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Glossary of shape and condition words
Below are most of the special anatomical words that you will find in English-language descriptions of Polydesmida. I have left out words for colour (see the colour page) and words used with the same meaning in everyday English.
Please note: there is nothing wrong or unscientific in using kidney-shaped instead of reniform, or hook-like for uncate. Plain language is always welcome, even in scientific papers!
Also note that millipede specialists often use the prefix sub-. It means roughly, approximately, more or less.
abraded describes a body surface with its setae rubbed or broken off
acicular needle-like
aculeate armed with a sharp point
acuminate tapering gradually to a point
acute with sides meeting at a narrow angle
alveolate full of small cavities, like a honeycomb
apodous without legs
appressed close together but not joined
arcuate curved gradually, like a bow
bacilliform rod-shaped
bifid dividing into two branches
bifurcate dividing into two branches
boletiform mushroom-shaped
cingulate girdled or ringed
clavate club-shaped
cordiform heart-shaped
coriaceous leather-like
costate ribbed
crenate with a margin made up of low, rounded teeth
crenulate with a margin made up of very small rounded teeth
cuneate shaped like a wedge with the thin edge proximal or basal
declivous sloping downwards
deflexed bent abruptly downwards
dentate with a toothed margin
denticulate finely dentate
divaricate dividing into two branches; forked
digitiform finger-like
elongate long and narrow
emarginate with a notched or concave margin; often used to describe a margin with a broad indentation
entire complete, unbroken, not interrupted
falcate sickle-shaped
filiform thread-like
fimbriate fringed
flabellate fan-shaped
flagelliform long, very thin and tapering
geniculate bent like a knee or elbow
galeate helmet-shaped
galeiform helmet-shaped
glabrous without setae; bare
granular grainy
granulate grainy
granulose grainy
helical spiralling like a helix
hyaline thin and transparent or translucent
imbricate with overlapping elements, like tiles overlapping on a roof
incrassate thickened or swollen
laciniate cut into irregular lobes
lamellar thin, plate-like, like a fish gill
laminate thin and flat; sheet-like
lanceolate narrow and tapering to a point, like the head of a lance
lenticular lens-shaped; convex on opposing sides
linguiform tongue-shaped
lobiform lobe-like
lobulate divided into small lobes
lunate shaped like a crescent moon
moniliform like a uniform string of beads
mucronate with an abruptly projecting point
obconical like an inverted cone
obliterate missing or not detectable
ovoid more or less oval in outline
parabasal located close to the base and attached to it
pectinate comb-like
pilose densely setose
poriferous bearing an ozopore (when applied to Polydesmida body rings)
pubescence fine setation (when applied to Polydesmida body surface)
punctate marked with small dots or pits
recurved curved backwards
reniform kidney-shaped
reticulate net-like
retrorse bent or curved backwards or downwards
rhomboid rhombus- or diamond-shaped
rostrate beaked
rugose wrinkled
rugulose with minute wrinkles
seriate arranged in a series
serrate saw-toothed
serrulate like the edge of a saw with very small teeth
setation all the setae on the body or a body part
setiferous bearing setae
setigerous bearing setae
setose with setae
Setose should not be used without qualifying, e.g. with sparsely, moderately or densely. Most of a polydesmidan's body bears setae, so setose by itself does not tell you very much. Qualifying words are not entirely satisfactory (sparsely compared to what?), but they are better than nothing.
shagreened covered with tiny scales or bumps, like shark skin
spathulate spoon-shaped
spiniferous bearing spines
spiniform spine-like
striate, striated with (often parallel) fine lines or grooves
striolate, striolated minutely striate
styliform slender and pointed
trapeziform shaped like a trapezoid
trapezoidal shaped like a trapezoid
tridentate three-toothed
trifid dividing into three branches
trifurcate dividing into three branches
truncate cut off at the free end
tuberculate with tubercles
uncate hook-like
unciform hook-shaped
undulate with a wavy margin or shape
villose covered with numerous fine setae (when applied to Polydesmida)
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