CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda

The CIM LIT is an online reference database to compile all literature references on Myriapoda. It contains nearly 17,000 references on Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda and Symphyla from the year 1551 up to date. But it is under no circumstances complete. It may be assumed that the number of publications on Myriapods exceeds 20,000.

The new CIM LIT database based on the MyriaLit database. Hans Reip started to compile the MyriaLit including the literature collections from the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (Karin Voigtländer), Norman Lindner, Jörg Spelda, Peter Decker and Jörg Rosenberg.

In 2019, the MyriaLit as well as the latest version of the literature collection of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (ca. 8.000 references) were merged and the CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda from the Centre International de Myriapodologie (CIM) went online and allows all CIM members to add references to this database.

Please visit CIM LIT and register to add your references, fill gaps and to keep the database up-to-date.

Please cite CIM LIT as follows:
Reip, H. S., Decker, P., Spelda, J., Voigtländer, K. & International Society for Myriapodology (2021) CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda. Accessed at

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Fründ, Heinz-Christian (1989): Untersuchung zur Biologie städtischer Böden. 5. Epigäische Raubarthropoden. - Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 18: 201-209

Fründ, Heinz-Christian (1989): Untersuchungen zur Biologie städtischer Böden. 5. Epigäische Raubarthropoden. - Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 18: 201-209

Fründ, Heinz-Christian (1990): Zur bodennahen Fauna in Straßen-Baumscheiben verschiedener Gestaltung. - Natur und Landschaft 65: 597-599

Fründ, Heinz-Christian (1991): Faunistische Vielfalt in Grünanlagen - praktische Massnahmen. - Mitteilungen aus der NNA (4): 37-44

Fründ, Heinz-Christian (1991): Zur Biologie eines Buchenwaldbodens. 14. Die Hundertfüßer (Chilopoda). - Carolinea 49: 83-94

Fründ, Heinz-Christian (1992): The occurence and frequency of scars in centipedes. - In: Meyer, Erwin; Thaler, Konrad; Schedl, W. (ed.) Advances in Myriapodology. - Berichte des naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck Suppl. 10: 269-275

Fründ, Heinz-Christian (1995): Statistische Verfahren bei der Auswertung bioökologischer Daten für Planungsvorhaben.. - Schriftenreihe für Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz: 357-376

Fründ, Heinz-Christian; Balkenhol, Birgit; Ruszkowski, Birgit (1997): Chilopoda in forest habitat-islands in north-west Westphalia, Germany. - In: Enghoff, Henrik (ed.) Many-legged animals - A collection of papers on Myriapoda and Onychophora. - Entomologica scandinavica, Supplement 51: 107-114

Fründ, Heinz-Christian; Ruszkowski, Birgit (1989): Untersuchungen zur Biologie städtischer Böden. 4. Regenwürmer, Asseln und Diplopoden. - Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 18: 193-200

Fuente, J. A. de la (1975): [A phylogenetic scheme for the Onychophora (Myriapoda Hexapoda)] {spanish}. - Boletín de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural Seccion biologica 73 (1-4): 85-98

Fuentes-Silva, M.; Cutz-Pool, L. Q. (2004): Mesofauna del Sótano del Barro, Querétaro. - Mundos Subterráneos 14/15: 24-26

Fuhrmann, Heinrich (1922): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Hautsinnesorgane der Tracheaten. I. Die antennalen Sinnesorgane der Myriapoden. - Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie 119 (1): 1-52

Fuhrmann, O. (1912): Quelques nouveaux Péripates américans. - Memoires de la Société neuchâteloise des Sciences naturelles 5: 176-192

Fujikawa, Tadashi; Mima, Junichi; Yoshida, Toshio; Ito, Masamichi T.; Toyota, Ayu (2002): The swarmings of a periodical millipedes in the central highland Japan in autumn 2001. - edaphologia 70: 41-44

Fujikawa, Tadashi; Yoshida, Toshio (2005): The internal sexual organs of the male train millipede (Parafontaria laminata armigera Verhoef) and the changes in the amount of germ cells. - edaphologia 78: 5-10

Fujimaki, Reiji; Sato, Yui; Okai, Naoyuki; Kaneko, Nobuhiro (2010): The train millipede (Parafontaria laminata) mediates soil aggregation and N dynamics in a Japanese larch forest. - Geoderma 159 (1-2): 216-220

Fujiyama, Shizuo (1996): Annual thermoperiod regulating an eight-year life-cycle of a periodical diplopod, Parafontaria laminata armigera Verhoeff (Diplopoda). - Pedobiologia 40 (6): 541-547

Fujiyama, Shizuo; Yoshida, Toshio (1984): The effects of low temperature on the induction of reproduction in Parafrontaria laminata armigera Verhoeff (Diplopoda). - edaphologia 30: 17-21

Fulton, Graham R.; Ford, Hugh A. (2001): Stomach contents of parental and young Pied Currawongs Strepera graculina. - Corella 25 (4): 94-96

Funk, R. C. (1980): Generic revision of the family Euzerconidae (Mesostigmata: Celaenopsoidea) with description of seven new genera. - International Journal of Acarology 6 (4): 313-349

Funke, Werner (1971): Food and energy turnover of leaf-easting insects and their inflience on primary production..: 81-93

Funke, Werner (1979): Walder, Objekte der Ökosystemforschung die Stammregion-Lebensraum und Durchgangszone von Arthropden. - Jahresberichte des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Wuppertal 32: 45-50

Funke, Werner (1987): Wirbellose Tiere als Bioindikatoren in Wäldern. - VDI Berichte 609: 133-176

Funke, Werner (1990): Struktur und Funktion von Tiergesellschaften in Waldökosystemen - Bodentiere als Indikatoren von Umwelteinflüssen. - Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Österreich: 1-49

Funke, Werner; Jans, Werner; Manz, Wilfried (1995): Temporal and spatial niche differentiation of predatory arthropods of the soil surface in two forest ecosystems. - Acta Zoologica Fennica 196 (1-6): 111-114

Furuta, K.; Kubota, K.; Musyafa; Iwamoto, N. (1997): Effects of artificial acid rain on the abundance of macroinvertebrates in soil with and without litter. - Bulletin of the Tokyo University Forests 98: 9-23

Fusaro, C. (1978): Growth rate of the sand crab Emerita analoga hippidae in 2 different environments. - Fishery Bulletin 76 (2): 369-376

Fusco, Giuseppe (2005): Trunk segment numbers and sequential segmentation in myriapods. - Evolution and Development 7 (6): 608-617

Fusco, Giuseppe; Brena, Carlo; Minelli, Alessandro (2000): Cellular Processes in the Growth of Lithobiomorph Centipedes (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha). A Cuticular View. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 239: 91-102

Fusco, Giuseppe; Minelli, Alessandro (2000): Developmental stability in geophilomorph centipedes. - In: Wytwer, Jolanta; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich (ed.) Progress in Studies on Myriapoda and Onychophora. - Fragmenta Faunistica 43: 73-82

Fusco, Giuseppe; Minelli, Alessandro (2000): Measuring morphological complexity of segmented animals: Centipedes as model systems. - Journal of evolutionary Biology 13 (1): 38-46

Fusco, Giuseppe; Minelli, Alessandro (2010): Introduction: phenotypic plasticity in development and evolution: facts and concepts. - In: From polyphenism to complex metazoan life cycles.: 547-556

Fussey, G. D. (1986): Parthenogenesis in Polyxenus lagurus. - British Myriapod Group Newsletter 6: 6-7

Fussey, G. D.; Varndell, I. M. (1980): The identification of the bisexual form of the bristly millipede, Polyxenus lagurus (L., 1758) (Diplopoda: Polyxenida) at three coastal sites in England and Wales, using sex ratios. - Naturalist (Sheffield) 105: 151-154

Förster, Bernhard; Garcia, Marcos V. B.; Francimari, Oliveira; Römbke, Jörg (2006): Effects of carbendazim and lambda-cyhalothrin on soil invertebrates and leaf litter decomposition in semi-field and field tests under tropical conditions (Amazonia, Brazil). - European Journal of Soil Biology 42 (Suppl. 1): 0-0

Förster, Bernhard; Garcia, Marcos V. B.; Höfer, Hubert; Morgan, Edward; Römbke, Jörg (2009): Tropical terrestrial model ecosystems for evaluation of soil fauna and leaf litter quality effects on litter consumption, soil microbial biomass and plant growth. - Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, Serie Agronomia 44 (8): 4063-1071

Förster, Bernhard; Garcia, Marcos V. B.; Schallnass, Hans Joachim (2006): Respiration rates of soil invertebrates from temperate and tropical zones as measured by infrared gas analysis. - Ecotropica 12 (1): 27-33

Förster, Bernhard; Muroya, Kikue; Garcia, Marcos V. B. (2006): Plant growth and microbial activity in a tropical soil amended with faecal pellets from millipedes and woodlice. 50 (3): 281-290

Füller, H. (1960): Untersuchungen über den Bau der Stigmen bei Chilopoden. - Zoologische Jahrbuecher : Abteilung fuer Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere 78: 129-144

Füller, H. (1960): Über die Chiasmen des Tracheensystems der Geophilomorphen. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 165: 289-297

Füller, H. (1962): Helikoidstruktur der quergestreiften Muskulatur bei Chilopoden. - Die Naturwissenschaften 49 (5): 114

Füller, H. (1963): Die Bedeutung der Chilopodenmorphologie für die Subcoxaltheorie. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 174: 176

Füller, H. (1963): Histologische, polarisationsoptische und histochemische Untersuchungen über das bindegewebige Innenskelett der Chilipoden.. - Zeitschrift fuer wissenschaftliche Zoologie: 183-207

Füller, H. (1963): Vergleichende Untersuchungen über das Skelettmuskelsystem der Chilopoden. - Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Klasse für Chemie, Geologie und Biologie 1962 (3): 1-98

Füller, H. (1964): Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen von Kollagenfibrillen aus dem Endoskelett der Chilopoden.. - Zeitschrift fuer wissenschaftliche Zoologie: 387-395

Füller, H. (1964): Untersuchungen über die Chitintextur des Integuments der Chilopoden. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 175: 173-181

Füller, H. (1964): Über Struktur und Chemismus der Neurallamelle bei Chilopoden. - Zeitschrift fuer wissenschaftliche Zoologie 169 (3/4): 173-181

Füller, H. (1966): Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen der Malpighischen Gefäße von Lithobius forficatus (L.). - Zeitschrift fuer wissenschaftliche Zoologie 173 (3-4): 191-214

Füller, H.; Damaschun, G. (1963): Röntgenographische Untersuchung der Molekularstruktur des Kollagens der Chilopoden. - Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für allgemeine Zoologie und Physiologie 70: 407-410

Füller, H.; Ude, J. (1969): Electron microscopic investigations on the ultrastructure of the neural lamella in Chilopoda. - Zeitschrift fuer wissenschaftliche Zoologie 180 (1-2): 21-33

Gabe, M. (1952): Sur l'emplacement et les connections des cellules neurosécrétrices dans les ganglions cérébroides de quelques Chilopodes. - Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences 235: 1430-1432

Gabe, M. (1954): Particularites histologiques de la "glande cerebrale" de Scutigera coleoptrata. - Bulletin de la societe zoologique de France 78: 338

Gabe, M. (1955): Emplacement et connexions des cellules neurosecretrices chez quelques Diplopdes. - Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences 239: 828-830

Gabe, M. (1967): Caracteres cytologiques et histochimiques du rein maxillaire des Chilopodes. - Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Série D, Sciences Naturelles 264 (5): 726-729

Gabe, M. (1972): Contribution á l'histologie du rein maxillaire des Chilopodes. - Annales des Sciences naturelles, Zoologie 12 (14): 105-129

Gabel, Kim; Hunsberger, Adrian; Mannion, Catharine; Buss, Eileen; Buss, L. J. (2006): Yellow-banded millipede (Anadenobolus monilicornis). - University of Florida, IFAS Extension,

Gabrion, C.; Gasc, C.; Ormieres, R. (1975): On the simultaneous presence of a cestode Cysticercoid (Cyclophyllidae Hymenolepididae) and a trematode metacercaria dicrocoeliidae in Oxydesmus granulosus (Myriapoda Diplopoda) polydesmidae from dahomey. - Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee 50 (3): 287-295

Gadea, E. (1975): [On the origin and phylogenetic relationships of insects] {spanish}. - Graellsia 31: 299-320

Gadeau de Kerville, Henri (1885): Des parasites nouveaux des Chilopodes. - Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France 5: 160

Gadeau de Kerville, Henri (1885): Nématodes trovés dans des Hybernia defoliatia, Lithobius forficata et Ypsipetes sordidata (Lithobius forficatus, einen Gordius emerginatus beherbergend).. - Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France: 160-160

Gadeau de Kerville, Henri (1886): Myriopodes de la Normandie. (2e Liste). - Bulletin de la Societé des Amis des Sciences naturelles de Rouen: 165-168

Gadeau de Kerville, Henri (1887): Addenda à la faune des myriopodes de la Normandie. - Bulletin de la Societé des Amis des Sciences naturelles de Rouen 1887 (1): 14-15

Gadeau de Kerville, Henri; Latzel, Robert (1884): Les Myriopodes de la Normandie (1re liste) suivie de diagnoses d' espèces et de variétés nouvelles. - Bulletin de la Societé des Amis des Sciences naturelles de Rouen 1883 (2): 251-272

Gadeau de Kerville, Henri; Latzel, Robert (1886): Les Myriopodes de la Normandie (2e liste) suivie de diagnoses d' espèces et de varétés nouvelles (de France, Algérie, et Tunisie). - Bulletin de la Societé des Amis des Sciences naturelles de Rouen 1885 (2): 165-177

Gadeau de Kerville, Henri; Latzel, Robert (1890): Deuxième addenda à la faune des myriopodes de la Normandie suivi de la description d'une variété nouvelle (var. lucida Latz.) du Glomeris marginata Villers. - Bulletin de la Societé des Amis des Sciences naturelles de Rouen 1889 (1): 363-367

Gadzikiewicz, W. (1906): Zur Phylogenie des Blutgefäßsystems bei Arthropoden. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 29

Gaede, Peter (2003): Diet and feeding activity at a Flammulated Owl nest in Idaho. - Western Birds 34 (3): 182-183

Gaffal, K. P.; Tichy, Harald; Theiss, J.; Seelinger, G. (1975): Structural polarities in mechano sensitive sensilla and their influence on stimulus transmission arthropoda. - Zoomorphologie 82 (2-3): 79-103

Gai, Yong hua; Song, Da xiang; Sun, Hong Ying; Yang, Qun; Zhou, Kai Ya (2008): The complete mitochondrial genome of Symphylella sp. (Myriapoda: Symphyla): extensive gene order rearrangement and evidence in favor of Progoneata. - Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 49 (2): 574-585

Gai, Yong hua; Song, Da xiang; Sun, Hong Ying; Zhou, Kai Ya (2006): Myriapod monophyly and relationships among myriapod classes based on nearly complete 28S and 18S rDNA sequences. - Zoological Science (Tokyo) 23 (12): 1101-1108

Gair, R.; Jenkins, J. E. E.; Lester, E. (1987): Cereal pests and diseases. - Farming Press Limited; Ipswich; UK: 268 pp.

Gaisberger, Karl (1984): Katalog der rezenten Höhlentiere (Wirbellose) des Toten Gebirges. - Schriftenreihe Heimatmuseum Ausseerland 6: 1-30

Galan, Carlos (1993): Fauna hipógea de Guipúzcoa: su ecología, biogeografía y evolución - Hypogean fauna from Guipuzcoa: ecology, biogeography and evolution. - Munibe 45: 3-163

Galford, J. R.; Auchmoody, L. R.; Walter; Walters, R. S.; Smith, H. C. (1992): Millipede damage to germinating acorns of northern red oak. - Research Paper Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service NE-667: 1-4

Gall, Stephanie B.; Anthony, Carl D.; Wicknick, Jill A. (2003): Do behavioral interactions between salamanders and beetles indicate a guild relationship?. - American Midland Naturalist 149 (2): 363-374

Gallego, M. F. L.; Delgado, Montoya N.; Madrigal, C. A.; Molina, Pardo A.; Morales, Soto G.; Velez, Angel R.; Angel, R. Velez (1989): Catalogo del Museo de Entomologia "Francisco Luis Gallego". - Catalogue of the Entomology Museum "Francisco Luis Gallego".: 262 pp.

Galvagni, Egon (1902): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Fauna einiger dalmatinischer Inseln. - Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 52: 362-388

Gama, M. M. da; Sousa, J. P.; Ferreira, C.; Barrocas, H. (2000): Endemic and rare Arthropod species in High Endemism Areas (HEA) of Algarve (South Portugal). - Belgian Journal of Entomology 2 (1): 87-98

Ganihar, S. R. (1997): Biomass estimates of terrestrial arthropods based on body length. - Journal of Biosciences 22 (2): 219-224

Ganin, G. N. (1988): Evaluating the role of Diplopoda in the destruction of litter in the Pinus koraiensis/broadleaved forests of the Amur region. - Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologicheskikh Nauk (3): 7-10

Ganin, G. N. (1989): [Role of diplopodes in disintegration and transformation of the forest litter in the south of Khabarosk Territory]. - Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 68 (1): 145-149

Ganske, Anne-Sarah; Edgecombe, Gregory D.; Akkari, Nesrine (2018): Morphology of the mandibles and the first maxillae in the family Lithobiidae (Myriapoda, Chilopoda), with remarks on their systematic significance. - Journal of morphology 279: 1798-1826

Ganske, Anne-Sarah; Edgecombe, Gregory D.; Akkari, Nesrine (2018): The peristomatic structures as a source of systematic characters in the genus Lithobius Leach, 1814 (Myriapoda, Chilopoda). - ZooKeys 741: 49-75

Ganske, Anne-Sarah; Vahtera, Varpu; Dányi, László; Edgecombe, Gregory D.; Akkari, Nesrine (2020): Phylogeny of Lithobiidae Newport, 1844, with emphasis on the megadiverse genus Lithobius Leach, 1814 (Myriapoda, Chilopoda). - Cladistics 37 (2): 1-23 — link

Gapalakrishnakone, P. (1992): Light and electron microscopic features of the venom apparatus of the Centipede Scolopendra morsitans. - Toxicon 30 (5-6): 514

Garbowski, Tad. (1896): Phyletische Deutung der Lithobius-Formen. - Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, Ökologie und Geographie der Tiere 9: 244-270

Garcia, F. R. M.; Campos, J. V. (2001): Biologia e controle de artropodes de importancia fitossanitaria (Diplopoda, Symphyla, Isopoda), pouco conhecidos no Brasil. - Biology and control of arthropods of phytosanitary importance (Diplopoda, Symphyla, Isopoda), little known in Brazil. - O Biologico 63 (1-2): 7-13

Garcia, L. S. (1993): Classification of human parasites, vectors, and similar organisms. - Clinical Infectious Diseases 16 (5): 614-615

Garcia, Marcos V. B.; Coy Otero, Alberto (1997): Nematodos (Nematoda) parasitos de diplopodos de Nicaragua. - Nematodes (Nematoda) parasites of diplopods in Nicaragua. - Revista Nicaragüense de Entomología 43: 7-12

Garcia, Nayla (1997): Nuevas especies de nematodos (Nematoda: Rhigonematida) parasitos de Rhinocricus suprenans (Diplopoda: Spirobolida) en Cuba. - Avicennia 6-7: 6-14

Garcia, Nayla; Coy Otero, Alberto (1994): Nematofauna de artropodos cubanos. - Cocuyo 1: 8-9

Garcia, Nayla; Coy Otero, Alberto (1995): Nuevas especies de nematodos (Nematoda) parasitos de artropodos cubanos. - Avicennia 3: 87-96

Garcia, Nayla; Coy Otero, Alberto (1996): Nematodos de artropodos de la Sierra de Anafe, Cuba. - Avicennia 4-5: 89-94

Garcia, Nayla; Coy Otero, Alberto; Alvarez, Marianela (1995): Nuevo genero y nuevas especies de nematodos (Nematoda) parasitos de artropodos cubanos. - New genus and new species of nematodes (Nematoda) parasites of Cuban arthropods. - Poeyana / Academia de Ciencias de Cuba 449: 1-14

Garcia, Nayla; Coy Otero, Alberto; Ventosa, Luisa (1998): Nueva especie de Carnoya Gilson, 1898 (Nematoda, Rhigonematida) parasita de Rhinocricus sp. (Diplopoda: Spirobolida) de la Sierra de Cubitas, Cuba. - Poeyana / Academia de Ciencias de Cuba 465: 1-4

Garcia, Nayla; Coy Otero, Alberto; Ventosa, Luisa (1998): Primer registro de nematodos (Nematoda, Oxyurida, Rhigonematida) parasitos de Amphelictogon sp. (Diplopoda, Polydesmida), para Cuba. - Avicennia 8-9: 50-56

Garcia, Nayla; Coy Otero, Alberto; Ventosa, Luisa (2001): Tres especies nuevas de rigonematidos (Nematoda: Rhigonematida), parasitos de diplopodos (Diplopoda: Spirobolida) de La Espanola. - Solenodon 1: 25-32

Garcia, Nayla; Fontenla, Jorge L. (2002): New species of nematodes (Nematoda: Rhigonematida) associated with Rhinocricus parcus (Diplopoda), from Puerto Rico. - Solenodon 2: 1-5

Garcia, Nayla; Fontenla, Jorge L. (2004): Especies nuevas de nematodos (Nematoda: Rhigonematidae) asociados con Anadenobolus a. arboreus (Diplopoda: Rhinocricidae) de Puerto Rico. - Solenodon 4: 6-10

Garcia-Ruiz, A.; Baena, M. (2014): Descripción de una nueva subespecie de Lithobius (Monotarsobius) crassipes L. Koch, 1862 de la Península Ibérica (Lithobiomorpha, Lithobiidae). - Zoologica baetica 25: 55-63
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