CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda

The CIM LIT is an online reference database to compile all literature references on Myriapoda. It contains nearly 17,000 references on Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda and Symphyla from the year 1551 up to date. But it is under no circumstances complete. It may be assumed that the number of publications on Myriapods exceeds 20,000.

The new CIM LIT database based on the MyriaLit database. Hans Reip started to compile the MyriaLit including the literature collections from the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (Karin Voigtländer), Norman Lindner, Jörg Spelda, Peter Decker and Jörg Rosenberg.

In 2019, the MyriaLit as well as the latest version of the literature collection of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (ca. 8.000 references) were merged and the CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda from the Centre International de Myriapodologie (CIM) went online and allows all CIM members to add references to this database.

Please visit CIM LIT and register to add your references, fill gaps and to keep the database up-to-date.

Please cite CIM LIT as follows:
Reip, H. S., Decker, P., Spelda, J., Voigtländer, K. & International Society for Myriapodology (2021) CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda. Accessed at

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Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1923): An Algerian Julid in America. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 36: 191-192

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1923): An Algerian Julid in America.. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington: 191-192

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1923): On four termitophilous millipeds from British Guiana. - Zoologica, New York 3 (21): 411-421

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1923): Results of the Bryannt Walker Expeditions of the University of Michigan to Colombia, 1913, and British Guiana, 1914. The Diplopoda. - Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 113: 1-83

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1923): Two Diplopod immigrants taken at Honolulu. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 36: 165-168

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1923): XVIII. Expedition of the California Academy of Sciences to the Gulf of California in 1921. On chilopods and diplopods from islands in the Gulf of California. - Proceedings of the California Academy of Science, 4th series 12 (18): 389-407

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1924): A new Leptodesmoid milliped from Nicaragua. - Entomological News 35: 174-174

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1924): A new milliped of the genus Orthomorpha, immagrant from the Philippine Islands. - Entomological News 35: 173-174

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1924): Report on the Chilopoda and Diplopoda collected by the Barbados-Antigua Expedition from the University of Iowa in 1918. - University of Iowa Studies in Natural History 10 (4): 41-44

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1925): A new species of the lithobiid genus Nampabius from Tennessee. - Canadian Entomologist 57: 291

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1925): Notes on chilopods and diplopods from Barro Colorado Id., and other parts of the Canal Zone, with diagnoses of new species. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 38: 35-44

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1925): Notes on some centipeds and millipeds from Utha. - Pan-Pacific Entomologist 2 (2): 55-63

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1925): The Ethopolidae of America north of Mexico. - Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 57 (7): 385-437

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1925): The genera Lithobius, Neolithobius, Gonibius, and Zinapolys in America north of Mexico. - Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 57 (8): 441-504

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1926): Chilopoda. - Bulletin, Bernice P. Bishop Museum 31: 92-94

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1926): Two new American Chilopods. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 39: 9-10

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1927): The Chilopoda and Diplopoda collected by the American Museum of Natural History Congo Expedition (1909-1915), with notes on some other African species. - Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 57 (4): 177-249

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1928): Some chilopods and diplopods from Missouri. - Entomological News 39: 153-155

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1930): A new geophiloid Chilopod from Potter Creek Cave, California. - University of California, Publications in Zoology 33: 297-300

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1930): On some centipeds and millipeds from Utah and Arizona. - Pan-Pacific Entomologist 6 (3): 111-122

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1930): On some chilopods immigrant at Hawaii. - Pan-Pacific Entomologist 2 (2): 65-69

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1931): A new milliped of the genus Fontaria from Mississippi (Chilognatha: Xystodesmidae). - Entomological News 42 (3): 78-79

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1931): On a collection of chilopods and diplopods from Oklahoma. - Entomological News 42 (4): 97-104

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1931): On three new chilopods. - Pan-Pacific Entomologist 7 (4): 189-191

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1933): On a collection of centipeds and millipeds from Costa Rica. - Pan-Pacific Entomologist 9 (1): 11-24

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1938): Diplopoda from Yucatan. - Publications Carnegie Institution of Washington 491: 165-182

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1938): New diplopods. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 51: 205-208

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1938): On eighteen new Lithobiomorphous Chilopods. - Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 11 2: 625-635

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1938): Three new Geophiloid Chilopoda. - Entomological News 49: 254-255

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1939): Four new centipeds of the genus Cryptops. - Pan-Pacific Entomologist 15 (2): 63-65

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1939): On a collection of chilopods from the East Indies. - Bulletin of the University of Utah, Biological Series 29 (12): 1-19

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1939): On some diplopods of the family Fontariidae. - Bulletin of the University of Utah, Biological Series 5 (3): 1-19

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1940): A new Geophilus from San Nicholas Island, California. - Pan-Pacific Entomologist 16: 4

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1940): Diagnoses of ten new chilopods with a new genus of Sogonidae an a key to the species of Lophobius. - Pan-Pacific Entomologist 16 (2): 49-56

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1940): Four new Western millipeds. - Journal of entomology and zoology / Pomona College 32 (4): 81-83

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1940): Four new polydesmoid millipeds from North Carolina (Myriapoda). - Entomological News 51 (10): 282-284

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1940): New genera and species of North American Paraiulidae. - Bulletin of the University of Utah, Biological Series 5 (7): 1-39

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1940): On a diplopod collection from Barro Colorado Island, Panama. - Bulletin of the University of Utah, Biological Series 30 (9): 1-16

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1940): On six new Lithobiid Centipedes from North Carolina. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 53: 75-78

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1940): On some chilopods and diplopods from North Carolina. - Canadian Entomologist 72: 56-59

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1940): On some chilopods from Barro Colorado Island. - Psyche 47: 66-74

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1940): Two new Geophiloid Chilopods from Mexico and Texas. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 53: 65-66

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1940): Two new lithobiid chilopods from burrows of the Florida Pocket Gopher. - Entomological News 51: 48-50

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1941): A new oniscodesmoid Diplopod from Barro Colorado Island. - Journal of entomology and zoology / Pomona College 33: 57-58

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1941): Millipedes and Centipedes from Northeastern Peru.. - Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History: 475-534

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1941): New American Millipeds. - Bulletin of the University of Utah, Biological Series 6 (4): 1-39

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1941): New Chilopods from Mexico. - Pan-Pacific Entomologist 17 (4): 184-188

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1941): New Genera and Species of American Lithobiid Centipeds. - Bulletin of the University of Utah, Biological Series 31 (13): 1-23

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1941): New Genera and Species of North American Geophiloid Centipeds. - Annals of the Entomological Society of America 34 (4): 773-790

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1941): New polydesmoid diplopods intercepted at quarantine. - Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 43 (2): 32-35

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1941): New western Millipeds. - Bulletin of the University of Utah, Biological Series 6 (5): 1-23

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1941): On a collection of Myriopoda from Venezuela. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 54: 137-142

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1941): On a collection of millipedes and centipedes from Northeastern Peru. - Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 78 (7): 473-535

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1941): On five new Polydesmid millipeds from Mexico. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 54: 63-66

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1941): Three new centipedes of the genus Cryptops. - Journal of Entomology and Zoology 333: 41-42

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1942): A new American centiped of the genus Scutigera (Chilopoda: Scutigeridae). - Entomological News 53: 10-11

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1942): New millipodes from Michoacan. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 55: 57-62

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1942): New southern Millipeds. - Bulletin of the University of Utah, Biological Series 6 (8): 1-19

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1942): Notes on a collection of centipedes chiefly from Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missouri (Chilopoda). - Entomological News 53: 184-188

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1942): On Centipedes and Millipedes from Mexican Caves. - Bulletin of the University of Utah, Biological Series 7 (2): 3-19

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1942): On a collection of myriapods from Iowa. - Canadian Entomologist 74: 15-17

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1942): On a new family in the Notostigmata. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 55: 125-132

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1942): On ten new centipeds from Mexico and Venezuela. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 55: 17-24

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1942): Seven new millipeds from Mexico (Diplopoda). - Entomological News 52 (9): 250-255

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1942): Two millipeds of the genus Rhysodesmus from Mexico. - Canadian Entomologist 74 (5): 91-92

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1942): Two new centipeds from the Chilibrillo Caves, Panama. - Pan-Pacific Entomologist 18 (3): 125-126

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1943): A new Cambalid Diplopod. - Entomological News 54 (4): 88-89

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1943): A new polydesmus from Missouri and Oklahoma (Diplopoda). - Entomological News 54 (1): 15-16

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1943): On Mexican Centipeds. - Bulletin of the University of Utah, Biological Series 7 (3): 1-55

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1943): On Mexican Millipeds. - Bulletin of the University of Utah, Biological Series 8 (3): 1-103

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1943): On nine North American polydesmoid millipeds. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 56: 35-40

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1943): On some genera and species of American millipeds. - Bulletin of the University of Utah, Biological Series 8 (2): 1-20

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1943): Some records and descriptions of American Chilopods. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 56: 97-108

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1943): Some records and descriptions of American diplopods. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 56: 143-151

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1944): Chilopods in the collections of Field Museum of Natural History. - Fieldiana, Zoology 28 (4): 175-225

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1944): Some Chilopods from the Indo-Australian archipelago. - Notulae naturae of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 147: 1-14

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1944): Two millipeds from Southern California. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 57: 113-116

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1944): Two new Centipedes. - Entomological News 55 (3): 64-66

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1945): On some Diplopods from the Indo-Australian Archipelago. - American Museum Novitates 1282: 1-43

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1945): On some millipeds from Saipan. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 58: 33-38

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1945): Two new centipeds from Trinidad. - Entomological News 56: 171-174

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1946): A New Centiped of the Genus Guambius from Mississippi. - Entomological News 57: 194-195

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1946): A new American genus in the Chilopod family Himantariidae. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 59: 35-38

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1946): A new centiped and two new millipeds from the Pearl Islands, Colombia. - Pan-Pacific Entomologist 22 (4): 145-147

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1946): A new milliped and two new centipeds from Guam. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 59: 161-163

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1946): On four millipeds from Georgia and Mississippi. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 59: 139-142

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1946): On some millipeds of Georgia. - Entomological News 57: 149-152

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1946): Texophon, a new genus in the diplopod family Lysiopetalidae. - Entomological News 57: 97-99

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1946): Two new species of the milliped genera Chonaphe and Aniulus. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 59: 31-34

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1947): A few chilopods taken in Panama by N. L. H. Krauss. - Entomological News 58: 146-149

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1947): A new Myrmecophilous milliped from Mexico. - Pan-Pacific Entomologist 23 (3): 101-102

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1947): On some millipeds from Micronesia. - Entomological News 58: 41-47

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1947): Seven new American millipeds. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 60: 9-13

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1947): Some records and descriptions of diplopods chiefly in the collection of the academy. - Proceedings of the Academy of natural Science of Philadelphia 99: 21-58

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1947): Two new species of Trichomorpha from Panama. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 60: 63-66

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1948): A third species in the Chelodesmid genus Semionellus (Diplopoda). - Entomological News 59: 258-259

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1949): A new fossil chilopod from the late Cenozoic [Arizona]. - Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 11 (7): 117-120

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1949): A new genus and four new species in the Diplopod family Xystodesmidae. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 62: 3-6

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1949): American millipeds of the family Paeromopidae. - Natural History Miscellanea 2: 1-6 — link

Chamberlin, Ralph Vary (1949): American millipeds of the family Phaeromopidae. - Natural History Miscellanea (52): 1-6
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