CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda

The CIM LIT is an online reference database to compile all literature references on Myriapoda. It contains nearly 17,000 references on Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda and Symphyla from the year 1551 up to date. But it is under no circumstances complete. It may be assumed that the number of publications on Myriapods exceeds 20,000.

The new CIM LIT database based on the MyriaLit database. Hans Reip started to compile the MyriaLit including the literature collections from the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (Karin Voigtländer), Norman Lindner, Jörg Spelda, Peter Decker and Jörg Rosenberg.

In 2019, the MyriaLit as well as the latest version of the literature collection of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (ca. 8.000 references) were merged and the CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda from the Centre International de Myriapodologie (CIM) went online and allows all CIM members to add references to this database.

Please visit CIM LIT and register to add your references, fill gaps and to keep the database up-to-date.

Please cite CIM LIT as follows:
Reip, H. S., Decker, P., Spelda, J., Voigtländer, K. & International Society for Myriapodology (2021) CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda. Accessed at

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Chen, Chao-Chun; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich; Chang, Hsueh Wen (2006): The millipede tribe Sulciferini in Taiwan (Diplopoda: Polydesmia: Paradoxosomatidae). - Norwegian journal of entomology 53 (2): 249-270

Chen, Chao-Chun; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich; Chang, Hsueh Wen (2008): Identity of the east Asian millipede Habrodesmus inexpectatus Attems, 1944 (Diplopoda : Polydesmida : Paradoxosomatidae). - Journal of Natural History 42 (39-40): 2547-2556

Chen, Chao-Chun; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich; Chang, Hsueh Wen (2010): Revision of the endemic Taiwanese millipede genus Aponedyopus Verhoeff, 1939, with descriptions of two new species (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae). - ZooKeys 72: 1-21

Chen, Chao-Chun; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich; Chang, Hsueh Wen (2011): The genus Inversispina Zhang, in Zhang, Wang et Zhang, 1997, new to the millipede fauna of Taiwan, with the description of a nes species (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae: Alogolykinae. - Arthropoda Selecta 20 (4): 251-257

Chen, Chao-Chun; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich; Chang, Hsueh Wen; Shyh-Hwang (2011): Revision of the Taiwanese millipede genus Chamberlinius Wang, 1956, with descriptions of two new species and a reclassification of the tribe Chamberlinini (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae, Paradoxosomatinae). - ZooKeys 98: 1-27

Chen, Chao-Chun; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich; Mikhaljova, Elena Valentinovna; Chang, Hsueh Wen (2010): The millipede genus Anoplodesmus Pocock, 1895, recorded in Taiwan for the first time, with descriptions of two new species (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae: Sulciferini). - Zootaxa 2399: 20-30

Chen, JianXiu; Chen, Chao-Chun; Meng, WenXin (1991): A new species of the genus Glyphiulus (Diplopoda: Spirostreptida: Cambalopsidae). - Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 16 (4): 394-397

Chen, JianXiu; Chen, Chao-Chun; Zhang, ChongZhao (1990): A cave-dwelling new species of the diplopod genus Epanerchodus from Guizhou Province (Polydesmida: Polydesmidae). - Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 15 (4): 406-408

Chen, Zhongping; Chen, Chao-Chun (1995): Preliminary research on rearing of larvae of medicinal centipedes (Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans L. Koch). - Journal of Jinan University 16 (3): 85-89

Chen, Zhongping; Chen, Chao-Chun (1995): The relationship between food consumption and growth in rearing medicinal centipedes (Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans L. Koch). - Journal of Jinan University 16 (1): 103-105

Chereau, Loïc; Etienne, Sébastien; Iorio, Etienne; Racine, Antoine (2016): Redécouverte de Lithobius (Lithobius) pelidnus Haase, 1880 (Chilopoda, Lithobiidae) en Basse-Normandie. - Invertebres Armoricains , les Cahiers du Gretia 14: 23-30

Cherenkova, V. A. (1968): The parasite fauna of less valuable and trash fish of the sviyazh bay of the kuibyshev reservoir USSR acanthocephalan leech mollusc myxosporidians infusorians trematoda tapeworm roundworm crustacean new records. - Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta 126 (3): 112-133

Chernov, Y.I.; Khodashova, K.S.; Zlotin, R.I. (1967): Biomass of terrestrial animals and some regularities in its zonal distribution. (Orig.Russ). - Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii: 188-197

Chernyakovskaya, T. F.; Dobrovol'skaya, T. G.; Bab'eva, I. P. (2004): The ability of saprotrophic bacteria isolated from natural habitats to lyse yeasts. - Mikrobiologiya 73 (4): 567-570

Cheung, David Koon-Bong; Brunke, Adam J.; Akkari, Nesrine; Souza, Carina Mara de (2013): Rotational Scanning Electron Micrographs (rSEM)_ A novel and accessible tool to visualize and communicate complex morphology. - ZooKeys 328: 47-57

Chevaillier, P.; Prigent, J. L. (1969): Analyse structurale du spermatozoide de Glomeris marginata Villers, (Myriapode, Diplopode). - Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Série D, Sciences Naturelles 269: 1202-1204

Chevaillier, P.; Prigent, J. L. (1969): Structure et analyse cytochimique du spermatozoide de Iulus londoniensis Leach Myriapode Diplopode. - Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Série D, Sciences Naturelles 269: 1089-1092

Chia, L. P.; Liu, H. T. (1951): Fossil Myriapods from Choukoutien. - Bulletin of the Geological Society of China 30 (1-4): 23-27

Child, C. M. (1892): The function of the nervous system of myriapods. - American Naturalist 26: 1051-1055

Chinchilla-Carmona, Misael; Guerrero-Bermudez, Olga Marta; Tamayo-Castillo, Giselle; Sittenfeld-Appel, Ana; Jimenez-Somarribas, Alberto; Valerio-Campos, Idalia (2008): Concentracion natural de compuestos antimalaricos en artropodos tropicales (in vitro) [Natural concentration of antimalaric components in Tropical arthropods (in vitro)] [in Spanish]. - Revista de Biologia Tropical 56 (2): 473-485

Chinchilla-Carmona, Misael; Herrera-Corrales, Marlen; Guerrero-Bermudez, Olga Marta; Jimenez-Somarribas, Alberto; Tamayo, Guiselle; Sittenfeld-Appel, Ana; Nielsen, Vanessa; Hurtado, Priscila (2003): Efecto de extractos de artropodos sobre la multiplicacion del Toxoplasma gondii dentro de macrofagos peritoneales de raton. - Revista de Biologia Tropical 51 (2): 317-320

Chipman, Ariel D.; Akam, Michael (2008): The segmentation cascade in the centipede Strigamia maritima: Involvement of the Notch pathway and pair-rule gene homologues. - Developmental Biology 319 (1): 160-169

Chipman, Ariel D.; Arthur, Wallace; Akam, Michael (2004): A double seament periodicity underlies segment generation in centipede development. - Current Biology 14 (14): 1250-1255

Chipman, Ariel D.; Arthur, Wallace; Akam, Michael (2004): Early development and segment formation in the centipede, Strigamia maritima (Geophilomorpha). - Evolution and Development 6 (2): 78-89

Chipman, Ariel D.; Dor, Neta; Bonato, Lucio (2013): Diversity and biogeography of Israeli geophilomorph centipedes (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha). - Zootaxa 3652 (2): 232-248

Chipman, Ariel D.; Stollewerk, Angelika (2006): Specification of neural precursor identity in the geophilomorph centipede Strigamia maritima. - Developmental Biology 290 (2): 337-350

Chistensen, S. (1997): 7. Diversity Effects on Trace Gas Production and Consumtion..: 49-52

Cholodkowski, N. (1895): Zur Embryologie der Diplopoden. (russisch). - Comptes rendus science soc. Imper. natur. St. Petersbourg 2 (10-12): 17-18

Chornyi, N. G. (1988): Discovery of Oxidus gracilis (C.L. Koch) (Diplopoda, Proterospermophora) in the Ukraine. - Vestnik Zoologii 4: 85

Chornyi, N. G. (1988): [Finding of Oxidus gracilis (C.L. Koch) (Diplopoda, Proterospermophora) in the Ukraine.]. - Vestnik Zoologii (4): 86

Chornyi, N. G. (1989): [Preliminary ecological-faunal characteristics of Diplopoda in the Kanev Reserve]. - Problemi Obshchei i Molekularnoi Biologii 8: 68-72

Chornyi, N. G. (1991): Distribution and ecological peculiarities of the miilipede Leptoiulus proximus (NEM.) (Diplopoda, Julidae) in the forest-Steppe zone of the Ukraine. - Vistn. Kiiv.univ. 4: 30-33

Chornyi, N. G. (1992): [The distribution and ecological characteristics of the grey wireworm in the forest/steppe zone of the Ukraine.]. - Problemy Zahal'noyi ta Molekulyarnoyi Biologiyi 10: 40-43

Chornyi, N. G. (2001): Diplopoda and Chilopoda of the projected National Park "Kholodniy Yar". - Nature Reserves in Ukraine 7 (2): 56-57

Chornyi, N. G.; Foroschuk, V. P. (2004): New records of the preferential protected and rare (Chylopoda [Chilopoda], Scolopendridae, Scutigeridae) of Lugansk natural reserve. - Vestnik Zoologii 38 (5): 46

Chornyi, N. G.; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich (1993): [Millipedes (Diplopoda) of the plain territoies of the Ukraine].: 57 pp.

Chornyi, N. G.; Kosyannko, E. V. (2003): Diplopoda and Chilopoda of the Middle Dnieper area. - Nature Reserves in Ukraine 9 (2): 64-66

Chotko, E. I. (1977): The role of some species of Diplopods in leaf litter decomposition. - In: Lohm, Ulrik; Persson, Tryggve (ed.) Soil Organisms as Components of Ecosystems. - Ecological Bulletins 25: 548-550

Chotko, E. I. (1977): The rolle of some species of diplopod in leaf litter decomposition. - Ecological Bulletins 25: 548-550

Chotko, E. I.; Striganova, Bella R. (1975): Influence of soil conditions on the distribution of diplopods in Southern Poiesje (Byelorussia, USSR). - In: Vanek, J. (ed.) Progress in soil zoology - Proceedings of the 5th International Colloquium on Soil Zoology held in Prague September 17-22, 1973.: 353-356

Chowdaiah, B. N. (1966): Chromosome studies in two species of Pill millipedes (Diplopoda-Myriapoda). - Caryologia 19: 135-141

Chowdaiah, B. N. (1966): Cytological studies on some Indian Diplopoda (Myriapoda). - Cytologia 31: 294-301

Chowdaiah, B. N. (1966): Cytological studies on some Indian Diplopoda (Myriapoda). - Nature 210: 847

Chowdaiah, B. N. (1966): Male reproductive pattern in Diplopoda (Myriapoda). - Science Journal 20: 41-45

Chowdaiah, B. N. (1967): Chromosome studies in Diplopoda (Myriapoda) - A note on the abnormal sex-chromosome behauviour in the male of Thyropygus sp.. - Current Science 36: 105-106

Chowdaiah, B. N. (1967): Chromosome studies in Diplopoda (Myriapoda). - Current Science 36 (4): 105-106

Chowdaiah, B. N. (1969): A note on the occurence of chromatid bridges in the male of Arthrosphaera sp., a pill millipede. - Current Science 38: 169-170

Chowdaiah, B. N. (1969): A note on the occurrence of chromatid bridges in the male of Arthrosphaera sp., a Pill-millipede. - Current Science 38 (7): 169-170

Chowdaiah, B. N.; Kanaka, Rani (1969): Cytological studies in six species of Pill Millipedes ( Diplopoda-Myriapoda). - Caryologia 27: 55-64

Chowdaiah, B. N.; Kanaka, Rani (1970): Cytological studies of Indian Diplopoda. II (Myriapoda). - In: Demange, Jean-Marie; Mauriès, Jean-Paul (ed.) 1er Congrès International de Myriapodologie, Paris (France), 8-13 avril 1968. - Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Supplement: 43-47

Chowdaiah, B. N.; Kanaka, Rani (1974): Cytological studies in six species of pill-millipedes (Diplopoda-Myriapoda). - Caryologia 27 (1): 55-64

Chowdaiah, B. N.; Kanaka, Rani (1979): Chromosome cytology of seven species of indian diplopoda (Myriapoda). - In: Myriapod biology.Academic Press, San Diego, California: 9-20

Christandl-Peskoller, H.; Janetschek, Heinz (1976): Zur Faunistik und Zoozönotik der südlichen Zillertaler Hochalpen. - Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck 101: 1-134

Christian, Erhard (1975): Zum Vorkommen des Spinnenläufers Scutigera coleoptrata L. in niederösterreichischen Höhlen. - Die Höhle 1975 (2/3): 66-69

Christian, Erhard (1983): Kärntner Fundorte des Spinnenläufers Scutigera coleoptrata (L.) und seine Verbreitung in Österreich und Mitteleuropa. - Carinthia II 173/93: 81-92

Christian, Erhard (1983): Kärntner Fundorte des Spinnenläufers Scutigera coleoptrata L. und seine Verbreitung in Österreich und Mitteleuropa (Chilopoda, Scutigeridae). - Carinthia II 173/93: 81-92 — link

Christian, Erhard (1986): Die Ergebnisse der ersten entomologischen Exkursion in eine österreichische Höhle aus damaliger und heutiger Sicht.. - Mitteilungen der Abteilung für Zoologie am Landesmuseum Joanneum in Graz: 1-3

Christian, Erhard (1996): Die Erdläufer (Chilopoda: Geophilida) des Wiener Stadtgebietes. - Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Österreich 133: 107-132

Christian, Erhard (1998): Die Fauna der Katakomben des Wiener Stephansdomes. - The fauna of the catacombs of St. Stephen's cathedral, Vienna. - Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Österreich 135: 41-60

Christian, Erhard (1998): Die Fauna der Katakomben des Wiener Stephansdomes. - Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Österreich 135: 41-60

Christian, Erhard (1998): On disregarded biotopes and inadequate sampling: how rare are rare species?. - In: Soil Zoological Problems in Central Europe.Akademie Ved Ceské Republiky, Ceské Budejovice: 19-22

Christian, Erhard (2002): 6.3.13 Die primär flügellosen 'Urinsekten' (Apterygota)..: 301-304

Christian, Erhard (2009): Symphyla (Zwergfüßer), Pauropoda (Wenigfüßer). - In: Endemiten - Kostbarkeiten in Österreichs Pflanzen- und Tierwelt.Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Kärnten & Umweltbundesamt, Klagenfurt : 510-512

Christian, Erhard; Meyer, Erwin (1997): Ein spektakuläres Massenauftreten von Springschwänzen in Tirol, Österreich.. - Berichte des naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck: 315-320

Christian, Erhard; Potocnik, Franc (1985): A contribution to the knowledge of the cave fauna of the island of Krk Yugoslavia. - Bioloski Vestnik 33 (1): 13-20

Christian, Erhard; Spötl, Christoph (2010): Karst geology and cave fauna of Austria: a concise review. - International Journal of Speleology 39 (2): 71-90

Christian, H. (1976): The degenerating processes of germinal cells during oogenesis in Lithobius forficatus (Myriapoda Chilopoda). - Archives d'Anatomie Microscopique et de Morphologie Experimentale 65 (3): 175-182

Christiansen, Kenneth (1970): Invertebrate populations in the Moulis Cave.. - Annales de Spéléologie: 243-273

Christiansen, Kenneth (1971): Factors affectings predation on Collembola by various Arthropods.. - Annales de Spéléologie: 97-106

Christiansen, Kenneth; Bullion, M. (1978): An evolutionary and ecological analysis of the terrestrial arthropods of caves in the central Pyrenees. - Bulletin of the National Speleological Society 40 (4): 103-117

Christman, Mary C.; Culver, David C. (2001): The relationship between cave biodiversity and available habitat. - Journal of biogeography 28: 367-380

Christow, Janssen (1983): [Über die Fauna der Diplopoden im Zentralen Mittelwaldgebirge]. - Naucni trudove / Plovdivski Universitet "Paisij Chilendarski" 21 (4): 39-43

Christow, Janssen (1984): [Beitrag zur Fauna der Diplopoda (Myriapoda) im zentralen Mittelwaldebirge]. - Naucni trudove / Plovdivski Universitet "Paisij Chilendarski" 22 (1): 91-94

Christow, Janssen (1984): [Die Verteilung der Diplopoda (Myriapoda) in einer Formation vom Querceta delechampii in zentralen Sredna-gora-Gebirge]. - Naucni trudove / Plovdivski Universitet "Paisij Chilendarski" 22 (1): 95-101

Christow, Janssen (1985): Senkrechte Verteilung und Saisondynamick der Diplopoden van der Formation Fageta silvaticae om mitteren Teil des Sredna Gora Gebirges. - Naucni trudove / Plovdivski Universitet "Paisij Chilendarski" 23 (1): 89-96

Christow, Janssen (1986): Zusammensetzung der Arten, Zahl, Biomasse und Raumverteilung der Diplopoden von der Formation Fageta sylvaticae im mittleren Teil des Sredna Gora Gebirges. - Naucni trudove / Plovdivski Universitet "Paisij Chilendarski" 24 (1): 161-168

Chu, T. L.; Bodnar, G.; Szabo, Istvan Mihaly M.; Probozsny, M. (1988): Are chitinolytic bacteria present in the gut of Glomeris hexasticha (Diplopoda)?. - Opuscula zoologica Instituti Zoosystematici et Oecologici Universitatis Budapestinensis 23: 133-135

Chu, T. L.; Szabo, Istvan Mihaly M. (1987): Nocardioform gut actinomycetes of Glomeris hexasticha Brandt (Diplopoda). - Biology and Fertility of Soils 3 (1-2): 113

Chuang, Shun An; Lee, Ling Ling (1997): Food habits of three carnivore species (Viverricula indica, Herpestes urva, and Melogale moschata) in Fushan Forest, northern Taiwan. - Journal of Zoology 243 (1): 71-79

Chudzicka, Elzbieta; Skibinska, Ewa; Janoszek, Marek (2001): The invertebrate fauna of Gory Stolowe National Park, its specificity and value. - Fragmenta Faunistica 44 (1): 1-19

Chung, Kyung Hwun; Moon, Myung Jin (2006): Antennal Sensory Organs in the Female Millipede Orthomorphella pekuensis (Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae). - Integrative biosciences / Korean Association of Biological Sciences 10: 183-189

Chung, Kyung Hwun; Moon, Myung Jin (2006): Fine structure of the antennal sensilla of the millipede Orthomorphella pekuensis (Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae). - Entomological research/ Entomological Society of Korea 36 (3): 173-178

Chung, Kyung Hwun; Moon, Myung Jin (2007): Fine structure of the antennal sensilla of the millipede Oxidus gracilis (Polydesmida: Paradoxomatidae). - Hangug Jeonja Hyeonmigyeong Haghoeji 37 (4): 231-238

Chung, Kyung Hwun; Moon, Myung Jin (2007): Microstructure of the antennal sensory organs in the millipede Cawjeekelia pyongana (Polydesmida: Paradoxomatidae). - Hangug Jeonja Hyeonmigyeong Haghoeji 37 (2): 73-82

Chung, Kyung-Hwun; Moon, Myung Jin (2008): Microstructure of the adhesive pad in the millipede Orthomorphella pekuensis (Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae). - Entomological research/ Entomological Society of Korea 38 (3): 216-220

Chung, Kyung-Hwun; Moon, Myung Jin (2009): Microstructure of the antennal sensilla in the millipede Anaulaciulus koreanus koreanus (Julida: Julidae). - Hangug Jeonja Hyeonmigyeong Haghoeji 39 (2): 141-147

Chung, Kyung-Hwun; Moon, Myung Jin (2011): Microstructure of the antennal sensory organs in female millipede Oxidus gracilis (Polydesmida: Paradoxomatidae). - Animal Cells & Systems 15 (1): 53-61

Churchfield, Sara; Barriere, Patrick; Hutterer, Rainer; Colyn, Marc (2004): First results on the feeding ecology of sympatric shrews (Insectivora: Soricidae) in the Tai National Park, Ivory Coast. - Acta Theriologica 49 (1): 1-15

Churchfield, Sara; Dieterlen, F.; Hutterer, Rainer; Dudu, A. (2007): Feeding ecology of the armored shrew, from the north-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. - Journal of Zoology 273 (1): 40-45

Churchfield, Sara; Hollier, John; Brown, Valerie K. (1991): The effects of small mammal predators on grassland invertebrates, investigated by field enclosure experiment. - OIKOS 60 (3): 283-290

Churchfield, Sara; Sheftel, B. I. (1994): Food niche overlap and ecological separation in a multi-species community of shrews in the Siberian taiga. - Journal of Zoology 234 (1): 105-124

Chyzer, K. (1886): Adatok a felsömagyarországi százlábúak ismeretéhez. - Rovartani lapok 3 (4): 64

Cicek, Kerim; Mermer, Ahmet (2007): A preliminary study of the food of the dwarf snake, Eirenis modestus (Martin, 1838) (Serpentes: Colubridae), in Izmir and Manisa provinces. - Turkish Journal of Zoology 31 (4): 399-402

Cicek, Kerim; Tok, Cemal Varol; Mermer, Ahmet; Tosunoglu, Murat; Ayaz, Dincer (2007): Food habits of the Lycian salamander, Lyciasalamandra fazilae (Basoglu and Atatur, 1974): preliminary data on Dalyan population. - North-Western Journal of Zoology 3 (1): 1-8

Ciornei, C.; Ciuca, L. (2002): The influence of chemical treatments used for root pests' control in forest nurseries on the diversity of soil fauna. - Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii ' Al I Cuza' din Iasi Serie Noua Sectiunea I Biologie Animala 48: 44-54

Cisse, M. (1972): The food of Senegal Varanids. - Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série A 34 (2): 503-515

Citernesi, U.; Neglia, R.; Seritti, A.; Lepidi, A.; Filippi, C.; Baguñà, Jaume; Nuti, M. P.; Galluzzi, R. (1977): Nitrogen fixation in the gastro-enteric cavity of soil animals. - Soil Biology & Biochemistry 9 (1): 71-72

Clark, D. B. (1979): A centipede preying on a nestling rice rat (Oryzomys bauri). - Journal of Mammalogy 60 (3): 654

Clark, Simone; Greenslade, Penelope (1996): Review of Tasmanian Hanseniella Bagnall (Symphyla: Scutigerellidae). - Invertebrate Taxonomy 10 (1): 189-212

Clark, Valerie C.; Raxworthy, Christopher J.; Rakotomalala, Valerie; Sierwald, Petra; Fisher, Brian L. (2005): Convergent evolution of chemical defense in poison frogs and arthropod prey between Madagascar and the Neotropics. - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102 (33): 11617-11622
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