CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda

The CIM LIT is an online reference database to compile all literature references on Myriapoda. It contains nearly 17,000 references on Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda and Symphyla from the year 1551 up to date. But it is under no circumstances complete. It may be assumed that the number of publications on Myriapods exceeds 20,000.

The new CIM LIT database based on the MyriaLit database. Hans Reip started to compile the MyriaLit including the literature collections from the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (Karin Voigtländer), Norman Lindner, Jörg Spelda, Peter Decker and Jörg Rosenberg.

In 2019, the MyriaLit as well as the latest version of the literature collection of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural and History Görlitz (ca. 8.000 references) were merged and the CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda from the Centre International de Myriapodologie (CIM) went online and allows all CIM members to add references to this database.

Please visit CIM LIT and register to add your references, fill gaps and to keep the database up-to-date.

Please cite CIM LIT as follows:
Reip, H. S., Decker, P., Spelda, J., Voigtländer, K. & International Society for Myriapodology (2021) CIM LIT - The Online Literature Database for Myriapoda. Accessed at

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Loksa, I. (1970): Beschreibung einiger durch Prof. Dr. H. Franz auf Rhodos (Griechenland) gesammelter Diplopoden. - Opuscula zoologica Instituti Zoosystematici et Oecologici Universitatis Budapestinensis 10: 263-270

Loksa, I. (1971): Die von K. Lindberg in Afghanistan gesammelten Chilopoden. - Senckenbergiana biologica 52 (1-2): 103-112

Loksa, I. (1971): Zoozönologische Untersuchungen im nördlichen Bakony-Gebirge - Zoocenological studies in the northern part of the Bakony mountains in Hungary. - Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae / Sectio Biologica 13: 301-314

Loksa, I. (1973): Bodenzoologische Untersuchungen in den Alkali-Waldsteppen von Margita, Ungarn. 1. Untersuchung der Arthropoden-Makrofauna, nebst Bemerkungen über die Oniscoidea-Arten. - Opuscula zoologica Instituti Zoosystematici et Oecologici Universitatis Budapestinensis 11: 79-93


Loksa, I. (1977): Két gyertyános-tölgyes mintaterület ászkarák, ikerszelvényes és százlábú népességeirol. - A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Biológiai Tudományok Osztályának közleményei 20: 207-211

Loksa, I. (1978): Chilopoden aus der Mongolei (Arthropoda: Tracheata, Chilopoda). - Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 70: 111-120

Loksa, I. (1979): Quantitative Untersuchungen über die Makrofauna der Laubstreu in Zerreichen- und Hainsimsen-Eichen-Beständen des Bükk-Gebirges - Quantitative investigations on the macrofauna of leaf litter of Quercetum petraeae cerris and Luzulo-Quercetum of Bukk Mount. - Opuscula zoologica Instituti Zoosystematici et Oecologici Universitatis Budapestinensis 16 (1-2): 87-96 — link

Loksa, I. (1981): A barcsi borokas ikerszelvenyes (Diplopoda) es szazlabu (Chilopoda) faunanja. - Dunantuli Dolgozatok (A) Termeszettudomanyi Sorozat 2: 45-52

Loksa, I. (1983): Diplopoda and Chilopoda from the Hortobágy National Park. - Natural History of the National Parks of Hungary 2: 67-69

Loksa, I. (1988): Über einige Arthropoden Gruppen aus dem Biosphare Reservat des Pilis Gebirges (Ungarn). 1. Die Diplopoden, Chilopoden, Weberknechte und Spinnen vom Szamar Berg und aus der Umgebung der Loss Wand von Basaharc. - Opuscula zoologica Instituti Zoosystematici et Oecologici Universitatis Budapestinensis 23: 159-176

Loksa, I. (1991): Über einige Arthropoden-Gruppen aus dem Pilis-Biospharen-Reservat (Ungarn). 2. Die Diplopoden, Chilopoden, Weberknechte und Spinnen aus dem Gebiet zwischen Kakas-berg (Pilisentkereszt) und Ispan-Wiese (Mikula-haraszt). - Opuscula zoologica, Budapest 24: 129-141

Loksa, I.; Zicsi, A. (1972): A Zooedaphon szerepenek vizsgalata terepenes Modell-Kiserletekben..: 45-50

Lokšina, I.E. (1958): Das Studium der Myriopodenfauna der UdSSR. - Akad. d. Wiss. d. UdSSR/ Abt. Biol. Wissenschaften: 3

Lokšina, I.E. (1958): Etude de la faune des Myriapodes de l'URSS.

Lokšina, I.E. (1960): О фауне Diplopoda мосовской области - [Über die Diplopodenfauna des Moskauer Gebietes]. - Zoologicheskii zhurnal 39 (11): 1737-1738

Lokšina, I.E. (1962): [Polydesmoidea of the forest zone of the European part of the USSR]. - Zoologicheskii zhurnal 41: 456-459

Lokšina, I.E. (1964): Mnogonožki (Diplopoda) v lesnych pocvach Belovežskoj Pušci [Die Diplopoden in den Waldböden der Belovezskaja Pusca]. - Pedobiologia 4: 299-309

Lokšina, I.E. (1966): [Distribution of Diplopoda of the russian plain inzonal aspect]. - Zoologicheskii zhurnal 45 (12): 1773-1778

Lokšina, I.E. (1966): [Les Diplopodes de la partie centrale des forets de coniferes et de feuillus de la plaine russe]. - Vlijanie zhivatnykh na produktivnost'lesnykh biogeocenozov Moskva, Izdat. Nauka 21 (14): 192-202

Lokšina, I.E. (1969): Bestimmungsschlüssel der Diplopoden des ebenen Teiles des europäischen Territoriums der UdSSR.. - Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of Animals, USSR Academy of Science: 1-78

Lokšina, I.E.; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich (1977): The new myriapods (Diplopoda) from the USSR. - Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists 82 (1): 73-78

Lokšina, I.E.; Golovatch, Sergei Ilyich (1979): Diplopoda of the USSR fauna. - Pedobiologia 19: 381-389

Long, R. (1980): Entomology section report for 1979. - Societe Jersiaise Annual Bulletin 22 (4): 377-381

Lonner, Brent N.; Douglass, Richard J.; Hughes, Kevin (2003): Invertabrate abundance and biomass distribution patterns in western and central Montana. - Intermountain Journal of Sciences 9 (2-3): 78-86

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1933): Egg-laying habits and larval stages of a milliped, Arctobolus marginatus (Say) Cook, native at Whashington, D. C. - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 23: 100-109

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1933): Three new Cuban millipeds, with notes on two little-known species. - Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 75 (9): 363-357

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1934): Millipeds of the West Indies and Guiana collectet by the Allison V. Armour Expedition in 1932. - Smithsonian miscellaneous Collections 89 (14): 1-69

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1936): New millipeds of the American family Striariidae. - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 26 (10): 404-409

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1936): The millipeds of Hispaniola, with descriptions of a new family, new genera, and new species. - Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 80 (1): 1-191

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1936): Three new millipeds of the order Colobognatha from Tennessee, Texas, and lower California, with records of previously known species. - Proceedings of the United States National Museum 83 (2989): 361-368

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1937): Crested millipeds of the family Lysiopetalidae in North America, with Descriptions of new genera and species. - Proceedings of the United States National Museum 84 (3006): 97-135

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1937): New Jamaican and Cuban millipeds, with notes on several other species. - Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 80: 215-228

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1938): New and noteworthy millipeds from Cuba collected by Dr. P.J. Darlington in 1936. - Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 82 (6): 427-481

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1938): The cambaloid millipeds of the United States, including a family new to the fauna and genera and species. - Proceedings of the United States National Museum 86 (3043): 27-66

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1939): The millipeds collected in Appalachian caves by Mr. Kenneth Dearolf. - Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 86 (4): 165-193

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1941): A new Cuban Milliped, with notes and drawings of other West Indian species. - Psyche 48 (1): 35-38

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1941): Millipeds collected in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic by Dr. P. J. Darlington in 1938. - Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 88 (2): 17-80

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1941): New genera and species of Millipeds from the Southern peninsula of Haiti. - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 31: 188-195

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1942): Sinocybe a new genus of colobognath millipeds from China. - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 32 (9): 270-273

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1943): A new genus of Virginia millipeds related to Scynotonus and a new species from Florida. - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 33 (10): 318-320

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1943): New cave and epigean millipeds of the United States, with notes on some estabished species. - Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 92 (7): 371-410

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1944): Millipeds principally collected by Professor V. E. Shelford in the eastern and southeastern United States. - Psyche 51 (3-4): 166-177

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1948): Two new millipeds of Jamaica. - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 38 (5): 185-188

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1949): New millipeds of the spiroboloid genus Watichelus from the Pacific Coast. - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 39: 241-244

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1950): Synonymy of some native American and introduced millipeds. - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 40: 164-166

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1951): A luminiscent new xystodesmid milliped from California. - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 41: 270-272

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1953): New millipeds of the western States and Lower California. - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 43: 417-422

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1958): A new milliped family on Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 48: 235-237

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1959): A new milliped from Honduras. - Ceiba. Esc. Agric. Panam 8 (2): 1-3

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1959): Millipeds collected en route from Florida to San Antonio, Texas, and vicinity. - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 49: 157-163

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1959): New myrmecophilous millipeds from Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone, and Mexico. - Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 32 (7): 1-7

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1960): Millipeds of the order Polydesmida from the western states and Baja California. - Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 33: 57-68

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1961): New and previously known millipeds of Panama. - Proceedings of the United States National Museum 113 (3459): 77-123

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1962): Two unusual Central American spirostreptid milliped species. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 75: 47-52

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1963): A new Florida Milliped genus of the family Paraiulidae. - Florida Entomologist 46 (2): 193-195

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1963): Millipeds from states immediately north abd south of the Mexican boundary. - Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 36: 118-126

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1964): The millipeds of Panama (Diplopoda). - Fieldiana, Zoology 47 (1): 1-136

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1964): Three new polydesmoid millipeds from Central America. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 77: 183-188

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1966): Descriptions and records of Mexican Diplopoda. - Annals of the Entomological Society of America 59: 11-27

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1966): Millipeds from the region of Monterrey, Mexico. - Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 39: 513-524

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1966): Two new families and other North American Diplopoda of the suborder Chordeumidea. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 79: 221-230

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1968): A checklist of the millipeds of Mexico and Central America. - United States National Museum Bulletin 266: 1-137

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1968): New North American spiroboloid millipeds of the families Atopetholidae and Messicobolidae. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 81: 499-510

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1968): New and known paraiulid millipeds from various parts of the United States. - Florida Entomologist 51: 159-166

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1968): New species and records of millipeds from Nuevo León, Mexico. - Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 41: 382-394

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1969): Millipeds from Jamaican caves. - Florida Entomologist 52 (3): 141-145

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1969): New and known millipeds from four southern states. - Florida Entomologist 52: 245-251

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1970): Millipeds of St. John, U. S. Virgin Islands, and a new species from Puerto Rico. - Florida Entomologist 53 (3): 129-134

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1971): Additions to the millipeds of Mexico (Myriapoda: Diplopoda). - Anales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Serie Zoología 40: 49-54

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1971): Rectified type locality for two millipeds formerly credited to Panama. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 84 (21): 175-176

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1971): The diplopod genus Polyzonium in North America. - Florida Entomologist 54: 151-163

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1972): Millipeds associated with ants in Washington State. - Florida Entomologist 55: 145-151

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1972): Millipeds from the atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica. - Florida Entomologist 55 (3): 185-206

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1972): Some notes on the milliped family Paeromopidae, with a description of a new species. - Florida Entomologist 55: 259-262

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1973): Poratioides disparatus, a tiny new Stylodesmid millipeds from South Florida, mostly represnted by females. - Florida Entomologist 56 (4): 312-323

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1974): Millipeds from southern Costa Rican highlands. - Florida Entomologist 57 (2): 169-187

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1975): New millipeds in a noteworthy collection from Jamaica. - Florida Entomologist 58: 167-185

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1975): Three new parajulid millipeds from Texas. - Florida Entomologist 58: 217-220

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1976): Some blue-green rhachodesmid millipeds of Mexico related to Strongylodesmus Sausure. - Florida Entomologist 59: 397-402

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1976): Two new species of diplopods from Texas and one from Mexico. - Florida Entomologist 59 (3): 287-292

Loomis, Harold Frederick (1977): Three new millipeds from West Indian caves. - Florida Entomologist 60: 21-25

Loomis, Harold Frederick; Hoffman, Richard Lawrence (1948): Synonymy of various Diplopods. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 61: 51-54

Loomis, Harold Frederick; Hoffman, Richard Lawrence (1962): A remarkable new family of spined polydesmoid Diplopoda, including a species lacking gonopods in the male sex. - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 75: 145-158

Loomis, Harold Frederick; Schmitt, Rupert (1971): The ecology, distribution and taxnomy of the millipeds of Montana west of the Continental Divide. - Northwest Science 45: 107-131

Lopes, Sonia Maria; Carreira-Alves, Joao Ricardo; De-Oliveira, Edivar Heeren (2006): Tipos de Frota-Pessoa, Miranda-Ribeiro, New, Schubart & Werneck depositados na colecao do Museu Nacional, UFRJ, Brazil. - Publicacoes Avulsas do Museu Nacional (Rio de Janeiro) (109): 3-12

Lopez Gutierrez, Beatriz; MacLeod, Norman; Edgecombe, Gregory D. (2011): Detecting taxonomic signal in an under-utilised character system: geometric morphometrics of the forcipular coxae of Scutigeromorpha (Chilopoda). - ZooKeys 156: 49-66

Lopez, Pilar; Martin, Jose L. (2001): Chemosensory predator recognition induces specific defensive behaviours in a fossorial amphisbaenian. - Animal Behaviour 62 (2): 259-264

Loranger, Gladys (2001): Formes d'humus originales dans une foret tropicale semi-decidue de la Guadeloupe. - Particular humus forms in a tropical semi-evergreen forest of Guadeloupe. - Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Série III 324 (8): 725-732

Loranger, Gladys; Ponge, Jean-François; Blanchart, Eric; Lavelle, Patrick (1998): Impact of earthworms on the diversity of microarthropods in a vertisol (Martinique). - Biology and Fertility of Soils 27: 21-26

Loranger, Gladys; Ponge, Jean-François; Lavelle, Patrick (2003): Humus forms in two secondary semi-evergreen tropical forests. - European Journal of Soil Science 54 (1): 17-24

Loranger-Merciris, Gladys; Imbert, Daniel; Bernhard-Reversat, France; Lavelle, Patrick; Ponge, Jean-François (2008): Litter N-content influences soil millipede abundance, species richness and feeding preferences in a semi-evergreen dry forest of Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles). - Biology and Fertility of Soils 45 (1): 93-98

Loranger-Merciris, Gladys; Imbert, Daniel; Bernhard-Reversat, France; Ponge, Jean-François; Lavelle, Patrick (2007): Soil fauna abundance and diversity in a secondary semi-evergreen forest in Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles): influence of soil type and dominant tree species. - Biology and Fertility of Soils 44: 269-276

Lord, W. D.; Burger, J. F. (1984): Arthropods associated with harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) carcasses stranded on islands along the New England coast. - International Journal of Entomology, USA 26 (3): 282-285

Loreau, M. (1984): Experimental study of the feeding of Abax ater, Carabus problematicus and Cychrus attenuatus (Coleoptera Carabidae). - Annales de la Socie´te´ Royale Zoologique de Belgique 114 (2): 227-240

Loreau, M. (1987): Vertical distribution of activity of carabid beetles in a beech forest floor.. - Pedobiologia: 173-178

Lorenzo, Michael A. (1961): The cephalic nervous system of the centipede Arenophilus bipuncticeps (Wood) (Chilopoda, Geophilomorpha, Geophilidae). - Smithsonian miscellaneous Collections 140 (4): 1-43

Loria, Stephanie F.; Zigler, Kirk S.; Lewis, Julian J. (2011): Molecular phylogeography of the troglobiotic millipede Tetracion Hoffman, 1956 (Diplopoda, Callipodida, Abacionidae). - International Journal of Myriapodology 5: 35-48

Loring, S. J. (1980): Extension of range for 2 symphylid species (Symphyla Scolopendrellidae). - Entomological News 91 (1): 15-18

Loubes, C. (1979): Meiosis in microsporidia consequences on the life cycles. - Journal of Protozoology 26 (2)
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