CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda

The CIM LIT is an online reference database to compile all literature references on Myriapoda. It contains nearly 17,000 references on Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda and Symphyla from the year 1551 up to date. But it is under no circumstances complete. It may be assumed that the number of publications on Myriapods exceeds 20,000.

The new CIM LIT database based on the MyriaLit database. Hans Reip started to compile the MyriaLit including the literature collections from the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (Karin Voigtländer), Norman Lindner, Jörg Spelda, Peter Decker and Jörg Rosenberg.

In 2019, the MyriaLit as well as the latest version of the literature collection of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (ca. 8.000 references) were merged and the CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda from the Centre International de Myriapodologie (CIM) went online and allows all CIM members to add references to this database.

Please visit CIM LIT and register to add your references, fill gaps and to keep the database up-to-date.

Please cite CIM LIT as follows:
Reip, H. S., Decker, P., Spelda, J., Voigtländer, K. & International Society for Myriapodology (2021) CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda. Accessed at

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Fernald, H. (1890): The relationships of Arthropods. - Stud. biolog. Labor. J. Hopkins Univers. 4

Fernandez, Rosa; Edgecombe, Gregory D.; Giribet, Gonzalo (2016): Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships within Myriapoda and the Effects of Matrix Composition and Occupancy on Phylogenomic Reconstruction. - Systematic Biology 65 (5): 871-889 — link

Fernandez, Rosa; Edgecombe, Gregory D.; Giribet, Gonzalo (2018): Phylogenomics illuminates the backbone of the Myriapoda Tree of Life and reconciles morphological and molecular phylogenies. - Scientific Reports 2018 (8): 83

Fernández de Oviedo, Gonzalo (1535): Historia General y Natural delas Indias, Yslas y Tierra Firme del Mar Océano. - Imprenta de Juan Cromberger, Sevilla: 193 pp.

Ferrari, Frank D.; Ivanenko, V. N. (2009): Remarks on the "Subcoxa" hypothesis from Backer et al. (2008). - Zoologischer Anzeiger 248 (1): 33-34

Ferreira, M. C. (1999): Pragas de viveiros florestais (insectos, accaros e sinfilos): identificacao e controlo. - Pests of living wood (insects, mites and Symphyla): identification and control. - Platano Edicoes Tecnicas; Lisboa; Portugal: 225 pp.

Ferreira, Rodrigo Lopes; Iniesta, Luiz Felipe Moretti (2013): The first troglobitic Pseudonannolene from Brazilian iron ore caves (Spirostreptida: Pseudonannolenidae. - Zootaxa 3669 (1): 85-95

Ferreira, Rodrigo Lopes; Martins, R.; Martins, R. P. (1999): Trophic structure and natural history of bat guano invertebrate communities, with special reference to Brazilian caves. - Tropical zoology 12 (2): 231-252

Feuerborn, H. J. (1925): Das Problem der segmentalen Gliederung des Insektenthorax. 6. Beitrag: Der Thorax der Apterygoten und Myriapoden. Zugleich ein Ausblick zu den Arachnoideen. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 64: 29-50

Fickel, J. (1893): Die Literatur über die Tierwelt des Königreichs Sachsen..: 1-44

Fickert, Carl Rudolf Dietrich (1875): Myriopoden und Araneiden vom Kamme des Riesengebirges - Ein Beitrag zur Faunistik der subalpinen Region Schlesiens. - doctoral thesis, Naturw. Fak. Breslau

Fiedler, O. G. H. (1965): Notes on the susceptibility of Millipedes (Diplopoda) to Insecticides. - Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa 27 (2): 219-225

Figg, R.; George, C.; Harvey, Mark S.; Morris, J.; Starey, C.; Stidworthy, J.; Webb, M. (1994): Bottom wood: a Chiltern woodland. - John Stidworthy Publications; High Wycombe; UK: 63 pp.

Filinger, G.A. (1928): Observations on the habits and control of the garden centipede,Scutigerella immaculata Newport,A Pest in Greenhouses.. - Journal of economic entomology: 357-360

Filka, Marianne E.; Shelley, Rowland M. (1980): Structure of the gonopod primordia of the milliped Sigmoria latior (Brölemann) (Polydesmida: Xystodesmidae). - Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 99 (2): 173-179

Filka, Marianne E.; Shelley, Rowland M. (1980): The milliped fauna of the Kings Mountain Region of North Carolina (Arthropoda: Diplopoda). - Brimleyana 4: 1-42

Filser, Juliane (1992): Dynamik der Collembolengesellschaften als lndikatoren für bewirtschaftungsbedingte Bodenbelastungen - Hopfenböden als Beispiel. - doctoral thesis, : 136

Filser, Juliane; Fromm, Henning; Mommertz, Susanne; Nagel, R.F.; Winter, K. (1995): Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Regenwürmern, Collembolen und Mikroorganismen als Indikatoren für Bodenzustände.. - Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie: 31-34

Filzek, Petra D. B.; Spurgeon, David J.; Broll, Gabriele; Svendsen, Claus; Hankard, Peter K.; Parekh, Nisha; Stubberud, Hege E.; Weeks, Jason M. (2004): Metal effects on soil invertebrate feeding: measurements using the bait lamina method. - Ecotoxicology 13 (8): 807-816

Fischer, A. (1987): Chromosome studies in nine species of Austrian Symphyla (Myriapoda, Tracheata, Arthropoda). - Genetica 75 (2): 109-116

Fischer, Manfred (2007): Und Dresden wird weiter im Stau stehen. - Sächsische Zeitung (Dresden) 2007 (August)

Fischer, Z. (1893): Wije zebrane w Galicyi wschodniej w lecie 1891 r. - Sprawozdanie Komisyi Fizjograficznej, Towarzystwo Naukowe Krakowskie 28: 98-103

Fisher, James R.; Langille, R. H.; Keaster, A. J. (1974): A note on the occurrence of Scolopendrellopsis santa in Missouri USA (Symphyla Scolopendrellidae). - Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 47 (2): 259-261

Fiszer, Z. (1894): Wije zebrane w Galicyi wschodniej w lecie 1891 r. [Myriapoden, gesammelt in Ostgalizien im Sommer 1891]. - Bulletin Interantional de l'Académie des Sciences de Cracovie 1894 (2): 50-51

Fitzgerald, M. E. C.; Manthey, A. A.; Reger, James F. (1985): Transmitters in Invertebrates III. Characterization of transmitter interaction and immunocytochemical localization of gamma aminobutyric acid at the neuromuscular junction of the centipede Lithobius forficatus. - Soc. Neuro. Sci. 11 (2): 944

Fitzgerald, M. E. C.; Reger, James F. (1985): The fine structure of two fiber types from intersegmental muscle of the centipede (Lithobius forficatus). - Journal of Cell Biology 101 (5,2): 172

Flanagan, J. (2011): Book Reviews. Key to the identification of British centipedes. Published by the Field Studies Council (FSC) Aidgap Series, Shrewsbury (2008) ISBN 13.9781851532421 and Centipedes: Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series) No 58, 228 pp. Published for the Linnean Society of London by FSC (2009) ISBN 978 185153 272 8 both by A. D. Barber. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod and Isopod Group 25: 72-73

Flasarová, Marie (1996): Die Bemerkungen über die Isopoden (Crustacea: Isopoda: Asellota et Oniscidea) in Nordwestböhmen. I.. - Sborník Okresního muzea v Moste, Rada prírodovedná: 18-20

Flasarová, Marie (1997): Isopoda (Asellota et Oniscidea) des Jeschkengebirges und der nahen Umgebung (Nordböhmen).. - Sborník Okresního muzea v Moste, Rada prírodovedná: 29-48

Flasarová, Marie (1997): Suchozemsti stejnonozci v lidskych obydlich v Ceske republice..: 118-124

Flasarová, Marie (2000): Ohlednuti za zivotnim dilem zoolozky Marie Flasarove..: 5-18

Flechtner, Günther; Dorow, Wolfgang H.O.; Kopelke, Jens-Peter (1999): Naturwaldreservate in Hessen 5/2.1. Niddahänge östlich Rudingshain, Zoologische Untersuchungen I, 1990-1992. - Mitteilungen der Hessischen Landesforstverwaltung 32: 1-745

Flemming, W. (1887): Observations Cytologiques sur les Elements Seminaux de la Scolopendre (Scolopendra morsitans) et de la Lithobie (Lithobius forficatus). - La cellule 3(3): 415-442

Flogaitis, E. (1985): Le peuplement de Macroarthropodes adaphiques d'una foret tempérée mixte: Composition, phanologie et organisation spatiale. - Pedobiologia 26: 1-14

Flogaitis, E.; Blandin, P. (1985): L'impact du pietinement sur les macroarthropodes du sol dans les forets periurbaines: etude experimentale. - The effect of trampling on soil macroarthropods in suburban forests: experimental study. - Acta Oecologica, Oecologia Applicata 6 (2): 129-141

Florentin, R. (1905): Le Blaniulus guttulatus Bosc. et ses dégats. - Naturaliste, Paris 27

Flores-Urtiaga, Por Laura Libertad; Cupul-Magaña, Fabio Germán; Flores-Guerrero, Ubaldo Sebastián (2015): Lista de los ciempiés (myriapoda: Chilopoda) de Nicaragua. - Revista Nicaragüense de Entomología 89: 3-16

Flower, Stanley S. (1901): Notes on the millipedes, centipedes, scorpions etc. of the Malay peninsula and Siam. - Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 36: 1-48

Flury, Bernhard; Riedwyl, Hans (1983): Angewandte multivariate Statistik. Computergestützte Analyse mehrdimensionaler Daten. - Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena: 187 pp.

Focarile, Alessandro (1950): Contributo alla conoscenza faunistica della cavita della Lombardia occidentale (N. di Catasto oltre Lo.2000). - Rassegna speleologica italiana 2 (1-2): 19-55

Focarile, Alessandro (1972): Entomological research in the aeolian archipelago and the island of ustica sicily part 2 coleopteran fauna of the briny pool at Punta-Lingua on the island of Salina. - Memorie della Società entomologica italiana 51: 19-37

Foddai, Donatella (1998): Phylogenetic relationships within geophilomorph centipedes based on morphological characters: a preliminary report. - Memorie del Museo civico di storia naturale di Verona, 2. serie, sezione scienze della vita 13: 67-68

Foddai, Donatella; Bonato, Lucio; Pereira, Luis Alberto; Minelli, Alessandro (2003): Phylogeny and systematics of the Arrupinae (Chilopoda Geophilomorpha Mecistocephalidae) with the description of a new dwarfed species. - Journal of Natural History 37: 1247-1267

Foddai, Donatella; Minelli, Alessandro (1999): A troglomorphic geophilomorph centipede from southern France (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha: Geophilidae). - Journal of Natural History 33: 267-287

Foddai, Donatella; Minelli, Alessandro (2000): Phylogeny of geophilomorph centipedes: old wisdom and new insights from morphology. - In: Wytwer, Jolanta; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich (ed.) Progress in Studies on Myriapoda and Onychophora. - Fragmenta Faunistica 43: 61-71

Foddai, Donatella; Minelli, Alessandro; Pereira, Luis Alberto (2002): Geophilus brevilabiatus Newport, 1845 (currently Orphnaeus brevilabiatus) and Chomatobius brasilianus Humbert & Saussure, 1870 (currently O. brasilianus) (Chilopoda): Proposed conservation of the specific names. - Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 59 (2): 85-89

Foddai, Donatella; Minelli, Alessandro; Zapparoli, Marzio (1996): I chilopodi delle isole circumsarde nel contesto del popolamento insulare dell`area tirrenica s.l. - Biogeographia 18: 357-376

Foddai, Donatella; Pereira, Luis Alberto; Minelli, Alessandro (2000): A catalogue of the geophilomorph centipedes (Chilopoda) from Central and South America including Mexico. - Amazoniana 16 (1-2): 59-185

Foddai, Donatella; Pereira, Luis Alberto; Minelli, Alessandro (2004): The geophilomorph centipedes (Chilopoda) of Brazilian Amazonia. - Anales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Serie Zoología 75 (2): 271-282

Folkmanova, Bozena (1927): Einführung neuer Unterscheidungsmerkmale in die Systematik der Lithobiiden. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 71 (5-8): 181-192

Folkmanova, Bozena (1928): Chilopoda Republiky Ceskoslovenské. - Fauna et flora Cechoslovenica 3: 1-131

Folkmanova, Bozena (1928): Les Chilopodes de Tchécoslovaquie. Ière Partie. Les Chilopodes de Bohême. - Bulletin International (Acad. Tcheque des Sciences), Classe des sciences mathématiques, naturelles et de la médicine 29: 481-556

Folkmanova, Bozena (1929): Eine neue Gattung der Unterfamilie der Geophilinen. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 84: 35-46

Folkmanova, Bozena (1935): Nove druhy stanozek celedi Lithobiidae z balkanskych jeskyn. - Priroda 28

Folkmanova, Bozena (1936): Über einige von Dr. Jaroslaw Storkan in Bulgarien gesammelte Chilopoden. - Izvestija na Carskite Prirodonaucni Instituti va Sofija 9: 93-97

Folkmanova, Bozena (1940): O novych balkanskych jeskennych Chilopodech ve sbérech Dr. K. Absolona. - Vestník Ceskoslovenske Spolecnosti Zoologicke 8

Folkmanova, Bozena (1945): O nekterych zajimavych stonozkach ze zatopoveho uzemi berounske prehrady - Traité sur quelques Lithobiides intéressantes du Territorie de Krivoklát. - Entomologicke listy (Folia entomologica) 8: 120-129

Folkmanova, Bozena (1946): Dva nove druhy Lithobiidu z Krivoklatska. - Vestník Ceskoslovenske Spolecnosti Zoologicke 10

Folkmanova, Bozena (1946): Novi Lithobiové (Chilopoda) z balkanskych jeskyn. - Priroda 38: 3-4

Folkmanova, Bozena (1947): Druh Lithobius validus Mein. a jeho pribuzenske vztahy k jinym druhum na zaklade atypickych forem - Lithobius validus Mein. et ses relations vers autres especes. - Vestník Ceskoslovenske Spolecnosti Zoologicke 11: 98-104

Folkmanova, Bozena (1947): Prispevky k poznani rodu Monotarsobius Verh. v Cechach. Contributions a nos connaissances, du genre Monotarsobius Verh. en Boheme. - Vestník Ceskoslovenske Spolecnosti Zoologicke 11: 105-112

Folkmanova, Bozena (1947): Stonozky z Jeseniku.. - Environmentalist: 75-81

Folkmanova, Bozena (1947): Stonozky z jeseniku. - Entomologicke listy (Folia entomologica) 10: 75-81

Folkmanova, Bozena (1949): Príspevek k poznání stonozek severního Slezska (Dokoncení). - Acta Rerum Naturalium Districtus Ostraviensis 10: 342-361

Folkmanova, Bozena (1949): Príspevek k poznání stonozek severního Slezska (Pokracování). - Acta Rerum Naturalium Districtus Ostraviensis 10: 234-246

Folkmanova, Bozena (1949): Príspevek k poznání stonozek severního Slezska. - Acta Rerum Naturalium Districtus Ostraviensis 10: 122-141

Folkmanova, Bozena (1949): Subspecie druhu Lithobius mutabilis Koch v nasych zemich. - Vestník Ceskoslovenske Spolecnosti Zoologicke 13

Folkmanova, Bozena (1950): O zastupcich podceledi Pachymeriinae Verh. - Vestník Ceskoslovenske Spolecnosti Zoologicke 14: 1-14

Folkmanova, Bozena (1951): O nekterych Chilopodech, novych pro Moravu. [Über einige für Mähren neue Chilopoden]. - Sbornik Klubu prirodovedeckeho v Brae 29: 98-104

Folkmanova, Bozena (1952): O nekterych zaimavych formach podradu Geophilomorpha z. Moravy a Slezska. - Acta Rerum Naturalium Districtus Ostraviensis 13: 179-192

Folkmanova, Bozena (1954): Prispevek k poznani slezskych stonozek z Bezkyd. - Acta Rerum Naturalium Districtus Ostraviensis 15 (2-3): 194-219

Folkmanova, Bozena (1956): About new forms from Geophilomorpha from southern USSR.. - Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society: 1633-1645

Folkmanova, Bozena (1956): [O novych formavh otrijada Geophilomorpha iz juznych oblastej SSSR. K poznaniju mnogonozek SSSR]. - Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 35: 1633-1646

Folkmanova, Bozena (1958): [Novie formi gubonoghih mogonojem (Chilopoda iz SSSR)]. - Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 37 (2)

Folkmanova, Bozena (1958): Über neue Formen der Chilopoden aus UsSSR.. - Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society: 183-192

Folkmanova, Bozena (1959): Frida Stonozky-Chilopoda. - Klic zvíreny CSR 3: 49-66

Folkmanova, Bozena (1961): Verzeichnis aller Schriften über Chilopoden. - Vestník Ceskoslovenske Spolecnosti Zoologicke 25 (2): 184-186

Folkmanova, Bozena; Dobroruka, Ludek J. (1960): [K poznaniiu gubonogih mnogonojek (Chilopoda) S.S.S.R.]. - Zoologicheskii zhurnal 34 (12)

Folkmanova, Bozena; Kocis, M.; Zlamalova, M. (1955): Prispevky k poznani nekterych edafickych skupin elenovcu z udoli Dyje. - Vestník Ceskoslovenske Spolecnosti Zoologicke 19 (2): 306-330

Folkmanova, Bozena; Lang, Jaroslav (1955): Stonozky vrchu Kotouce u Stramberka. Centipedes on the hill Kotouc near Stramberk. - Acta Rerum Naturalium Districtus Ostraviensis 16 (4): 506-512

Folkmanova, Bozena; Lang, Jaroslav (1960): Prispevek k poznani stonozek Rychlebskych hor. [Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myriapoden der Rychlebskyer Berge]. - Prirodovedny Casopis slezsky 21 (3): 355-372

Fong, Daniel W.; Culver, David C.; Hobbs III, Horton H.; Pipan, Tanja (2007): The Invertebrate Cave Fauna of West Virginia, Second Edition. - West Virginia Speleological Survey Bulletin 16: 1-167

Fonseca-Genevois, Veronica da; Somerfield, Paul J.; Neves, Maria Helena Baeta; Coutinho, Ricardo; Moens, Tom (2006): Colonization and early succession on artificial hard substrata by meiofauna. - Marine Biology (Berlin) 148 (5): 1039-105

Font, Sophie; Geoffroy, Jean-Jacques; Larchevêque , Nelly (2019): La faune cavernicole en région Centre-Val de Loire: exemple de la rivière souterraine d’Orchaise (Loir-et-Cher). - Recherches naturalistes 9: 15-17 — link

Fontaine, Benoît (2012): New Species in the Old World: Europe as a Frontier in Biodiversity Exploration, a Test Bed for 21st Century Taxonomy. - PLoS ONE 7 (5 (e36881)): 1-7

Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (1988): Cromosomos de uma espécies de Diplopoda pertencente ao gênero Sandalodesmus (Chelodesmidae). - Arquivos do Instituto Biologico Sao Paulo 55: 54

Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (1988): Histological studies in the testes of three Brazilian species of Diplopoda. - Journal of Advanced Zoology 9 (2): 87-91

Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (1988): Histological studies in the testes of tree brazilian species of diplopoda. - Journal of Advanced Zoology 9 (2): 87-91

Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (1989): Moulting behavior in chelodesmid species (Diplopoda, Polydesmida). - Revista brasileira de biologia 49 (4): 1053-1055

Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (1990): Meiotic prophase in Diplopoda. - Brazilian Journal of Genetics 13 (4): 697-704

Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (1990): The ribbon spermatozoa in Pseudonannolene (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida). - Cell biology / international reports 14: 165

Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (1991): Karyotypes of some Brazilian diplopods. - Brazilian Journal of Genetics 14 (3): 645-651

Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (1992): Morphology of the testicles of some Brazilian species of Diplopoda and their phyllogenetic [sic] relations. - Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 7 (4): 541-544

Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (1996): Description of a new species and the karyotype of the cavernicolous millipede Pseudonannolene Silvestri and the karyotype of Pseudonannolene strinatti Mauries (Diplopoda, Pseudonannolenida, Pseudonannolenidae). - Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 13 (2): 419-426

Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (1996): Description of three cave diplopods of Pseudonannolene Silvestri (Diplopoda, Pseudonannolenida, Pseudonannolenidae). - Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 13 (2): 427-433

Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (1996): Karyotype of a termitophilic species of Diplopoda (Polydesmida, Chelodesmidae). - Brazilian Journal of Genetics 19 (4): 593-595

Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (1996): The use of cytogenetics to certify a Diplopoda species (Pseudonannolenida, Pseudonannolenidae). - Revista brasileira de biologia 56 (4): 775-781

Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (1998): Chromosome numbers of some Brazilian species of diplopods (Diplopoda, Arthropoda). - Cytologia 63 (2): 149-154

Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (1998): Morphohistological study of testicles of the Brazilian diplopod Pseudonannolene tricolor Brolemann, 1901 (Pseudonannolenidae, Pseudonannolenida). - Journal of Advanced Zoology 19 (1): 1-4

Fontanetti, Carmem Silva (1999): Spermiogenesis of the Brazilian species of Diplopoda, Pseudonannolene tricolor Brolemann, 1901 (Pseudonannolenida, Pseudonannolenidae). - Naturalia 24 (24): 41-48
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