang, Ming Chang (1965): The millipedes of Malay Archipelago and South Sea Islands Singapore, Sarawak and Sumatra. - Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 18: 399-441

Wang, Yufen; Han, Shuanghong; Qu, Shuming; Zhao, Tai (1994): Experimental study on anti-senility effects of centipede. - Zhongguo Zhongyao Zazhi 19 (11): 703-704

Wankel, H. (1861): Beiträge zur österreichischen Grottenfauna. - Sitzungsberichte, Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Abteilung I 43: 251-264

Wanner, Manfred (1989): Zur Morphologie und Ökologie von Thekamöben (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) in Süddeutschen Wäldern..: 1-107

Wanner, Manfred (1999): A Reviev on the Variability of Testate Amoebae: Methodological Approaches, Environmental Influences and Taxonomical Implications.. - Acta Protozoologica 38 (1): 15-29

Wanner, Manfred; Dunger, Wolfram (1999): Immigration and Primary Succession of Protists (Testata Amoebae) on Recultivated Lignite Mine Spoils in Eastern Germany.. - Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie: 321-327

Wanner, Manfred; Dunger, Wolfram (2002): Primary immigration and succession of soil organisms on reclaimed opencast coal mining areas in eastern Germany. - European Journal of Soil Biology 38 (2): 137-143

Wanner, Manfred; Hauser, Harald; Zimdars, Bettina; Dunger, Wolfram (1999): Einwanderungswege der Bodenfauna auf Kippen des Tagebaues Berzdorf. - Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft der Oberlausitz 7/8: 101-104

Wanner, Manfred; Wiesener, Cornelia; Xylander, Willi E. R. (2002): Beispiel 4: Der aktive Truppenübungsplatz ´Oberlausitz´als Lebensraum gefährdeter Organismen..: 11-18

Wanner, Manfred; Wiesner, C.; Xylander, Willi E. R. (2003): Der aktive Truppenübungsplatz "Oberlausitz" als Lebensraum gefährdeter Organismen..: 11-11

Warburg, M. R.; Gealekman, Olga (2000): Ovarian structure and oogenetic cycle in the millipede Catamicrophyllum caifanum (Diplopoda: Iulidae). - Journal of Zoology 250 (1): 179-85

Warburg, M. R.; Rosenberg, Mira (1983): Cerebral neurosecretory cells in the millipede, Archispirostreptus syriacus, de Saussure (Diplopoda, Spirostreptiadae [Spirostreptidae]). - Acta Zoologica 64 (2-3): 107-115

Warburg, M. R.; Rosenberg, Mira; Johns, Peter M. (1998): Ovarian structure in a millipede, Eumastigonus sp. (Diplopoda; Cambalidae), from New Zealand. - New Zealand Journal of Zoology 25 (3): 301-306

Warchalowska-Sliwa, Elzbieta; Maryanska-Nadachowska, Anna; Kania, Grzegorz (2004): Cytogenetic studies of Glomeris (Diplopoda: Glomeridae). - Folia Biologica (Cracow) 52 (1-2): 67-71

Ward, Geraldine M. (1984): Interglacial fossils from Upminster, Essex (U. K.). - London Naturalist 63: 24-26

Ward, John B.; Macfarlane, Roderick P.; Quinn, Pat J.; Morris, Simon J.; Hitchings, Terry R.; Green, Emily H.; Early, John W.; Emberson, Rowan M.; Fenwick, Graham D.; Henderson, Ian M.; Henderson, Rosa; Johns, Peter M.; Lariviere, Marie Claude; Marris, Jo (1999): Insects and other arthropods of Hinewai Reserve, Banks Peninsula, New Zealand. - Records of the Canterbury Museum 13: 97-121

Ward, John B.; Ward, Geraldine M.; Johns, Peter M.; Jenner, Lesley; Quinn, Pat M.; Green, Emily H.; Clark, John M.; Hitchings, Terry R.; Macfarlane, Roderick P.; Pollard, Simon D.; Patrick, Brian H.; Patrick, Haruna; Carter, Dianne M.; Vink, Cor J. (2007): A survey of the arthropod fauna of Kennedys Bush Reserve. - Records of Canterbury Museum 21: 57-68

Ward, Stephen (1997): The number of terrestrial and freshwater species in Scotland. - Scottish Natural Heritage Review 84: 1-110

Wardle, David A.; Barker, Gary M.; Yeates, Gregor W.; Bonner, Karen I.; Ghani, Anwar (2001): Introduced browsing mammals in New Zealand natural forests: Aboveground and belowground consequences. - Ecological Monographs 71 (4): 587-614

Wardle, David A.; Nicholson, Kathryn S.; Yeates, Gregor W. (1993): Effect of weed management strategies on some soil-associated arthropods in maize and asparagus ecosystems. - Pedobiologia 37 (5): 257-269

Wardle, David A.; Yeates, Gregor W.; Barker, Gary M.; Bellingham, Peter J.; Bonner, Karen I.; Williamson, Wendy M. (2003): Island Biology and Ecosystem Functioning in Epiphytic Soil Communities. - Science (Washington DC) 301: 1717-1720

Waringer, Johann (1980): Stigmen bei Tausendfüßern. - Mikrokosmos 69 (12): 377-381

Warren, Matthew W.; Zou, Xiao-Ming (2002): Soil macrofauna and litter nutrients in three tropical tree plantations on a disturbed site in Puerto Rico. - Forest Ecology and Management 170 (1-3): 161

Warren, Robert W.; Nagy, Lisa; Selegue, Jane; Gates, Julie; Carroll, Sean (1994): Evolution of homeotic gene regulation and function in flies and butterflies. - Nature 372 (6505): 458-461

Warren, S. D.; Scifres, C. J.; Teel, P. D. (1987): Response of grassland arthropods to burning: a review. - Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 19 (2): 105-130

Wasmann, E. (1894): Kritisches Verzeichnis der Myrmecophilen und Thermitophilen Arthropoden.: 271 pp.

Wassenaar, Theo D.; Ferreira, Sam M.; Aarde, Rudi J. van (2007): Flagging aberrant sites and assemblages in restoration projects. - Restoration Ecology 15 (1): 68-76

Watanabe, H. (1967): The relation of biomass of soil animals to the breakdown of leaf litter in a natural beech forest a bamboo and a spruce plantation Phyllostachys recticulata Fagus crenata Picea abies (earthworms millipedes). - Journal of the Japanese Forestry Society 49 (8): 311-315

Watanabe, H. (1991): Terrestrial Isopods and Theire Habitats - A Case Study in Shiga-Cho, Shiga Prefecture, Western Japan.. - Advances in management and conservation of soil fauna. Proceedings of the 10th International Soil Zoology Colloquium, held at Bangalore, India, August 7-13, 1988: 865-870

Watanabe, H.; Ruaysoongnern, S. (1984): Effects of shifting cultivation on soil macrofauna in northeastern Thailand. - Memoirs of the College of Agriculture, Kyoto University 125: 35-43

Watanabe, H.; Ruaysoongnern, S. (1989): Estimation of arboreal arthropod density in a dry evergreen forest in Northeastern Thailand. - Journal of tropical ecology 5: 151-158

Waterhouse, D. F.; Sands, D. P. A. (2001): Classical biological control of arthropods in Australia.: 559 pp.

Waterhouse, J. S. (1969): An evaluation of a new predaceous centipede Lamyctes sp. on the garden (Symphylan: Scutigerella immaculara). - Canadian Entomologist 101 (10): 1081-1083

Waterhouse, J. S. (1970): Distribution of the garden symphylan Scutigerella immaculata in the USA - A 15-year survey. - Journal of economic entomology 63 (2): 390-394

Waterhouse, J. S. (1987): Natural enemys of the garden Symphylan, Scutigerella immaculata. - Canadian Entomologist

Watermolen, Dreux J. (1995): Distribution of the milliped Narceus americanus annularis (Spirobolida: Spirobolidae) in Wisconsin. - The Great lakes entomologist 28 (3 & 4): 225-226

Watermolen, Dreux J. (1996): The centipede Lithobius celer (Chilopoda: Lithobiidae) in Wisconsin. - University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Field Station Bulletin 29 (2): 11-13

Watermolen, Dreux J. (1997): Updated Checklist of Wisconsin Centipedes (Chilopoda). - Wisconsin Entomological Society Special Publication 4: 1-6

Watermolen, Dreux J.; Chandler, Clay M. (1993): A record of the horsehair worm Chordodes morgani (Nematomorpha) in Wisconsin. - Journal of Freshwater Ecology 8 (2): 187-188

Watermolen, Dreux J.; Larsen, G. Andrew (1996): Notes on the milliped Pleuroloma flavipes (Polydesmida: Xystodesmidae) in Wisconsin. - University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Field Station Bulletin 29 (2): 1-10

Waterston, A. R. (1936): Diplopoda and Chilopoda - In: Forrest, J. E. Waterston A. R. & Watson E. V. - The Natural History of Barra Hebrides. - Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh 22 (5): 271

Waterston, A. R. (1981): Present knowledge of the non-marine invertebrate fauna of the Outer Hebrides. - Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh, Section B, Biology 79 (4): 215-321

Watt, J. C. (1982): Terrestrial arthropods from the Poor Knights Islands, New Zealand. - Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 12 (3): 283-320

Watt, J. C. (1983): Hexapoda, Myriapoda and Arachnida. - National Museum of New Zealand, Miscellaneous Series 7: 62-67

Wauters, A.; Dewar, A. M. (1995): The effect of insecticide seed treatments on pests of sugar beet in Europe: results of the IIRB co-operative trials with pesticides added to pelleted seed in 1991, 1992 and 1993. - Parasitica 51 (4): 143-173

Weatherston, J.; Gardiner, E. J. (1973): The defensive secretion of a polydesmoid millipede Diplopoda. - Canadian Entomologist 105 (10): 1375-1376

Weatherston, J.; Percy, J. E. (1969): Studies of physiologically active arthropod secretions - Part 3: chemical morphological and histological studies of the defence mechanism of Uroblaniulus canadensis (Diplopoda Julida). - Canadian Journal of Zoology 47 (6): 1389-1394

Weatherston, J.; Tyrrell, D.; Percy, J. E. (1971): Long chain alcohol acetates in the defensive secretion of the millipede Blaniulus guttulatus. - Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 7: 98-100

Webb, N. R. (1985): Arthropods. - Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society 106: 174-176

Webb, Peter I.; Telford, Steven R. (1995): Energy and water balance in the large sub-tropical millipede Alloporus bilobatus (Diplopoda: Spirostreptidae). - Journal of insect physiology 41 (5): 389-393

Weber, Dieter (1988): Die Höhlenfauna und -flora des Höhlenkatastergebietes Rheinland-Pfalz/ Saarland. - Abhandlungen zur Karst- und Höhlenkunde 22: 1-157

Weber, Dieter (1988): Die Höhlenfauna und -flora des Höhlenkatastergebietes Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland. - Abhandlungen zur Karst- und Höhlenkunde: 1-157

Weber, Dieter (1989): Die Höhlenfauna und -flora des Höhlenkatastergebietes Rheinland-Pfalz/ Saarland, 2. Teil. - Abhandlungen zur Karst- und Höhlenkunde 23: 1-250

Weber, Dieter (1991): Die Evertebratenfauna der Höhlen und künstlichen Hohlräume des Katastergebietes Westfalen einschließlich der Quellen- und Grundwasserfauna. - Abhandlungen zur Karst- und Höhlenkunde 25: 1-701

Weber, Dieter (1995): Die Höhlenfauna und -flora des Höhlenkatastergebietes Rheinland-Pfalz/ Saarland 3. Teil. - Abhandlungen zur Karst- und Höhlenkunde 29: 1-322

Weber, Dieter (2001): Die Höhlenfauna und –flora des Höhlenkatastergebietes Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland 4. Teil. - Abhandlungen zur Karst- und Höhlenkunde 33: 1-1088

Weber, Dieter (2012): Die Höhlenfauna und –flora des Höhlenkatastergebietes Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland 5. Teil. - Abhandlungen zur Karst- und Höhlenkunde 36

Weber, Dieter (2013): Doppelfüßer (Myriapoda, Diplopoda) aus den Höhlen des Großherzogtums Luxemburg. - In: Weber, Dieter (ed.) Die Höhlenfauna Luxemburgs. - Ferrantia 69: 193-208

Weber, Dieter (2013): Hundertfüßer (Myriapoda, Chilopoda) aus den Höhlen des Großherzogtums Luxemburg. - In: Weber, Dieter (ed.) Die Höhlenfauna Luxemburgs. - Ferrantia 69: 209-215

Weber, Dieter (2013): Zwergfüßer (Myriapoda, Symphyla) aus den Höhlen des Großherzogtums Luxemburg. - In: Weber, Dieter (ed.) Die Höhlenfauna Luxemburgs. - Ferrantia 69: 191-192

Weber, G. (1963): Die Makrofauna leichter und schwerer Ackerböden und ihre Beeinflussung durch Pflanzenschutzmittel.. - Bodenkultur: 107-118

Weber, G. (1993): Die Nematocera (Insecta: Diptera) eines klärschlammgedüngten und schwermetallbelasteten Ackers: Ökologie und Larvalbiologie..: 1-162
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