CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda

The CIM LIT is an online reference database to compile all literature references on Myriapoda. It contains nearly 17,000 references on Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda and Symphyla from the year 1551 up to date. But it is under no circumstances complete. It may be assumed that the number of publications on Myriapods exceeds 20,000.

The new CIM LIT database based on the MyriaLit database. Hans Reip started to compile the MyriaLit including the literature collections from the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (Karin Voigtländer), Norman Lindner, Jörg Spelda, Peter Decker and Jörg Rosenberg.

In 2019, the MyriaLit as well as the latest version of the literature collection of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (ca. 8.000 references) were merged and the CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda from the Centre International de Myriapodologie (CIM) went online and allows all CIM members to add references to this database.

Please visit CIM LIT and register to add your references, fill gaps and to keep the database up-to-date.

Please cite CIM LIT as follows:
Reip, H. S., Decker, P., Spelda, J., Voigtländer, K. & International Society for Myriapodology (2021) CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda. Accessed at

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Jawlowski, Hieronim (1950): Wije (Myriapoda) Bialowieskiego Parku Narodowego. - Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio C Biologia 4 (15): 309-323

Jaworska, Magdalena (1991): Infection of the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber Latr. and millipede Blaniulus guttulatus Bosc. with entomopathogenic nematodes (Nematoda: Rhabditida) in laboratory conditions. - Folia Horticulturae 3 (3): 115-120

Jaworska, Magdalena (1994): Entomopathogenic nematodes for the biological control of crustaceans (Porcellio scaber Latr.) and millipedes (Blaniulus guttulatus Bosc.) in greenhouse. - Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde, Pflanzenschutz, Umweltschutz 67 (5): 107-109

Jeannel, R. (1926): Faune cavernicole de France. - Encyclope´die Entomologique, Se´r. A 7: 1-334

Jeanson, Colette; El Aissaoui, Hsain; Adolphe, Jean Pierre (1996): Traces de l'activite de diplopodes dans des sols et des sediments karstiques du Maroc Atlantique. - In: Geoffroy, Jean-Jacques; Mauriès, Jean-Paul; Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin, Monique (ed.) Acta Myriapodologica. - Mémoires du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, N. S. 169: 555-560

Jedryczkowski, Wojciech B. (1939): Verzeichnis der bisher bekannten Diplopoden-Arten Polens. - Fragmenta faunistica Musei Zoologici Polonici 29 (6): 85-91

Jedryczkowski, Wojciech B. (1979): Krocionogi (Diplopoda) Bieszczadow. - Fragmenta Faunistica 25 (6): 77-94

Jedryczkowski, Wojciech B. (1982): Millipedes (Diplopoda) of Warsawa and Mazovia. - Memorabilia zoologica 36: 253-261

Jedryczkowski, Wojciech B. (1982): New and rare millipedes (Diplopoda, Julida) from North Korea. - Annales Zoologici 36 (19): 375-384

Jedryczkowski, Wojciech B. (1985): Równonogi (Isopoda) i krocionogi (Diplopoda) rezerwatu "Las Bielanski" w Warszawie (Woodlice (Isopoda) and millipedes (Diplopoda) of the reservation 'Las Bielanski' in Warsaw). - Fragmenta Faunistica 29 (6): 85-91

Jedryczkowski, Wojciech B. (1985): Woodlice (Isopoda) and millipedes (Diplopoda) of the reservation "Las Bielanski" in Warsaw. - Fragmenta Faunistica 29 (6): 85-91

Jedryczkowski, Wojciech B. (1987): Krocionogi (Diplopoda) Gor Swietokrzyskich. - Fragmenta Faunistica 31 (7): 93-109

Jedryczkowski, Wojciech B. (1992): The distribution and ecology of the millipedes in Poland. - In: Meyer, Erwin; Thaler, Konrad; Schedl, W. (ed.) Advances in Myriapodology. - Berichte des naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck Suppl. 10: 385-391

Jedryczkowski, Wojciech B. (1994): Krocionogi (Diplopoda) wybranych srodowisk Roztocza. - Fragmenta Faunistica 37 (2-16): 109-114

Jedryczkowski, Wojciech B. (1995): Bezkregowce ladowe (Isopoda, Diplopoda, Pseudoscorpiones, Opiliones) Pojezierza Mazurskiego (Invertebrates (Isopoda, Diplopoda, Pseudoscorpiones, Opiliones) of the Mazurian Lake Region). - Fragmenta Faunistica 37 (17-23): 505-520

Jedryczkowski, Wojciech B. (1995): Invertebrates (Isopoda, Diplopoda, Pseudoscorpiones, Opiliones) of Mazurian Lake Region). - Fragmenta Faunistica: 505-519

Jedryczkowski, Wojciech B. (1996): Synanthropisation of the Diplopoda fauna of Poland. - In: Geoffroy, Jean-Jacques; Mauriès, Jean-Paul; Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin, Monique (ed.) Acta Myriapodologica. - Mémoires du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, N. S. 169: 209-212

Jedryczkowski, Wojciech B.; Starega, W. (1980): Bezkregowce ladowe (Isopoda, Diplopoda, Aranei, Opiliones) rezerwatu kserotermicznego "Kulin". - Fragmenta Faunistica 25 (11): 179-197

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1953): Duizendpootachingen - Myriopoda. I. De Millioenpoten (Diplopoda) van Nederland. - Wetenschappellijke Mededelingen, Kon. Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging 9: 1-23

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1953): Klasse Diplopoda..: 13-21

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1956): Milliped miscellany - part III. - Beaufortia 5 (51): 73-99

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1957): Zoological results of a collecting journey to Yugoslavia, 1954. 1. Introduction and list of collecting stations. - Beaufortia 5 (58): 149-156

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1963): Alloproctinus nom. nov. (Diplopoda, Pollyxenida). - Entomologische Berichten 23: 156

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1963): On the identity of Lithobius provocator Pocock, 1891 (Chilopoda, Lithobiida). - Entomologische Berichten 23: 84

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1963): The generic and subgeneric names of the European Lithobiidae generally referred to Polybothrus Latzel, 1880 (Chilopoda, Lithobiida). - Entomologische Berichten 23: 193-195

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1963): The generic and subgeneric names of the European Lithobiidae generally referred to Polybothrus Latzel, 1880 (Chilopoda, Lithobiida). - Entomologische Berichten 23: 193-195

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1964): Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Systematik und Ökologie der Hundertfüßer (Chilopoda) Nordwestdeutschlands. - Abhandlungen und Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg 8: 111-153

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1964): Chilopoda from the Monte Sirente and the Gran Sasso d'Italia. - Entomologische Berichten 24: 14-20

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1964): Two new species of Pratinus Attems, with taxonomoc notes on the genus and a redescription of its type-species (Diplopoda, Polydesmida). - Beaufortia 11 (137): 61-73

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1964): Über einige Chilopoden aus Westdeutschland. - Entomologische Berichten 24: 116-117

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1965): A new genus and a new species of the family Paradoxosomatidae from Australia (Diplopoda, Polydesmida). - Entomologische Berichten 25: 7-14

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1965): Review: E.H.Eason (1964). Centipede of the British Isles.Pp.x+294, 495 text-figures; 4 halftone plates. London and New York: Frederick Warner. Price 63s. - Journal of animal ecology 34 (2): 480-481

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1967): Comment on the proposed validation of the spelling Polyxenus for Pollyxenus Latreille. - Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 24: 276-277

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1967): Notes on the nomenclature and taxonomy of European Paradoxosomatidae (Diplopoda, Polydesmida). - Entomologische Berichten 27: 166-172

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1967): On two italian Lithobius species described by Silvestri, with taxonomic notes on the genus Eupolybothrus Verhoeff (Chilopoda, Lithobiida). - Beaufortia 14 (175): 165-175

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1968): Julus pallipes Olivier, 1792 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida): proposed suppression under the plenary powers. - Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 25: 38-40

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1968): On the classification and geographical distribution of the family Paradoxosomatidae (Diplopoda, Polydesmida). - doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam: 162

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1968): The generic and subgeneric names of the European Julidae generally referred to Schizophyllum Verhoeff, 1895 (Diplopoda, Julidae). - Entomologische Berichten 28: 49-51

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1969): Duizend- en miljoenpoten (Chilopoda en Diplopoda) uit Friesland. - Entomologische Berichten 30: 5-7

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1969): Two new generic names in the diplopod order Craspedosomatida. - Entomologische Berichten 29: 88

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1970): Nomenclator generum et familiarum Diplopodorum: A list of the genus and family-group names in the Class Diplopoda from the 10th edition of Linnaeus, 1758, to the end of 1957. - Monografieen van de Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging 5: 1-412

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1971): Duizend- en miljoenpoten (Chilopoda en Diplopoda) uit Noord-Brabant en de noordeljike helft van Limburg. - Entomologische Berichten 32: 191-202

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1971): Polyzonium germanicum Brandt, 1837 (Diplopoda, Polyzoniida): proposed validation of the generic and specific names under the plenary powers. - Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 28 (3-4): 126-128

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1972): Duizend- en Miljoenpoten (Chilopoda en Diplopoda) uit Ooost- en Zuid-Nederland. - Entomologische Berichten 32: 165-170

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1972): The "endemic" paradoxosomatidae (Diplopoda, Polydesmida) of the Fiji Islands. - Beaufortia 20 (258): 1-6

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1973): Julus scandinavius Latzel, a millipede new to the U.S. fauna (Diplopoda, Julida). - Entomologische Berichten 33: 101-102

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1973): On the status of the diplopod genus Mimosoma Chamberlin, 1920 (Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae). - Bulletin Zoölogisch Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam 3 (6): 31-37

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1974): Duizend- en miljoenpoten (Chilopoda en Diplopoda) uit Overijssel. - Entomologische Berichten 32: 36-39

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1974): The group taxonomy and geography of the Sphaerotheriida (Diplopoda). - Symposia of the Zoological Society of London 32: 41-52

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1975): Duizend- en miljoenpoten Chilopoda en Diplopoda) uit Drenthe en Oost Groningen. - Entomologische Berichten 35: 39-42

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1977): Duizend- en miljoenpoten (Chilopoda en Diplopoda) uit Zuid-Limburg. - Natuurhistorisch Maandblad 66: 167-172

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1977): Voorlopige atlas van de verspreiding der Nederlandse duizendpoten (Chilopoda). - Verslagen en Technische gegevens Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoölogie 13: 1-55

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1978): Duizend- en miljoenpoten (Chilopoda en Diplopoda) uit Zuid-Limburg II. - Natuurhistorisch Maandblad 67: 13-15

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1978): Duizend- en miljoenpoten (Chilopoda en Diplopoda) uit Zuid-Limburg IV. - Natuurhistorisch Maandblad 67: 66-68

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1979): Duizend- en miljoenpoten uit Noordoost Nederland: aanvullende faunistische gegevens (Chilopoda & Diplopoda). - Entomologische Berichten 39: 56-59

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1982): Millipedes from Australia, 1: Antichiropodini from South Australia (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae). - Bulletin Zoölogisch Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam 8 (14): 121-132

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1982): Millipedes from Australia, 2: Antichiropodini from Victoria (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae). - Bulletin Zoölogisch Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam 8 (24): 201-212

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1982): Millipedes from Australia, 4: A new genus and family Dalodesmidae from Tasmania (Diplopoda, Polydesmida). - Bulletin Zoölogisch Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam 9 (2): 9-15

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1983): Pleuroporodesmus, an aberrant new genus of the family Paradoxosomatidae from Borneo (Diplopoda, Polydesmida). - Entomologische Berichten 43: 9-14

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1985): Millipedes from Australia, 5: Australiosomatini from South Australia, with a note on the status of Polydesmus innotatus Karsch, and first record of a second Mediterranean julid in Australia (Diplopoda: Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae and Julida, Julidae). - Records of the South Australian Museum 19: 19-37

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1985): The distribution of the Diplocheta and the "lost " continent Pacifica (Diplopoda). - In: Ellis, W. N.; Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem; Pieters, F. F. J. M. (ed.) Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Myriapodology. Amsterdam, 12-17 April 1984. - Contributions to Zoology 55 (1): 100-112

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1986): Millipedes from Australia, 10: Three interesting new species and a new genus (Diplopoda: Sphaerotheriida, Spirobolida, Polydesmida). - Beaufortia 36 (3): 35-50

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1988): The generic position of Orthomorpha bucharensis Lohmander and O. muminabadensis Gulicka, and the taxonomic status of Hedinomorpha Verhoeff (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae). - Bulletin Zoölogisch Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam 11 (11): 97-104

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1998): Some comments on the Latin names of British Millipedes. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod Group 14: 34-35

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1999): On the status of the names Geophilus proximus C.L. Koch, 1847, Geophilus insculptus Attems, 1895 and Geophilus oligopus (Attems, 1895). - Myriapod memoranda: 71-79

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1999): Qualitative analysis of the chilopods and diplopods occurring in some woodland biotopes in the Netherland. - Myriapod memoranda 1: 81-93

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1999): The Latin names of British Centipedes: Comments and suggestions. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod Group 15: 30-32

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (1999): Who is the autority for Cryptops hortensis?. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod Group 15: 3-4

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2000): A new Luzonomorpha from Mindoro, Philippine Is. (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae). - Myriapod memoranda 2: 22-30

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2000): A new genus of Sphaeropoeidae from Malaysia (Diplopoda, Sphaerotheriida). - Myriapod memoranda 2: 68-70

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2000): Errata to Jeekel, (1970) 1971, Nomenclator generum et familiarum Diplopodorum. - Myriapod memoranda 2: 15-21

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2000): Millipedes from Australia, 12: Notes on the Paradoxosomatidae of New South Wales, with a key to the genera, and description of a new genus and a new species (Diplopoda, Poyldesmida). - Myriapod memoranda 2: 31-48

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2000): Notes on Aphelidesmus from Guiana, with the description of two new genera and two new species (Diplopoda, Polydesmida). - Myriapod memoranda 2: 71-93

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2000): On some millipedes from the island of Malta. - Myriapod memoranda 2: 49-54

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2000): Ophyiulus targionii Silvestri in South Australia (Diplopoda, Julida, Julidae). - Myriapod memoranda 2: 62-67

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2000): Polydesmus denticulatus C. L. Koch, 1847, versus Polydesmus denticulatus Leguillou, 1841 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida). - Myriapod memoranda 2: 94-95

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2000): Records of Pachybolidae fom the West Indies and Guiana (Diplopoda, Spirobolida). - Myriapod memoranda 2: 5-14

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2000): Some miscellaneous records of Chilopoda and Diplopoda from the Netherlands. - Myriapod memoranda 2: 55-61

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2001): A bibliographic catalogue of the Siphonophorida (Diplopoda). - Myriapod memoranda 3: 44-71

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2001): A bibliographic catalogue of the Spirobolida of the Oriental and Australian regions (Diplopoda). - Myriapod memoranda 4: 5-104

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2001): Julus lucifugus Gervais, 1836,a long overlooked name for a wide-spresd synanthrope millipede (Diplopoda, Spirobolida, Spirobolellidae). - Myriapod memoranda 3: 39-43

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2001): The Dutch millipede fauna, as compared with the British. - Bulletin of the British Myriapod and Isopod Group 17: 43-59

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2002): Millipedes from Australia, 14: A third contribution to the South Australian Paradoxosomatidae (Diplopoda, Polydesmida). - Myriapod memoranda 5: 60-77

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2003): A bibliographic catalogue of the order Glomeridesmida (Diplopoda). - Myriapod memoranda 6: 102-109

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2003): African Paradoxosomatidae, 1: genus Eviulisoma Silvestri (Diplopoda, Polydesmida). - Myriapod memoranda 6: 46-88

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2003): Millipedes from Australia, 15: Spirobolellus (Diplopoda, Spirobolida) from Lord Howe Island. - Myriapod memoranda 6: 5-13

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2003): Millipedes from Australia, 16: further notes on Australiosomatinae from New South Wales with descriptions of a new genus and four new species (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae). - Myriapod memoranda 6: 28-45

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2003): Notes on some Chilopoda from the Sierra Nevada, Spain. - Myriapod memoranda 6: 89-101

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2003): Paradoxosomatidae from North Pakistan, collected by Cl. Besuchet and I. Loebl in 1983 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida). - Myriapod memoranda 6: 14-27

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2004): A collection of papers and notes on systematics and geography of Diplopoda and Chilopoda.. - Myriapod memoranda: 1-109

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2006): A bibliographic catalogue of the Oriental Harpagophoridae (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida). - Myriapod memoranda 9: 5-58

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2006): African Paradoxosomatidae, 3. Tribe Cnemodesmini_ genus Ectodesmus COOK (Diplopoda, Polydesmida). - Myriapod memoranda 8: 45-54

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2006): Guyana Spirostreptidae, notes and descriptions (Diplopoda). - Myriapod memoranda 8: 27-44

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2006): Millipedes from Australia, 18_Tasmanian Paradoxosomatidae (Diplopoda, Polydesmida). - Myriapod memoranda 8: 75-89

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2006): Millipedes from Australia, 19_Queensland Rhinocricidae_A first reconnaissance (Diplopoda, Spirobolida). - Myriapod memoranda 8: 91-102

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2006): Millipedes from Australia, 20: A new genus and two new species of Antichiropodini from Lord Howe Island (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae). - Myriapod memoranda 9: 65-72

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2006): Millipedes from Australia, 21: Two new species of the genus Orthorhachis Jeekel from caves in New South Wales (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Dalodesmidae). - Myriapod memoranda 9: 73-78

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2006): Millipedes from Australia, 22: A further contribution to New South Wales Australiosomatini (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae). - Myriapod memoranda 9: 79-107

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2006): Miscellaneous notes on dutch myriapods. - Myriapod memoranda 8: 5-14

Jeekel, Casimir Albrecht Willem (2006): Notes on four Dalodesmidae (Diplopoda, Polydesmida) from New Zealand. - Myriapod memoranda 8: 15-26
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