CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda

The CIM LIT is an online reference database to compile all literature references on Myriapoda. It contains nearly 17,000 references on Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda and Symphyla from the year 1551 up to date. But it is under no circumstances complete. It may be assumed that the number of publications on Myriapods exceeds 20,000.

The new CIM LIT database based on the MyriaLit database. Hans Reip started to compile the MyriaLit including the literature collections from the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (Karin Voigtländer), Norman Lindner, Jörg Spelda, Peter Decker and Jörg Rosenberg.

In 2019, the MyriaLit as well as the latest version of the literature collection of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (ca. 8.000 references) were merged and the CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda from the Centre International de Myriapodologie (CIM) went online and allows all CIM members to add references to this database.

Please visit CIM LIT and register to add your references, fill gaps and to keep the database up-to-date.

Please cite CIM LIT as follows:
Reip, H. S., Decker, P., Spelda, J., Voigtländer, K. & International Society for Myriapodology (2021) CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda. Accessed at

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Fain, Alex (1992): Notes on mites associated with Myriapoda 5. The genus Scissuralaelaps Womersley, 1945 (Acari, Mesostigmata). Description of four new species from New Guinea. - Bulletin de l'institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie 62: 109-116

Fain, Alex (1994): Notes on mites associated with Myriapoda. 6. The genus Jacobsonia Berlese, 1910 (Acari: Laelapidae). - Journal of African Zoology 108 (6): 585-595

Fain, Alex; Britt, D. P.; Molyneux, D. H. (1980): Myianoetus copromyzae sp. nov. (Acari, Astigmata, Anoetidae) phoretic on Copromyza atra (Meigen 1830) in Scotland. - Journal of Natural History 14 (3): 401-403

Fain, Maurel M. A. (1966): Recent acquisitions regarding atypical spermatogenesis pentatomids myriapods. - Année Biologique 5 (11-12): 513-564

Fairhurst, Colin P. (1974): The adaptive significance of variations in the life cycles of schizophylline millipedes. - Symposia of the Zoological Society of London 32: 575-587

Fairhurst, Colin P. (1978): The Ecology of Millipedes on a Lincolnshire Sand Dune Region..: 43-43

Fairhurst, Colin P. (1978): The Habitat Distribution of some British Myriapods..: 32-32

Fairhurst, Colin P. (1985): Interim report on the millipede recording scheme. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod Group 2: 42-47

Fairhurst, Colin P. (1993): Poisonous exudates of millipedes. - Analytical Proceedings 30 (11): 429-430

Fairhurst, Colin P.; Barber, Anthony D. (1972): British Myriapod Survey. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod Group 1: 5

Fairhurst, Colin P.; Barber, Anthony D.; Armitage, M. L. (1978): The British Myriapod Survey - April 1975. - Abhandlungen und Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg 21/22: 129-134

Falcon-Lang, Howard J.; Miller, Randall F. (2007): Palaeoenvironments and palaeoecology of the early Pennsylvanian Lancaster Formation ('Fern ledges') of Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. - Journal of the Geological Society London 164 (5): 945-957

Falcoz, Louis (1914): Contribution a l'etude de la faune des microcavernes - Faune des terriers et des nids. - doctoral thesis, Lyon

Falk, S. J. (1992): Records and observations of scarcer snail-killing flies (Sciomyzidae) and millipede-killing flies (Phaeomyiidae), with a provisional list of Warwickshire species. - Dipterists Digest 11: 17-21

Fan, V. (1982): Fifth International Congress at Radford. - Liste des Travaux Arachnologiques: 9-12

Fanciulli, P. P. (1990): Gli invertebrati. Classe Pauropoda, Diplopoda, Chilopoda, Symphyla. - Carta della Natura 1: 121-130

Fantazzini, Evandro R.; Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (1999): Anatomy of the digestive tube, histology and histochemistry of the foregut and salivary glands of Rhinocricus padbergi Verhoeff (Diplopoda: Spirobolida: Rhinocricidae). - Arthropoda Selecta 7 (4): 257-264

Fantazzini, Evandro R.; Fontanetti, Carmem Silva; Camargo-Mathias, Maria Izabel (2003): Midgut of the millipede, "Rhinocricus" padbergi Verhoeff, 1938 (Diplopoda: Spirobolida): Histology and histochemistry. - Arthropoda Selecta 11 (2): 135-142

Fanzago, Fillipo (1874): I Chilopodi Italiani. - Atti della Società Veneto-Trentina di Scienze Naturali 3 (1): 17-64

Fanzago, Fillipo (1874): Sui Chilognati Italiani. - Atti della Società Veneto-Trentina di Scienze Naturali 3 (2): 233-292

Fanzago, Fillipo (1875): Alcune nuove specie di miriapodi. - Atti della Società Veneto-Trentina di Scienze Naturali 4: 149-152

Fanzago, Fillipo (1875): Alcune nuove specie di miriapodi.. - Atti della Società Veneto-Trentina di Scienze Naturali: 149-152

Fanzago, Fillipo (1875): Miriapodi della Calabria. - Atti della Società Veneto-Trentina di Scienze Naturali 10 (1): 44-76

Fanzago, Fillipo (1876): Nuove contribuzioni alla fauna miriapodologica italiana. - Annuario della Società dei Naturalisti in Modena 10 (1): 3-23

Fanzago, Fillipo (1877): Sopra alcuni Miriapodi cavernicoli della Francia e della Spagna. - Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, ser. 3 67: 1-13

Fanzago, Fillipo (1878): Dei catteri specifici nei Miriapodi. Lettera al Prof. G. Fedrizzi. - Annuario della Società dei Naturalisti in Modena, ser. 2 12

Fanzago, Fillipo (1879): Miriapodi nuovi. - Atti della Società Veneto-Trentina di Scienze Naturali 6 (1): 1-2

Fanzago, Fillipo (1880): Escursione in Calabria (1877-78) - Miriapodi. - Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 12: 265-277

Fanzago, Fillipo (1880): Lithobius brachycephalus n. sp.. - Resoconto delle adunanze generali e parziali / Società Entomologica Italiana

Fanzago, Fillipo (1881): Ein neuer italienischer Geophilus. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 88

Fanzago, Fillipo (1881): I Miriapodi del Sassarese - Parte descrittiva, Fasc. I. Sassari.

Fanzago, Fillipo (1881): Sulla secrezione ventrale del Geophilus gabrielis. - Atti dell'Istituto Veneto di scienze, ser. 5 7: 641-646

Fanzago, Fillipo (1883): Trovamento del nido del Geophilus flavidus. - Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 15

Fanzago, Fillipo (1884): Note sul nido del Geophilus flavus. - Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 15: 299

Fanzago, Fillipo (1884): Sulla tana della Scolopendra dalatica. Sassori. Chiarella. (cit. Zool. Anz.).

Farfan, Monica A.; Klompen, Hans (2012): Phoretic mite associates of millipedes (Diplopoda, Julidae) in the northern Atlantic region (North America, Europe). - International Journal of Myriapodology 7: 69-91

Farinos, Gema P.; de la Poza, Marta; Hernandez-Crespo, Pedro; Ortego, Felix; Castanera, Pedro (2008): Diversity and seasonal phenology of aboveground arthropods in conventional and transgenic maize crops in Central Spain. - Biological Control 44 (3): 362-371

Farkas, Sandor; Karpathegyi, Peter; Kiss, Marta; Novák, János; Ujvari, Zsolt (2009): Data to the soil-inhabiting meso- and macrofauna of Zselic Hills (SW Hungary) (Nematoda, Pseudoscorpiones, Acari, Chilopoda, Isopoda). Adatok a Zselic talajlako mezo- es makrofaunajanak ismeretehez (Nematoda, Pseudoscorpiones, Acari, Chilopoda, Isopoda). - Natura Somogyiensis 13: 57-72

Farnesi, R. M. (2001): Fauna del suolo e moderne pratiche agricole. - Annali della Facolta di Agraria Universita degli Studi di Perugia 53: 53-61

Farooqui, M. Nasrullah (1967): Rondonema Thapari n. sp. from the millipede (Spirostreptus sp.). - Zoologischer Anzeiger 178 (3-4): 297-300

Farooqui, M. Nasrullah; Farooqui, (1968): A new species of the genus Schwenkiella from Spirostreptus sp. (Schwenkiella welchi new species). - Rivista di Parassitologia 29 (4): 265-268

Farquharson, P. A. (1974): A study of the malpighian tubules of the pill millipede Glomeris marginata - Part 1 the isolation of the tubules in a ringer solution. - Journal of Experimental Biology 60 (1): 13-28

Farquharson, P. A. (1974): A study of the malpighian tubules of the pill millipede Glomeris marginata - Part 2 the effect of variations in osmotic pressure and sodium and potassium concentrations on fluid production. - Journal of Experimental Biology 60 (1): 29-39

Farquharson, P. A. (1974): A study of the malpighian tubules of the pill millipede Glomeris marginata - Part 3 the permeability characteristics of the tubule. - Journal of Experimental Biology 60 (1): 41-51

Farrell, G.; Simons, S. A.; Hillocks, R. J. (2002): Pests, diseases and weeds of Napier grass, Pennisetum purpureum: a review. - International Journal of Pest Management 48 (1): 39-48

Farzalieva, Gyulli Sh. (2004): [A new species of centipedes of the genus Chinobius (Lithobiidae, Chilopoda) from the Middle Urals]. - Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 83 (10): 1280-1283

Farzalieva, Gyulli Sh. (2006): New species of the lithobiid genus Lithobius (Monotarsobius) (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha: Lithobiidae) from eastern Kazakhstan. - Arthropoda Selecta 15 (2): 99-117

Farzalieva, Gyulli Sh.; Esyunin, S. L. (2008): A review of the centipede (Lithobiomorpha, Henicopidae, Lithobiidae) fauna of the Urals and Cis-Ural area. - Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 87 (8): 923-947

Farzalieva, Gyulli Sh.; Esyunin, S. L. (2010): The population structure of stone centipedes (Lithobiomorpha) on a landscape profile in the Transural forest-steppe. - Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 89 (9): 1070-1075

Farzalieva, Gyulli Sh.; Esyunin, S. L. (2014): The structure and seasonal dynamics of myriapoda populations (Chilopoda, Diplopoda) in the southern Taiga of perm cisuralia. - Zoologicheskii zhurnal 93 (1): 65-80

Farzalieva, Gyulli Sh.; Nefediev, Pavel Sergejewich; Tuf, Ivan Hadrián (2017): Lithobius (Chinobius) yuchernovi, a new lithobiid species from northeastern Siberia and the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha). - ZooKeys 693: 95-108

Farzalieva, Gyulli Sh.; Nefediev, Pavel Sergejewich; Tuf, Ivan Hadrián (2017): Revision of Disphaerobius Attems, 1926 (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha: Lithobiidae: Pterygoterginae), a centipede genus with remarkable sexual dimorphism. - Zootaxa 4258 (2): 121-137

Farzalieva, Gyulli Sh.; Zalesskaja, Nadezhda T. (2002): On two remarkable species of lithobiid centipedes (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha: Lithobiidae) from the steppe of the southern Urals, Russia. - Arthropoda Selecta 11 (4): 265-269

Farzalieva, Gyulli Sh.; Zalesskaja, Nadezhda T.; Edgecombe, Gregory D. (2004): A new genus and species of lithobiomorph centipede (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha: Anopsobiidae) from eastern Kazakhstan. - Arthropoda Selecta 13 (4): 219-224

Fasten, N. (1914): Spermatogenesis of the american crayfish, Cambarus virilis and Cambarus immunis (?), with special reference to synapsis and the chromaloid bodies. - Journal of morphology 25: 587-649

Fattorini, Simone (2011): Influence of island geography, age and landscape on species composition in different animal groups. - Journal of biogeography 38 (7): 1318-1329

Fattorini, Simone; Dennis, Roger L. H.; Cook, Laurence M. (2011): Conserving organisms over large regions requires multi-taxa indicators: One taxon's diversity-vacant area is another taxon's diversity zone. - Biological Conservation 144 (5): 1690-1701

Faure, A.; Guery, B.; Guinefoleau, J. P.; Weissenberger, A.; Naibo, B.; Decoin, M. (2004): Bilan phytosanitaire 2003 des mais: l'annee de la soif mais aussi des insectes. - Corn crops - 2003 plant health review: drought and insects. - Phytoma 567: 39-41

Favard, P. (1952): Degats anormaux des Iules en Province.. - Phytoma

Faxon, W. (1884): On the so-called dimorphism in the genus Cambarus. - American Journal of Science 3 (27): 42-44

Fayers, Stephen R.; Trewin, Nigel H. (2004): A review of the palaeoenvironments and biota of the Windyfield chert. - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Science 94 (4): 325-339

Fayers, Stephen R.; Trewin, Nigel H. (2005): A hexapod from the Early Devonian Windyfield chert, Rhynie, Scotland. - Palaeontology (Oxford) 48 (5): 1117-1130

Fayers, Stephen R.; Trewin, Nigel H.; Morrissey, Lance B. (2010): A large arthropod from the Lower Old Red Sandstone (Early Devonian) of Tredomen Quarry, South Wales. - Palaeontology (Oxford) 53 (Part 3): 627-643

Faës, Henri (1900): Contribution a l'étude des Myriapodes. - Bulletin de la Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles 36 (136): 140-146

Faës, Henri (1902): Distribution géographique des Myriapodes du Valais. - Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles, 4e série 14

Faës, Henri (1902): Myriopodes du Valais. - Revue Suisse de Zoologie 10: 31-164

Faës, Henri (1902): Quelques nouveaux Myriopodes du Valais. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 25: 256-260

Faës, Henri (1905): Un nouveau Myriopode du Valais. - Revue Suisse de Zoologie 13 (2): 581-583

Fearnehough, T. D. (1980): Luminous centipedes. - Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 92 (2): 53

Fechter, H. (1961): Anatomie und Funktion der Kopfmuskulatur von Cylindroiulus teutonicus (Pocock). - Zoologische Jahrbuecher : Abteilung fuer Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere 79: 479-528

Fedrizzi, Giacinto (1876): I Cordeumidi Italiani. - Atti della Società Veneto-Trentina di Scienze Naturali 5: 375-386

Fedrizzi, Giacinto (1876): Sopra alcune specie nuove o poco noto di Miriapodi italiani. - Annuario della Società dei Naturalisti in Modena, ser. 2 10

Fedrizzi, Giacinto (1876): Sopra due nuove specie di Geofili. - Atti della Società Veneto-Trentina di Scienze Naturali 5: 135

Fedrizzi, Giacinto (1877): I Litobi Italiani. - Atti della Società Veneto-Trentina di Scienze Naturali 5: 184-233

Fedrizzi, Giacinto (1877): Miriapodi del Trentino raccolti e classificati. I. I Chilognathi. - Annuario della Società dei Naturalisti in Modena, ser. 2 11: 80-110

Fedrizzi, Giacinto (1877): Miriapodi del Trentino raccolti e classificati. I. I Chilognathi. - Annuario della Società dei Naturalisti in Modena, ser. 2 11: 80-110

Fedrizzi, Giacinto (1878): Miriapodi del Trentino. II. Chilopodi. - Annuario della Società dei Naturalisti in Modena, ser. 2 12: 47-75

Feger, K.-H. (1989): Projekt Arinus: Bilanzierung von Stoffumsatz und -austrag nach Neutralsalzdüngung in bewaldeten Wassereinzugsbebieten. - Kali-Briefe 19: 425-441

Feger, K.-H.; Brahmer, G.; Zöttl, H.W. (1988): Chemische Veränderung des Niederschlagswassers auf seinem Weg durch zwei Einzugsgebiete im Schwarzwald..: 1-5

Feher, Zoltan; Eross, Zoltan; Kontschán, Jenö; Murányi, David (2004): Collecting sites of the zoological expeditions of the Hungarian Natural History Museum to Albania (1992-2003). - Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis 28: 67-82

Feijoo-Martínez, Alexander; Zuniga, Maria C.; Quintero, Heimar; Carvajal-Vanegas, Andres F; Ortiz, Diana P. (2010): Patterns of association between soil variables and land uses in the La Vieja River watershed, Colombia. Patrones de asociacion entre variables del suelo y usos del terreno en La cuenca del rio La Vieja, Colombia. - Acta Zoologica Mexicana Nueva Serie Numero Especial 2010 (Sp. Iss. 2): 151-164

Feiller, Franz von (1877): Die Myriapodengattung Henicops bei Wien. - Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, Sitzungsberichte 27

Feiller, Franz von (1878): Myriapoden unter Wasser. - Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 28: 17

Feiller, Franz von (1878): Über einige in der Umgebung von Wien gesamelten Myriapoden. - Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 28

Feiller, Franz von (1879): Über die Auffindung der Tausendfüssler-Gattung Craspedosoma bei Wien. - Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 29

Feiller, Franz von (1884): Mittheilung zur Naturgeschichte der Pauropoden. - Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 34: 20

Feiller, Franz von (1885): Über die Myriopodengattung Henicops. - Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 35: 31

Feinberg, Lawrence; Jorgensen, Jeremy; Haselton, Aaron; Pitt, Alison; Rudner, Rivka; Margulis, Lynn. (1999): Arthromitus (Bacillus cereus) symbionts in the cockroach Blaberus giganteus: Dietary influences on bacterial development and population density. - Symbiosis (Rehovot) 27 (2): 109-123

Feldmann, Reinart (1993): Die Bodenmakrofauna im Lennebergwald. 2. Die Makrosaprophagen (Enchytraeidae, Lumbricidae, Isopoda, Diplopoda, Dipterenlarven). - Mainzer naturwissenschaftliches Archiv 31: 327-348

Feldmann, Reinart; Eisenbeis, Gerhard (1989): Untersuchungen zur Abundanz der Bodenmakrofauna in einem Waldgebiet auf Kalkflugsanden unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Dipteren. - Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie 7: 65-73

Felesaki, Ioanna; Stoev, Pavel E.; Simaiakis, Stylianos; Mylonas, Moisis (2010): A catalogue of the millipedes of Crete (Myriapoda: Diplopoda). - Natura Montenegrina 9 (3): 357-368

Felinks, B.; Besch-Frotscher, W.; Franzke, F. (2004): Erfassung und Bewertung der zukünftigen Landflächen in der Bergbaufolgelandschaft hinsichtlich ihrer Standortfunktion für natürliche Vegetation..: 1-109

Fellin, D. G. (1980): Populations of some forest litter, humus, and soil arthropods as affected by silvicultural practices, residue utilization, and prescribed fire. - U.S. Forest Service General Technical Report INT 90: 317-334

Feltz, H.; Marx, R. (1959): Der Tausendfüßler Blaniulus guttulatus Bosc. als Zuckerrübenschädling. - Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes 11: 27-28

Fenda, P.; Krumpal, Miroslav; Cyprich, D. (1998): The soil fauna in the birds' nests in Slovakia.. - In: Soil Zoological Problems in Central Europe.Akademie Ved Ceské Republiky, Ceské Budejovice: 6-6

Ferdinand, W. (1982): Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Achtbeinigen Lokomotion bei Arthropoden..: 1-145

Ferguson, Steven H. (2000): Predator size and distance to edge: Is bigger better?. - Canadian Journal of Zoology 78 (5): 713-720

Ferguson, Steven H. (2001): Changes in trophic abundance of soil arthropods along a grass-shrub-forest gradient. - Canadian Journal of Zoology 79 (3): 457-464

Ferguson, Steven H. (2004): Influence of edge on predator-prey distribution and abundance. - Acta Oecologica 25 (1-2): 111-117

Ferguson, Steven H.; Joly, Damien O. (2002): Dynamics of springtail and mite populations: the role of density dependence, predation, and weather. - Ecological Entomology 27 (5): 565-573
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